Consider goblin arsonists? Either kill of small creatures or just bring them down a bit slower. Mostly the fact that they are for 1 red
Also i recommend adding one more Soulstoke and Smokebraider.
I made an elemental deck also, I like yours because its not nearly as expensive as mine :) Considering running Sunflare Shamans, they can be really helpful later in the game. This is my elemental deck:
I like it
Do you play without lands?
I have 2 red decks that all of my friends hate playing against. 1 of them is entirely cards like warp world and things to just mess with the game. (Look up Timesifter) The other one is nicknamed the Holocaust deck, and is a different type of chaos, but deadly nonetheless. Here it is
How is $86 dollars budget?! Anyway i think with the amount of creature control and speed this deck has it'd do just fine, although Bloodghast would be a very good addition.
Warp World ftw
Fucking awesome. Just saying.
Is the secret Taunting Elf + Vigor? Its almost like cheating.
I have a deck similar to this, and the only problem it runs into is when you get an unlucky draw. If you don't get a trader somehow, you're totally fucked. The tutor could help you out, but other than that you're SOL, I wish i had a solution but i don't, maybe you do haha This is mine, which isn't tournament legal, but still loads of fun.
The only problem i'm running into is mana acceleration, does anyone have any ideas to help?
Although i think the damage would quadruple by the time he deals it....maybe you're right haha
Consider removing a haunting echoes or two for a Telemin Performance, its a nice mill that can also land you some pretty sick creatures. Also i hope you know that traumatize + keening stone = win. Good deck though!
I thought about that too, the reason i wanted this one was because Stuffy Doll's wording states that he deals the damage, and the difference between Furnace and Violence is that Furnace is all damage, while Violence is only damage that I deal. This is my Bazaar Trader deck, i think you might like it :D
The copies don't come in with counters on them
Of course mine isn't legal, its for casual play.
I have a deck that also uses these in a fun multiplayer way as well, check it out
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