
30 Decks, 90 Comments, 1 Reputation

it actually helps clear out the deck so you are running into less lands as the game goes on making the cards you pull better

Posted 23 September 2010 at 16:18 in reply to #88678 on Koth of the Hammer


more lands you want around 22 lands in the deck

Posted 23 September 2010 at 15:28 as a comment on Koth of the Hammer


Skyfisher instead of Ranger of Eos and Journey to Nowhere instead of Path to exile, this will keep it standard come october 1st

Posted 18 September 2010 at 13:44 as a comment on Boros Bushwhacker


Take out one Sword of Vengeance, and one Kitesail Apprentice. You want to have you deck sitting at 60 cards so that you are more likely to pull what you need especially with 20 lands.

I would also try to find room in your deck for at least two Stoneforge Mystics and try to get two more lands at least into the deck. In order to do this i would take out three Safe Passages, and one more Kitesail Apprentice.

Posted 13 September 2010 at 13:45 as a comment on Armored Kor T2 Standard


These ones can after a board whip, Garruk puts tokens out to the field, and Nissa puts elves. Also i have used Garruk's overrun several times for the win.

Posted 12 September 2010 at 19:51 in reply to #86912 on Elf stompy FNM post rotation



Posted 12 September 2010 at 13:03 in reply to #86912 on Elf stompy FNM post rotation


I would take out the two Momentous Fall because it just slows down your deck alittle bit and you are wanting to be an aggro deck with lots of creatures out so when ever you have to sac a creature it hurts your deck. It would also bring your deck down to 60 cards giving you a slightly better chance of hitting what you want to hit with each pull.

Posted 12 September 2010 at 12:33 as a comment on Elf stompy FNM post rotation


Ya, i would just have to find spots and get cards that also help out in other ways as well as Profilerate.

Posted 09 September 2010 at 16:57 in reply to #85686 on Bant Allies


I would recommend adding sun titan to the deck because if you get to late game, you can start pulling an army out of your graveyard.

Posted 09 September 2010 at 16:55 as a comment on White weenie


I would recommend against Serra Ascendant due to the fact that there isn't enough life gain to make it worth while.

Posted 09 September 2010 at 16:54 in reply to #86345 on White weenie


First off this deck is for post rotation so half those cards are not looking for in this deck. I also don't want to trade out the planeswalkers in or sword of vengeance. No planeswalkers due to the fact that this is a beatdown deck, and the sword of vengeance and basilisk collar is just that it slows down the deck too much i want to be swinging in with as much force as i can as soon as I can, that is why almost all the cards get counters on them or help me swing in.

Posted 05 September 2010 at 15:31 in reply to #85202 on Bant Allies


the idea of a pauper deck is no rares, just a cheap deck fun

Posted 01 September 2010 at 19:29 in reply to #84862 on Pauper Grixis


if you are going to put in a dual color land that comes in tapped you want to put in stirring wildwoods, it is so much better than graypelt refuge.

Posted 31 August 2010 at 14:36 in reply to #84525 on One if By Land Two if By Air


ya it makes the deck better and faster

Posted 30 August 2010 at 13:26 in reply to #84288 on Kor Equip deck


Also take out Lone Missonary

Posted 30 August 2010 at 12:09 in reply to #84288 on Kor Equip deck


You want to drop this deck down to 60 cards also you are missing some key Kor cards I feel. Some of these cards are Armament Master, Kor Duelist, and Sword of Vengeance.

Personally I would take out the Goldmane, Adventuring Gear, Elixir of Immorality, and Ogres Cleaver to make room for some of the other cards I suggested. Also cut back on Emerge Unscathed and Brave the Elementals for a few more slots.

Posted 30 August 2010 at 12:08 as a comment on Kor Equip deck


side board plummets for the anti air

Posted 30 August 2010 at 01:15 as a comment on 10-15 lands standard challenge


This doesn't even fall into extended

Posted 29 August 2010 at 20:30 in reply to #84173 on Sorin's March


how can this deck be standard with Mirri the Cursed and Cabal Coffers. Standard is T2, aka the latest two block sets and the core set in between them.

Posted 29 August 2010 at 20:27 as a comment on Sorin's March


sun titan hits the field and what do you other than pull a weenie out of your graveyard. And when ever you attack and it adds a top to your mana curve

Posted 18 August 2010 at 22:34 in reply to #81387 on White Weenies in Standard


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