
41 Decks, 217 Comments, 28 Reputation

Needs a couple copies of Fling for the times damage won't go through. Dreadhorde Arcanist is a house in these types of lists. Also Shocklands and Fetchlands are staples for any modern mana base.

Posted 18 June 2022 at 06:03 as a comment on Mono Red Fiend


Also, this reminds me of the legacy doomsday deck, gitaxian probe is a good finisher as you can cast for free

Posted 05 March 2019 at 03:48 as a comment on $20 Win Every EDH Game Turn 7


Wouldn't pact of negation or foil work better for protecting the combo?

Posted 05 March 2019 at 03:46 as a comment on $20 Win Every EDH Game Turn 7


Love it. Needs more boomerangs.

Posted 01 October 2018 at 05:17 as a comment on Acidstrobe


elvish piper could be another redundant way to get emmy out. i think you need a tutor for him though.

Posted 24 September 2017 at 12:11 as a comment on Emrakul Egg


no reassembling skeleton??? HE'S THE BEST ONE lol

Posted 24 August 2017 at 06:44 as a comment on Lich's Skeleton Horde


fuck man, that does it. i'm proxying this deck and taking it to an FNM. it looks so evil!

Posted 13 August 2014 at 22:53 in reply to #492963 on I put a spell on you


i guess it is a bit of a win-more card, but underworld dreams seems pretty bad too (plus triple black seems to be pretty hard to manage consistently in a multicolored deck). i would rather go for either redundancy or more discard. tbh i really wanted to hear what he has to say about it.

Posted 13 August 2014 at 04:15 in reply to #492963 on I put a spell on you


yeah but imagine getting more discard triggers :D

Posted 13 August 2014 at 02:08 in reply to #492963 on I put a spell on you


i have to say, is underworld dreams really the best card for this deck? seems to me like you could get away with megrim instead for the redundancy. also, mind twist really screams at me for a place in your deck as well.

Posted 09 August 2014 at 07:25 as a comment on I put a spell on you


well, the op has a RG allies list which has the generally accepted-as-strong allies in those colors in the deck, so there are those. and out of the 4 black allies, bala ged thief and hagra diabolist are the strongest, yet agadeem occultist works well with the halimar excavator in this deck. maybe to align with the theme and make use of the black allies, add the thief an occultist to this deck and the diabolist and bojuka brigand to the gruul list? they seem to synergize with the respective strats enough, and jund vs esper is always more interesting than azorius vs gruul.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 18:56 in reply to #463901 on Budget Duel: Rivaling Allies


ah yes, allies. back when they tried to do interesting things in standard. or at least succeeded in doing interesting things. tell me, why did you go blue white? 5 color is usually the way to go with allies, that way you can use all the best ones.

edit: oops my bad, saw the theme of ally duel decks too late. nice job, too bad you left out black though :(

Posted 13 May 2014 at 04:14 as a comment on Budget Duel: Rivaling Allies


thank you for an intelligent response KJ (unlike some of these other users who just seem to want to argue).

i love the changes you made, prophet of kruphix and nightveil specter are insane for this deck, and boros reckoner seems like a great target for a chromanticore bestow. it still seems like you are being really greedy with the mana base and trying to fit every single god in the deck, but now it's engine is raw power instead of mere controlling the boardstate (which it didnt do very well in the first place). the only thing i can think of now is maybe replacing a chromanticore for a third chromatic lantern, as it seems imperative to draw it in a 5color deck. (i lied, phenax is also very very weak in this deck-- just not enough support cards for him) otherwise, seems like a fun overall deck.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 22:32 in reply to #461757 on In the name of the Gods...


i didn't mean to come off as condescending. i was just legitimately interested in the thought process behind the deck. if you look at any of my decks i've posted, you can tell most of them are casual decks not meant for competitive play either. sooo me being a no-fun spike is sorta quite off the mark ;P

i ask questions of the original poster just so i can learn what he is thinking, and then i can make better suggestions to help his gameplan. he just replied that it is supposed to be a competitive god deck. what am i supposed to do, tell him his deck is fine and he should take it to the next GP? of course not, THAT would be cruel and condescending. him giving so little info about the deck confuses me cause it gave me no ground on which to give him advice about his deck. i would love to help him make his deck competitive, but it requires a little more effort on his part. all those questions are just questions i would ask anyone if they are building a deck.

and you guys are right, my second comment was a little uncalled for. and i sincerely apologize for it.

Posted 07 May 2014 at 17:06 in reply to #461757 on In the name of the Gods...


yes, i know. and yes, i've seen sample hands. but does it the deck work? can it work? why will it work? what can you do to improve it? what's your wincondition? a 20 damage rakdos return? do you even want it to be competitive? can you answer any of these questions?

Posted 06 May 2014 at 18:02 in reply to #461757 on In the name of the Gods...


purphoros, nylea, xenagos, and iroas all seem pretty useless unless you have heliod in play. phenax and athreos do absolutely nothing to help your (apparently) controlling gameplan, all your creatures will be indestructible or tokens and you have no milling support cards. how often do you expect to have devotion up for all these gods? because otherwise i would take out all the ones i mentioned and run multiple copies of the gods that are left so you can have more consistency in your gameplan (which seems to be control).

when i look at this deck, it just looks like you tossed all of them in a deck just cuz and devoted no time to the strategy behind the gods. many of them aren't synergistic with eachother and will just sit on the battlefield looking stupid cause you dont have the devotion count up. unless of course and i am wrong and athreos is always a creature turn three.... otherwise, you seriously need to think about the gameplan more if you want this deck to work.

please let me know if i am completely missing the mark here, but i have no idea what this deck is trying to accomplish besides being an "all gods deck in standard". if it is a casual/non-competitive deck, then i don't see any reason not to make this a real 5 color deck and use some legacy stuff to make sure you have consistent devotion by turn 4-5.

Posted 05 May 2014 at 22:34 as a comment on In the name of the Gods...


personally i love the red splash. speeds up your early game so well, and gives some sweet removal and card advantage engines.

Posted 15 March 2014 at 00:31 in reply to #445122 on Jund Dredgevine


i considered adding cards like bloodthrone vamp, viscera seer, and blood artist, but that limited my options considering the zombie/discard/vengevine synergy between crawler and lotleth troll. also, vengevine just needs cards cast, so it is useful against control who look to counter my stuff. also, those vampire creatures are easy to deal with (one of this deck's strengths is that it is resistant to conventional removal) and are useless when in my gy, i want to maximize my gy abusability considering i dredge a lot.

Posted 14 March 2014 at 17:45 in reply to #445460 on Jund Dredgevine


i find it runs just well, you have so many other good one drop options besides shaman, and with the banning of shaman it allows you to play imp and extractor demon

Posted 14 March 2014 at 17:42 in reply to #445192 on Jund Dredgevine


pack rat is unecessary. it's value mainly comes out of abuse of the devotion mechanic, and i have cheaper discard options (READ: lotleth troll, faithless looting)

Posted 14 March 2014 at 17:42 in reply to #445117 on Jund Dredgevine


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