
49 Decks, 30 Comments, 6 Reputation

Your deck names are always better than everyone elses'.

Posted 27 May 2011 at 19:54 as a comment on The Anabolic Murder Elf


I am just wondering what the odds are of them overkilling you by ten before you can turn the tides. I will really have to play this deck to know for sure.

Posted 27 May 2011 at 19:49 as a comment on The Possum


I have one word for you, and that word is 'Hellion Eruption.'

Posted 24 May 2011 at 23:50 as a comment on The Sylvan Fireball


I need to play test this, but I think doing 9 mountains 5 plains wont wreck the deck. Consider your advice taken, good sir.

Posted 23 May 2011 at 08:12 in reply to #165024 on Pink Floid


Spreading Seas is one hell of a card and I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to get in here. The problem is that blue doesn't have any decent land screwing stuff once you get 4 mana or so, whereas red seems to be all about late game land crushing. Also, Sea's Claim and Lingering mirage are both in editions to early to be T2 tournament legal so in their place I have the Evil Presence and Contaminated Ground. Looking over this deck, though, black doesn't really do much for it. I think I will see if I can give it a blue facelift. Thanks for your help.

Posted 18 May 2011 at 20:59 as a comment on The Mana Screwer


I checked it out, it is better, the only problem is that I am trying to do what I can with cards from the last two blocks only and no mythic rares.

Posted 16 May 2011 at 10:13 in reply to #163068 on I Hate Your Cards


Thanks man, these are all good changes.

Posted 16 May 2011 at 08:05 in reply to #163061 on Ricky Discardo


Admittedly, the Painful Quandaries were going a bit overboard. I think you may have something there. I haven't yet taken a good look at all the New Phyrexia stuff out there. And I am in fact, undeniably butthurt, but only because people show up at local tournaments with prefab decks that they didn't even make up themselves, and worse yet, they win cash that way.

Posted 16 May 2011 at 07:25 in reply to #163052 on I Hate Your Cards


I like this idea a lot, but for some reason I can't bring myself to break this deck away from the last two blocks and Magic 11.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 20:26 in reply to #162726 on Lol, You Mind Rotted the Wrong... Oh FFFFFFFFFFF


Well crap. Yeah, that must have been me just reading what I wanted to read. Consider the change made.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 06:46 in reply to #162622 on Lol, You Mind Rotted the Wrong... Oh FFFFFFFFFFF


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