
6 Decks, 63 Comments, 0 Reputation

i was thinking that as well...and also a play test thing...if i mannequin a quillspike and i use it's ability does it target itself? no right cuz it targets a different creature.

Posted 12 August 2008 at 22:56 as a comment on BiG Block Kyle


how bout playing profane command instead of primal? that way you get the option of life gain, fear, creature removal, or resurrecting a dead druid...

Posted 12 August 2008 at 22:00 as a comment on BiG Block Kyle


haha, yeah, i forget that quite often - kurt

Posted 12 August 2008 at 21:56 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


again...condemn is not block

Posted 12 August 2008 at 21:37 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


we can play test it....i personally think fate transfer is too situational and only takes care of one problem. I was think about barkshell blessing but i would have to lose the druid.

Posted 12 August 2008 at 21:36 as a comment on BiG Block Kyle


and you know, deity of scars looks like a better creature than creakwood liege to me... it has trample, and it can't be easily burned; it can be unmake and cribswapped, but if it stays on the board, you can potentially swing for a lot; i also think its better against mirrorweave; if the creakwood gets mirror liege, your creatures die if they have more; if deity gets weaved, they probably don't have the mana to regenerate it (unless they're playing a black blue deck...)-Kurt

Posted 12 August 2008 at 20:34 as a comment on BiG Block Kyle



man, that sounds way too out there... it'd be cool to do though! - kurt

Posted 12 August 2008 at 20:10 as a comment on BiG Block Kyle


I think ben put reveillark in the sideboard; and we tried mirrorweave, but it didn't work as well as we hoped; since there's not that man lords in block for merfolk, it wasn't as effective as hoped... - Kurt

Posted 12 August 2008 at 20:04 as a comment on


my bad, that would be 7 man since you'd be tapping the druid for conspire...

Posted 12 August 2008 at 20:02 as a comment on BiG Block Kyle


another thought: if you were to pump devoted druid with something (with, say, a barkshell blessing) you could produce a lot of mana that way too... like, if you conspire the nettle and devoted druid with a barkshell blessing on turn three, that makes devoted druid a 4/6; if you make your land drop on turn three, that means you can effectively sack the druid and produce 8 mana that turn... - Kurt

Posted 12 August 2008 at 20:00 as a comment on BiG Block Kyle


Haha, i like that synergy... I would probably play thoughtseize to try to get rid of terrors or wraths or something...

Posted 12 August 2008 at 19:54 as a comment on BiG Block Kyle


actually, i sorta like condemn against chameleon- sure it gives them life, but it's only one white mana, and it doesn't give them a token to chump with later...

Posted 12 August 2008 at 19:36 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


yeah but more often then not, the soulstoke will be cast with a smokebraider leaving 2 for the potential turn to mist. and two inversions would be best cribswap is more of a sideboard agains chameleon colossus and oversoul anyway

Posted 12 August 2008 at 10:09 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


yeah, but in block you don't really have any viable mass removal besides hallowed burial and firespout... so the only thing you REALLY want to protect is the soulstoke, but if you cast it for 3, it's vulnerable the very next turn to firespout; but don't get me wrong, i think turn to mist is great no matter what so i don't see a problem with it... in fact, crib swap seems like the slightly weaker removal spell; how about Lash Out or 2 more inversions? - kurt

Posted 12 August 2008 at 02:03 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


to much at the end of the curve?

Posted 12 August 2008 at 00:50 as a comment on


i like the leech bonder and banishing knack, but no mirrorweave or reveillark?

Posted 12 August 2008 at 00:47 as a comment on


but turn to mist is more of a anti mass removal type card and works both ways and this is a block deck...i was thinking the same thing with moarsel hoarder.

Posted 12 August 2008 at 00:40 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


Hmm, i do like turn to mist... it can keep your guys around OR it can be used offensively... but if that's the case, you might as well play momentary blink and stuff since it'll keep all your big guys around after you soulstoke OR evoke them; and I still think nova chaser is good in a build like this (since ideally you want to soulstoke the shit out of people), but morselhorder is the card that seems to expensive to me... - Kurt

Posted 11 August 2008 at 23:52 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


doomgape is a good idea maybe instead of nova chaser, but what do you think about turn to mist instead of rite of consumption

Posted 11 August 2008 at 23:40 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


true true.

Posted 11 August 2008 at 23:33 as a comment on Block Mentals Kyle


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