
158 Decks, 44 Comments, 6 Reputation

ha youre definitely right on that, one fog kills this deck. I'm just banking on the chance that they dont have any of the cards you mentioned. im not really concerned with defending, with this strategy i try to go all out. feedbacks always appreciated though! i might try your recommendations and see how it goes!

Posted 25 January 2013 at 21:38 in reply to #318721 on Primal Surge (take 2)


when possible, i have played reflection on wild beastmaster. it gets pretty insane but confusing. but yeah i considered adding more primal surge but i realized that having more than one would be redundant. revelation helps me dig for what i need when i need it. feedbacks always appreciated! this decks definitely weak to instant/sorceries like youve mentioned

Posted 25 January 2013 at 21:32 in reply to #318701 on Primal Surge (take 2)


thanks for the feedback! i wasnt aware of somberwald sage actually! this deck is still in the workings so any feedback is appreciated. i really like the combination of beastermaster and craterhoof, it can get pretty ridiculous

Posted 25 January 2013 at 06:01 in reply to #318453 on Primal Surge


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