
17 Decks, 53 Comments, 14 Reputation

This is pretty nice. I've been loving a few Goblin Rabblemaster's in my Mardu deck, but they're pricey right now. The Goblin's it spawns work nicely for getting Butcher of the Horde onto the battlefield with haste.

Posted 02 October 2014 at 05:13 as a comment on [KTK] Mardu Assault Squad


Would Abzan Ascendancy work for your concept. It combo's well with Hardened Scales and they're only a dollar each. Plus they're awesome for getting instant Outlast capabilities.

Posted 02 October 2014 at 05:11 as a comment on [Budget] Bant-zan Heroes


kmk is right about the Ascendancy. It craps all over peoples decks. Here's my build. It is a bit pricy, but once you get Ivorytusk Fortress on there it can get pretty nuts. My deck goes in a bit of a different direction than yours.

Posted 02 October 2014 at 01:19 in reply to #507720 on Azban Junk


I like your direction, but you're playing Junk (B/W/G). If you're just going for budget deck, cool. What about some Banishing Light's in the Main and some Hero's Downfall's in the Main or at least SB.

Mer-Ek Nightblade would give this deck some deathtouch.

I'd almost toss the Hardened Scales for Hero's Downfall.

Posted 24 September 2014 at 00:34 as a comment on Azban Junk


Yes, Yes, Yes, F*ck yes.

Now for my input. 4x Banishing Light always in Main. Always. Plenty of Ramp going already.

Toss the other Ajani's in your SB for 2x Reclamation Sage. That dude is OP but no one knows it. Especially if you run against a heavy Artifact/Enchantment Deck. You want to exile stuff with Delve being back into play. Avoid destroying creatures if you can.

If you run white, and you're prepping for multi colored decks you need to run 4x Soldier of the Pantheon. I'd say drop two Fleecemain and 2 Elvish for the Soldier of the Pantheon's. You already have enough ramp going on in the deck to not worry about dropping 2 Dorks. I mean 24 land is what you need to run Elspeth. With that said. I'd drop down to 22 land seeing how you have Courser/Sylvan already doing your land work for you.

If you're running the Darksteel for the Godsend, drop the Darksteel and 1 more Blossoming Sand for two more basic lands of your choice. You're running Elspeth, which means you need the mana to drop faster. Waiting a whole turn for Blossoming Sand to untap is going to suck if you're ready to drop Elspeth.

Also, how much is Nissa really helping this deck? Do you just want her for the 4/4's? I know she's awesome when she -7's, but I'm just not sure. I'd almost replace her for more Godsend's. Especially because, like I said earlier, you want to exile creatures with Delve being back in play.

That's it for now. Good synergy to be had in your deck. I like what you're trying to do. +1

Posted 24 September 2014 at 00:29 as a comment on Temple of Timmy


Played the deck again at FNM. Got beat by a Mono Green Ramp and some Blue Dev Evolve (can't even make it for post rotation) deck that this chick pulled off from a website that got first place.

The decks I did beat were a Mono-White Lifegain, Gruul Aggro, and another Mono-White Angel Lifegain.

Erebos, God of the Dead came in the clutch. Perilous Vault is an awesome card. I hit that sucker twice to win against the Mono-White Angel Lifegain aggro deck.

The SB is solid for enchanments. I'm going to see if Polukranos, World Eater is worth running. I'm not sure if he's worth it since I can't ramp him up that big, but we'll see next week. I took out Fanatic of Xenagos for the Polukranos, World Eater 's.

Either way, I'm loving this deck.

I've put in some 1,2,3 drops and it helps level the deck out, but I always end up sideboarding them for enchantment removal or something else.

Posted 07 September 2014 at 20:12 as a comment on Jund Monster/Walker Smash


This is high-larious. I love it. All I can think is that Islandwalkers are going to walk all over you. Other than that. Love it! Mill Mill Mill Mill. You should throw Profane Momento just to add insult to injury.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 07:28 as a comment on The Great Wall of Swag


It's based off of his current power, so it's 5 cards.

Posted 16 August 2014 at 08:28 in reply to #495107 on Shandalar Doom


If you want more artifacts for Shrapnel blast you could always use Goblin Kaboomist. Each mine can be used to with Shrapnel blast and they're just as free as Darksteel.

Posted 13 August 2014 at 05:37 as a comment on Shandalar Doom


When I used the mind sculpts on the Maze's End deck it was great. My opponent started digging through his library every chance he got, because he was worried I'd have another mind sculpt.

The mind sculpts work great with profane memento and to get the mill started early. Even when Profane isn't out there. When your opponent starts seeing all the cards you just milled they can get demoralized. That's why I love running mill decks. They're just decks to piss people off :)

You may be right with taking the Mind Sculpts down to 2-3. I do have another Phenax on order. He will be in this week. When I get him in I'll drop a Mind Sculpt and add in a third Phenax. That sounds like a good idea.

What I typically do is have a removal/counter card in my hand at all times (there's 6+ in the deck). I keep about 3 mana floating at all times for them, if possible.

Grindclock is way to slow to do anything. I had it in my side board, and when I brought it out it just didn't do anything for me. I see grindclock as another card that's going to stop me from getting Phenax and a Wall on the board. If you popped it early it would work great, but that's not going to happen unless I have 4 in the deck. Could I pull 3 Divination's for the Grindclock? Hmm. The only thing is that those Divinations come in super handy once you get to like turn 4-5. Or even early on. If the opponent only has a few 1-2 power creatures on the board, I'll use a Divination right when I can to keep my hand full of possibilities. I even keep 1-2 mana cards in my hand after they see me dissolving all their crap. That bluff pays off so much it's laughable.

I think the synergy of this deck is going to explode soon. I know it's there. That's why I'm here. To get great suggestions to hit it.

Thanks for all the input!

Posted 13 August 2014 at 05:12 in reply to #493774 on U/B Mill Deck - M15 (Post R2R)


Thanks Freddogmad. The only reason why I'm using Bile Blights is for the instant speed. If the opponent decides to spawn a ton of tokens with haste and swing I'm kind of screwed with Drown in Sorrow. I use the Poly and Bile together on the same drop. I do see the advantages to Drown in Sorrow though. I used it in my first version of this deck and I've just had better luck with the Poly/Bile combo. I'm going to add it to my Side-Side Board and play around with it again.

Basically, Coral Barrier is completely gone with an additional Thoughtseize and two Hero's Downfall's in the main. My SB now has 3x Chasm Skulker, 2x Hero's Downfall, 2x Jace's Ingenuity, 2x Master of Waves, 4x Mind Rot, 2x Waste Not.

If the mill isn't working I switch the deck out to a "No" deck. Dissipate, Poly, Bile, get switched out for 2x Waste Not, 4x Mind Rot, 2x additional Hero's Downfall.

I'll try out the additional profane this week and see how it goes. Updates have been added.

Forgot to say that I played a Maze's End deck tonight and Chasm Skulker totally did the trick against that deck. Went 2-1 against it once I SB after the first round. I pulled the Hero's Downfall's for the Chasm Skulker and the rest of the "No" SB that I listed above.

Posted 12 August 2014 at 06:07 in reply to #493774 on U/B Mill Deck - M15 (Post R2R)


Here's a link to my mill deck. It's been playing pretty well. Just play tested it against 3 other decks.

Posted 11 August 2014 at 07:10 in reply to #493534 on U/B Mill


Wiped previous comments because they were suggestions using R2R, which i'm not using.

Posted 11 August 2014 at 07:06 in reply to #493537 on U/B Mill Deck - M15 (Post R2R)


So I just updated this. Going to play test it tomorrow night at my local shop. I threw in a couple Liliana's and Profane Moments. Except for the 4 Mind Rot's, I'm pretty comfortable with the sideboard I have, but as always, suggestions are welcome.

Posted 11 August 2014 at 05:47 as a comment on U/B Mill Deck - M15 (Post R2R)


You could throw in some Polymorphist's Jest to really get the full benefits from Bile Blight.

Posted 11 August 2014 at 05:39 as a comment on U/B Mill


What are your plans for this deck once the R2R block goes out.

Posted 17 July 2014 at 05:59 as a comment on BUG Walker - M15


Why Temple of Silence? Are you just running with what you own and just wanted an extra scry card?

Posted 13 February 2014 at 08:56 as a comment on Monoblack Devotion (Standard)


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