
140 Decks, 53 Comments, 6 Reputation

rancor costs way more tho

Posted 11 July 2017 at 20:33 in reply to #602740 on Hydra/Elf Mana Ramp


Visionaries is ok, but for draw I decided to put in benefactors draught, because it allows me to draw multiple cards and it gives me even more mana

Posted 09 July 2017 at 13:04 in reply to #600907 on Hydra/Elf Mana Ramp


Have you considered adding recurring nightmare to this? It's a low mana way to trade out guys from on the graveyard with guys on your battlefield. And you can use it over and over. You could use it to replace a demon that's destroying too many of your guys, or you could use it to replace a token with a 7/7 or something like that.

Posted 27 March 2017 at 11:24 as a comment on Bubby's Demon deck


I noticed that feast of blood is in your sideboard, but I think it would do much better in your deck. It would replace go for the throat and still be effective against affinity decks, not to mention the +4 life that would boost the envoy. Even though you do need two vamps on the field, that shouldn't be very hard.

Posted 02 March 2017 at 14:56 as a comment on Vampire


Realistically I'm only keeping it mono black because it's the cards I already have, and I like it the way it is. So recently, I have been looking into 2-3 mana cards to balance the curve a bit more. Gatekeeper and Nighthawk are good, but as theyre a bit expensive, I'm starting to lean toward Arrogant Bloodlord. Do you have anyh other ideas?

Posted 07 February 2017 at 14:27 in reply to #594890 on Bloodthirsty Vampires


Does anyone know how to add foils? Bloodlord has different art as a foil and it just doesn't feel the same with the normal look. My profile pic is of the foil because it just looks so good.

Posted 05 February 2017 at 01:54 as a comment on Bloodthirsty Vampires


Ok. First I'd like to thank you for pointing that out before I went to a tournament.


Third, now that I've finished raging about the uselessness of half my deck, I went looking around for black burn spells and couldn't find any cost-effective ones, but then I remembered a strategy that someone else on this site was using. Off-colored phyrexian spells. So I did some searching, and I found Gut Shot, which I think is a perfect solution. Granted, I come out slightly behind if it's used alone, but essentially, relative to my opponent, I pay one life to activate boodthirst.

Posted 04 February 2017 at 15:33 in reply to #594890 on Bloodthirsty Vampires


According to the mtg wiki, burn spells do activate bloodthirst, so bump in the night is all good. Although my deck is a bit battle focused, the idea is all about finding cheap ways to quickly deal damage, since it's really only about bloodthirst. With everything in here, those ways include:
-Attacking normally without being blocked (duh)
-Attacking with Pulse Tracker regardless of blockers
-Killing anything with Falkenrath down, such as:
a. Feast of Blood
b. Tendrils of Corruption (although this is more later in the game when I already have Bloodlord down and I'm trying to boost one-drops)
c. Just having Anowon down
d. Attacking with anything weak enough that if it's blocked it gets killed.
e. I suppse Grasp of Darkness of Urge to feed, but those have a limit of what they can kill.
-Bump in the Night (yes, it does work)
-Blood Tribute (again, not really practical early on, but it could be used later in the game)

If I'm being completely honest, Dark Ritual is in there because I don't have that many cards and my friend gave four of them to me when he saw I got a really basic vampire deck. Over time, it evolved into this, and the Dark Rituals seemed to good to give up. They are also Legacy-legal. I suppose I could replace it with one of your options, or maybe I'll replace them with Doom Blades, since I have those, but only if I actually go to a tournament.

Posted 02 February 2017 at 14:25 in reply to #594890 on Bloodthirsty Vampires


I was thinking about bloodline keeper, but according to one of the rulings on bloodlord, it doesnt affect tokens. Gatekeeper and Nighthawk could potentially be good; I do agree with that. Vampire Nocturnus is a great idea. Dark ritual is in there because it lets me put down bloodlord turn three. A 6/6 flyer, turn three.

Posted 01 February 2017 at 17:45 in reply to #594890 on Bloodthirsty Vampires


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