
28 Decks, 46 Comments, 9 Reputation

yes. as it enters the feild, you say inresponce to vexing devil entering the battlefeild and give it undying. you have to do it before they choose to sac it or you cant give it undying because it is a single ability.

Posted 24 July 2013 at 23:13 in reply to #379766 on Undying Devil


its understandable i do the same normally

Posted 24 July 2013 at 20:32 in reply to #379766 on Undying Devil


some people did but they were somewhat new to the game. most people i play know better and just let the devil stay on turn 2. either way im happy with the results

Posted 24 July 2013 at 04:05 in reply to #379803 on Undying Devil


zipec is right on the ETB. i had a judge explain it to me before. i know i have to give it undying before the opp can sac it or keep it. iv already been called out for trying to give it undying after they saced it, i honestly didnt know till after that that i had to do it before so they let it slide but i never made the mistake again.

Posted 24 July 2013 at 04:03 in reply to #379766 on Undying Devil


its not so much as sacing it when it has undying. ideally on turn 2 i do this and they let it stay. thats a 4/3 on turn two. then i can mad cap, or fling, or any number of other things. yea that only downside i see is removal. but im not to worried about it. a lot of people who see this deck think "what idiot would sac it after it has undying?" well some do and some dont. iv prepared it the best i can so that i can adapt to either or.

Posted 23 July 2013 at 00:36 in reply to #381462 on Undying Devil


yea thats what i was thinking. most of the cards go great together even if i only have 2 of some in the deck. granted id drop the crackler for full zelots but i like having more then one creature i can drop on turn 1 in case my plan doesnt work with the devil

Posted 22 July 2013 at 02:38 in reply to #380480 on Undying Devil


alright will do. thanks!

Posted 22 July 2013 at 01:45 in reply to #380046 on Undying Devil


well plenty of people are stupid enough to do it. especially anyone whos never played it. seeing how iv played some of the best graveyard hate decks around and still won, even if it was close im not worrying over it. and the 2 offs because i only have 2 of them. if i had another aristocrat id use it. if i had 2 more zelots id use them. so im not seeing what flaw you see when this deck works and works well. so care to elaborate on its flaws?

Posted 22 July 2013 at 00:59 in reply to #380480 on Undying Devil


yea it does but most of the people i play against like to have pillar of flames and etc for removal so i dont normally run them often but i may sideboard it

Posted 22 July 2013 at 00:54 in reply to #380278 on Undying Devil


that it is but i can really afford to drop cards for it i the main. i could sideboard but what would you drop for the bump?

Posted 22 July 2013 at 00:48 in reply to #380046 on Undying Devil


normally? 4-5 on average. if they play control its a little longer but normally i can pull off a win within 5-7

Posted 19 July 2013 at 00:25 in reply to #379766 on Undying Devil


yea thats one of the main points of this deck. either they lose 8 life by turn 2 or they risk me madcapping it and swinging for 8 (With undying) on turn 3. iv done the vexing madcap combo countless times on other players and trust me it hits more often then it seems on paper.

Posted 19 July 2013 at 00:12 in reply to #379803 on Undying Devil


i was thinking about the flailer to begin with, but i love flying haste and the sac a creature to make it indestructible for the turn incase they use something for mass removal. granted shes my highest drop at 4 but in my opinion shes a great card for the deck.

Posted 19 July 2013 at 00:09 in reply to #380046 on Undying Devil


i would but this is my standard deck. maybe when its no longer standard i might think about the fillers.

Posted 19 July 2013 at 00:07 in reply to #379858 on Undying Devil


its labeled help just because i like imput from others. its won a few turnys locally but i just want it running on full power before i go to SCG event.

Posted 19 July 2013 at 00:03 in reply to #379766 on Undying Devil


My current standard deck that i love. i just want it to be ready for a SCG event im going to soon. so any help is awesome!

Posted 18 July 2013 at 02:22 as a comment on GeneralM_ Read the description


my budget isnt an issue. the deck is just as is and i plan on adding cards as i go

Posted 27 June 2013 at 15:14 in reply to #371179 on Everybody Loves Goblins


I play Rakdos as well for standard, its by far my fav deck and one of my best, you seem to have some things in common with mine. i really encourage the use of 4 vexing devils like the others above me. i personally love my thunderous wrath + Reverb combo but not everyone likes it even tho its 3 mana for 10 damage if you cast it for its miricle cost. i also run a couple guidemages so if they block any of my guys and out do my creature i can just knock it down enough to kill it. i also rec a few dreadbores for the sideboard. you never know when your gonna run into plansewalker or a 7/7 outta no where. i have no use for slaughter games in mine but i cant say its a bad card to run. anyways, i also run some mid game hastys like falkenwrath aristocrats and hell riders. i like the way yours is set up, just some minor changes could make this a really good deck to run. if you want some ideas on what else to run just check out my rakdos deck. it might help, or give you more ideas. you may not agree with how my deck looks but thats how i like it and it works pretty well for me. so hopefully it all works good for you, id love to see more rakdos out there since im the only one in my area running it currently. good luck

Posted 20 May 2013 at 18:18 as a comment on Competitive Rakdos (Help?)


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