
40 Decks, 101 Comments, 1 Reputation

Run a few loam lions, plated geopede, and steppe lynx for a better light strikers. Emmeria angel would be a good addition if you ran a few harrow to speed up your land drops.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 17:36 as a comment on Naya Zoo ROE


good solder build but you need a few low mana cost cards. Your adverage cost is tilted in the side of 3's up. You need to cut down on cards that are too high and may mana screw you.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 17:34 as a comment on White Soldier


the deck needs some equip artifacts. Some of the top decks that use solders use kor duelist and searchers to keep the benifits of field artifacts in check.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 17:31 as a comment on Soldiers


They are strictly deckthinners to amp the chance of me hitting a spell instead of a land. The reason it is used is simple. i can sideboard a copy of snuff out in the even I encounter a phydrexian dreadnought deck. I basically search for an underground sea and drop it to take out the massive threat card. This combo is quite common in the ptq scene.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 17:22 as a comment on Fish


this is casual play right? In a tournement it will be overran with cards like thrinax or broody. You should also be aware that day of judgement shuts this deck down in the even you run into a zoo player. Try running more white cards like the enchantment that lets you gain 8 life or something from M10.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 17:20 as a comment on Lifegain


don't bother with the counterspell the mana curve wont let it be played easity. Try running mutavault, sinew sliver, muscle sliver, and more winged slivers for the creature base. For mana base run ancient ziggarat from the alara block and you,ll be good to role with the sliver build. You may also want homing sliver for its cycling ability and the 3 colorless search for a kill card.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 17:16 as a comment on Bant Slivers


try adding muscle sliver and gemhide sliver. you may also want to add a few homing slivers for some search options.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 06:34 as a comment on Venomous Slivers


try out archive trap. It is a kill card if you somehow get ascension to max q count.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 19:30 as a comment on bloodchief mill


one problem tinker and tolarian academy are banned in all formats but vintige or edh. You need to run cranial plating. It is the MOST powerful artifact for affinity in ANY FORMAT. Try out master of etherium and a few more artifact lands to bolster your numbers and play fast. Also for mana support try out springleaf drum as you can use it to feed your mana pool for an OTK

Posted 23 February 2010 at 19:10 as a comment on Affinity for Artifacts


Drop earthquake for volcanic fallout. Take out windstorm for some lightning bolts. Try running plated geopede with a few harrow and you may have a dangerous r/g build.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 19:07 as a comment on Deck Challenge- As Much As I Want


Try out running a few martyr of sands, pillory of the sleepless, and divinity of pride to keep to the theme and give you the extra win conditions.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 19:05 as a comment on Life's reward


Deck needs black in order to field suppress. Otherwise Jund or Vamp will just overrun it and pwn the deck hard. Try out running mind funeral so your deck has a win condition. Also try out running some white so you can use wall of denial, path to exile, and day of judgement to keep your opponent off you long enough for a lethal mill combo.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 19:02 as a comment on gods mill deck


this deck is a solid build but you need a few creature/ anti creature support cards like martyr of ashes and keldon marauders.

Posted 19 February 2010 at 08:55 as a comment on Burn


This deck is best run in mono red because the green mana base can cause bad top decking in a proliferated game. Try out running for alternate creatures goblin bushwacker, goblin warchief, and more Mogg Fanatics. You should also consider running a few instants/sorcerys such as goblin war strike, empty the warrens, or dragon fodder. Also if they are run you could try using Wort, the Raidmother to give the lethal sorcery goblin war strike conspire and winning the game early provided you lackey or instigate em out.

Posted 19 February 2010 at 08:52 as a comment on Goblins


Ok AJ. This decks concept is quite solid but your build is chaotic. I recommend cheap counter spells such as mana leak, daze, counterspell, or even rune snag.

If your going to run ninjas keep the deck focused on ninjas with cards like higure the still wind, ornithopter, wispersilk cload, or walker of secret ways. Try to aviod running cards like faeries or merfolk that mess with the decks concept. Also try running ronin warclub in the deck as ninjutsu + warclub = massive sabatoge effects. Posted on my profile is a ninja build you should check out. It is mono blue and has the edge over beat down decks but there are others from all over the web that play black/blue ninjas including throat slitter, inkeyes servant of oni, and obaki gang shinobi. Black ninjas are great for field control and the blue play well for hand presense. Try using them both for the best results.

Peace out

Posted 14 February 2010 at 16:45 as a comment on blue control


now it aint! lol

Posted 30 January 2010 at 14:26 as a comment on Extened 09 Mill


Try out incinerates, lightning bolts, rift bolts, and kjdoran marauders

Posted 13 October 2009 at 06:01 as a comment on Burn 'em up No.2


This deck needs relflecting pools for a better land base and don't use pulse, blade, or ritual. Most sliver decks are creature based.

Posted 03 October 2009 at 18:22 as a comment on Sliverz?


Treetop village is banned. This deck was meant for standard. Read the description.

Posted 01 October 2009 at 18:33 as a comment on J.A.C. Jund Aggro-Cascade


Artifacts are undoubtable powerful but dude this deck is lacking some serious artifact support cards. You need Cranial Plating, Myr Enforcer, Frogmite, and probably arcbound workers and ravagers. And for more effectiveness use the artifact lands from the mirroden block to make it more reliable.

Posted 24 September 2009 at 15:49 as a comment on Unstoppable machines


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