
172 Decks, 358 Comments, 100 Reputation

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Posted 02 April 2013 at 19:23 as a comment on Patriot Onslaught


I didn't break the bank with this build, but got pretty close to putting it out side of most casual players price range. With the extra cash put in, it still doesn't add the "wow" effect to make you go an run out to the nearest card shop and buy it. It really shouldn't either, since this a casual build. There are a few interesting things you can do with this one.

It does pretty average in casual games face to face, but throw it in a multiplayer match, (were you HAVE TIME to build mass armies) and it becomes a huge threat. Still, not the best, not the worst.

Posted 01 April 2013 at 01:38 as a comment on Ever Growth


This deck preforms surprisingly well, give it to anyone, and you can make a good player out of them. Just remember, ALWAYS BUFF THRABEN! If you aren't gaining life by turn three you have done something wrong. No combos either! Just play it strait! If you want to be a little tricky, exile goldnight redeemer with fiend hunter, and swing with him...

So what do you think? Like it? Hate it? Wonder How I did it? Post!

Posted 01 April 2013 at 01:14 as a comment on Ever Vigilant


Turn four you say? It's that consistent? Interesting. Why didn't we see you at worlds? >=D
(just screwing with you, I am a control player, I like messing with the Aggro players)

Even with a bunch of low cost, your mana is wrong. 20 mana for 44 creatures? That ratio kills most decks, even yours. I love to see Skarrg in here, he usually isn't. He is a great card.

Really that mana spread is the only problem. I'd say just drop flint hoof boar all together, and call it finished. That or run three copies of a few things that aren't working for you.

I wouldn't drop down on any of the burn spells, they are absolutely needed. Especially for those supreme verdicts that they'll try to drop on you as soon as possible.

Posted 26 March 2013 at 23:47 as a comment on Naya Humans, Aggro


A deck I have been wanting to share for awhile. It is entirely based around the combat phase. Definitely would help the players that are shy or reserved in combat become efficient. It happens, I have seen plenty of people who have game, lose it because they do not recognize and seize the opportunities.

Not only does this deck help those types of players be more combat orientated, it is a fun deck to play! Well, maybe that's just my bias since I favor white decks. Comments? Suggestions? Think I am full of garbage? Post below!

Posted 26 March 2013 at 23:31 as a comment on Art Of War


I am sorry? First attempt? I would invite you to look at the other ladies decks I've built... Or perhaps, the other white decks. I am not saying this is the best it could be, but with the mana cost, and the synergy, it would definitely get the job done. Especially considering I make these types of deck for casual play.

Posted 25 March 2013 at 19:22 as a comment on Sex Appeal (Good Girls)


Flickering Aurelia adds more combat phases? Explain yourself...
(more like, re read the card)

When Aurelia attacks the first time this turn, so what? Attack and flicker? Well guess what buddy? The turn isn't over. You do get the other combat phase, but you wouldn't get another.

Posted 25 March 2013 at 19:14 as a comment on Naya Flicker


Must have been hard! Like it, but I wonder how it would play.

Posted 25 March 2013 at 18:07 as a comment on Greg's Bant Deck


I reached into modern format to make a mono white all girl deck! This one can be fast, dropping low cost creatures and gaining a bit of life, followed by buffing them and giving them a bit of protection. Four mana is all you need!

Likes? Comments? Suggestions? Oh come on, out of all the white cards in modern there has to be some suggestion!

Post below!

Posted 25 March 2013 at 18:05 as a comment on Sex Appeal (Good Girls)


You are right about his mana situation, he is basically praying for farseek first hand. About borderland ranger, you are dead wrong. He is not a useful card in this deck. Especially since he searches for basic land

Posted 24 March 2013 at 23:10 in reply to #334956 on Standard Legal-Infinite Combo


This is re animator. It really isn't new... just last week someone I knew sold this deck at my school because "he was getting out of standard" which just means he is sick of having these good decks that lose against not as expensive decks. Reanimator is a good strategy, I have one built in one of the long list of decks I have "Glory's rise to power" I think it is called.

Infinite combos in standard are very, veryy, veryyy common. Everyone at the gatecrash protour pretty much had the boros reckoner combo in some form or another. Its intense, sure, but not a fear of mine. I reckonized those colors immediately. If I had to play this in a tournament, my deck would be more then equiped to stop it.

This one is about infinite 2/2 wolves. Mine is about infinite power, same strategy though.

Lastly, I will make ONE helpful comment. Jarad's orders. For four cost, you can set up your entire creature baised combo. Search for the glories rise and put her to the graveyard, and get huntmaster of the fells into your hand. That or a Fiend hunter, which ever one you need. Next, you wont need four glories rises. Three is fine, two is the lowest I would go. Jarad's Orders make it much nicer. With the extra slots, I guess you could run more slauter games, or you could run some more draw.

Now before you castrate me for suggesting to drop down on the key card lets take a look at the numbers: Its a seven cost, so worst case senario, it comes out turn seven earliest. This is reanimator, so you can cheat her out at five. With three copies of her, you have about a fifty percent chance of having drawn her by turn five, with no other draw cards taken for account! You have 12 ways to get this card into your graveyard. Or in perspective, a fifth of your deck is all about getting one card in your graveyard. At turn five, glories rise should be there, any earlier and its a huge exile target, any later and the deck isn't playing at its best. You can argue turn four because of farseek, but you also have plenty of other turn two plays, that would be much better. Therefore, all this in consideration, If you drop down on glory's rise, even by one, and drop down on slaugter games (its not helping you get the combo out) and put in two Jarad's Orders, you'd increase your chances of having the right cards in the graveyard at the right time.

Just a thought.

Posted 24 March 2013 at 18:49 as a comment on Standard Legal-Infinite Combo


Best done on an IRC or chat room...

Posted 24 March 2013 at 05:17 as a comment on Let's grab a drink and talk!


Hmm, with all those keys, you'd expect a door. Even if it lead to no where.

Hmm... a card, keys, doors...

Oh yes! Door to nothingness. Run it. For the themed lols

Posted 24 March 2013 at 05:16 as a comment on Keyrune Deck


I don't usually make modern decks, but when I do, I like to put some time into them. With so many more cards to choose from then standard, its hard to know what cards are best for what! Even in a mono white.

I'll be more open for suggestions here, so go ahead and post them!

Posted 24 March 2013 at 05:14 as a comment on Spirited Away


How would either of those really help? Trackers instinct puts things into the graveyard, but this deck is built with only really one thing mind to actually be in there. It has it's uses, but not in this deck.

Deathrite shaman? No purpose what so ever in this deck. First off, he is an elf. Next he does a bunch of exile effects that hurt me just as much as my opponent. Lastly, he has neither flying or island walk.

So to answer your question, no I haven't thought of those two cards, not until now. They just don't fit.

Posted 24 March 2013 at 04:24 in reply to #334454 on Perfect Storm


Not a problem, a myriad of my decks would be able to stop it. Cyclonic rift? Terminus? FTW?

Posted 22 March 2013 at 20:07 as a comment on Its a Little Funny


I actually like the cost of this one, a bit low for my tournament quality decks, that is always good. What do you think? BUG decks bug me, they (usually) make perfect combo decks. Blue for the combo cards, black for the removal, and green for the mana to pay for it. This one is heavy creature based, on purpose, but still awesome.

Like the thought? Wanna comment? Post below! If I like what you have to say, you'll get rep!

Posted 22 March 2013 at 20:01 as a comment on Perfect Storm


How's it running for you refiper?

Posted 22 March 2013 at 19:05 in reply to #333470 on Sex Appeal (deadly attraction)


Uh sorry... I meant to have stomping grounds rather than root bond crag.

Posted 20 March 2013 at 02:29 in reply to #333322 on Manaflood!


An entire deck, based around what most decks use to build around other core concepts. Mana isn't the support cards in this deck, it is the main feature! Get in tune with nature, and use the raw power of mana to slay your opponents!

Like the deck? Don't like the deck? Tell me why! Post below!

Posted 20 March 2013 at 02:12 as a comment on Manaflood!


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