
2 Decks, 99 Comments, 22 Reputation

I loved the Microdeck! I built a Goblin RDW style for it. :)

Posted 27 June 2014 at 05:40 in reply to #476547 on Want deck comments? Read here!


Yea, Caryatid is great for this style, though I do see it's a little expensive. Also, Manaweft Sliver can add in a little ramping. Mainly, I would say go for a few counters, like Dissolve, to protect your creatures, or a way to slow down the game while you get some more lands out (Blind Obedience comes to mind)

Posted 27 June 2014 at 05:36 in reply to #476483 on Of Land and Sky (budget)


It looks like you have two different styles of deck here. One is a beatdown, using Fleecemane and Loxodon to hurt the opponent early. This kind of deck probably doesn't need acceleration or walls, and is very fast.
The other is combo, using your 3-card combo and Divination, Walls, and acceleration to get out your combo as quickly as possible.

Both of these are solid deck types, but it looks like you're stretching too thin. I would imagine, as is, you would t1 get your acceleration, then as you play Fleecemane and Loxodon, your acceleration is not helping very much. OR, you'll accelerate to get your combo, and these zoo-style creatures will be in your way not helping you get to your combo.

I think, if you want to focus on the combo, you should take out the zoo and replace them with a little more mana ramp, and a little bit more control to get your combo set up (especially since your combo requires three CMC4 cards, it will be near impossible to cast them in one turn against opponents' removal; you'll need some control backup)

Posted 26 June 2014 at 23:22 as a comment on Of Land and Sky (budget)


I really like Hypergenesis decks! I think you have a good basic structure, but there are a couple things slowing you down.
- You have a few too many cascade cards. With 14 of them, there's a good chance you'll end up with a hand full of them, and nothing to cast WITH your Hypergenesis. I would suggest going down to about 10, to have good chance that you'll have one, but not be full of them.
- Akroma's Memorial is a fun card, but it's a problem in this deck. In order to make the deck function for a t1 win, you need things that can kill t1 (like your Phage and your Blightsteel). Memorial can buff things, but it can't kill anything on its own, so it will often become a dead card. I would suggest replacing it with some other huge creature that can win in 1-2 turns on its own (Progenitus is the most common, but also things like Maelstrom Wanderer, which is a big creature on its own, AND it gives everything haste [reducing the number of Fires of Yavimaya you need].

Good luck!

Posted 26 June 2014 at 21:52 as a comment on Phage, the Hypercade


Heyo, I don't know if you check this page anymore, but I think this deck can be good. Some basic issues I see are:
- You haven't stuck with a style of play. You aren't committing to aggro (using walls, lifelink, etc.), but you also haven't committed to any sort of aggro-control style (no anti-sweeps, or other protection for your creatures).
- You have ten enchant-creature spells, all being buff spells. This makes it extremely easy to 2-for-1 you with any removal. I would suggest using global enchantments that buff your creatures, or instants to give your creatures more power.

I suggest you go back and fix this deck, because I want to play against it! :)

Posted 26 June 2014 at 21:33 as a comment on Unblockable


I know exactly what you mean! I love going around and commenting on other decks (such as this one http://www.mtgvault.com/glitch42420/decks/sadistic-surgery/#469674 or this one http://www.mtgvault.com/hummahumma/decks/izzet-standard-1drops/#467108 ), but I have a hard time getting people to comment on mine. I'm going to join you in this quest, and follow all these comments, and comment on people's decks from here. :)

Posted 26 June 2014 at 21:22 as a comment on Want deck comments? Read here!


This deck looks best against combo (for obvious reasons), and workable against control and midrange (since both of those tend to have a few game winners, while most of their deck is building up to that). However, you seem to have a huge weakness against aggro. Against most aggro decks, they don't have any "best creatures", they just have a deck full of many creatures/spells that deal enough damage to get the job done. I would say you should have at least 4 cards in your sideboard against aggro, like fieldwipes or things that make several creatures unable to attack. And maybe a similar sideboard solution against burn (like Leyline of Sanctity or the like).

I would also suggest adding in a few Inquisition of Kozilek. It can hit both creatures and noncreatures, so long as it costs 3 or less mana (meaning any early game threat, or many combo pieces). Maybe subtract one distress and one Liliana's Specter and add in two Inquisitions?

Very fun deck idea, though. I love discard decks, and Extraction seems to be a very useful strategy to go along with it. Good job!

Posted 03 June 2014 at 06:43 as a comment on Sadistic Surgery


I've seen a lot of decks like this, and they're very fun to play. The main problem I see usually (including a little here) is that there's too many cards that only are effective if they keep discarding (such as Megrim, Liliana's Caress) or that become under-par if the opponent doesn't keep discarding (Sangromancer, Abyssal Nocturnus). The main issue with these decks is that it's easy to get the opponent to 0 cards, since they'll be only drawing 1/turn, and they'll be playing some of those cards. Once that happens, they won't discard as often, and these cards will become useless.

It's important to get some good discarders that can strike first turn (Inquisition of Kozilek is great), and maybe some things that can tame the field and destroy the creatures they've gotten out before you killed their hand.

I would suggest adding four Inquisition of Kozilek, add one or two more Quests (because those are quick kills once you're in control of the game), and maybe 5-7 removal cards (Go For The Throat and Smother are two good ones usually). You can remove Megrim and Liliana's Caress (or maybe put them in the sideboard against control decks that refill their hands), and maybe trade a couple of your creatures (since they can only come out later game) for early game discarders (Ravenous Rats, Black Cat, etc.) so that you have a small body that can block their early game, while still getting a discard out of it.

If you'd like to make this Modern legal (for any competitive play), the Dark Rituals can be traded out for some more control ability (more turn one discards, possibly). Good luck!

Posted 26 May 2014 at 00:43 as a comment on Discard , needs help! Comment!


Dream Salvage does nothing in this deck. Milling an opponent does not count as "discarding" cards, so you won't draw from it. A better drawing tool is Visions of Beyond.

Posted 18 May 2014 at 00:56 as a comment on 1 Mana Mill


Interesting deck idea. I feel like as it is, Worship is very ineffective; it only works when you have a creature, and you only have 4 creatures (all of which do the same thing as Worship). Either other creatures should be added, or Worship should be replaced with something else. It might help to have a bit more removal and/or cheap things to protect you (like Holy Day) so that you don't die before you can get one of your "Stay at 1" spells active.

Posted 03 May 2014 at 01:32 as a comment on Only 1 life left


I have a similar deck I'm building with Gisela using Equipment cards instead of enchantments. :)

Posted 27 April 2014 at 20:00 as a comment on Powerpuff Girls: Bruna EDH


Yea, that's actually a very good strategy if you can get it. Mimic Wurmcoil, haste swing for 6 lifelink, then sac him with Trading post to get two 3/3s and either draw a card OR get an artifact from your grave (since he's both a creature and an artifact). Very difficult to stop without an anti-artifact sideboard strategy.

Posted 25 April 2014 at 08:40 in reply to #458084 on Mimical Musings


Just to make sure you're aware, Mimic Vat only copies if the creature is put in the grave FROM the battlefield, not from your hand. :)

Posted 25 April 2014 at 04:30 as a comment on Mimical Musings


It appears that your mana base is not enough for the high cost of the deck. Your lands will (on a typical "good day") give you about 3 lands by turn 5, and you have barely any ramping, so you'll have a lot of cost 5 cards stuck in your hand for the game. I would suggest replacing one Prophet and one Consuming Abberation for two cost 1 mana ramp cards.

Posted 19 April 2014 at 18:26 as a comment on Ana Mill


Oh, I apologize, I mean the artifact lands are useless assuming Tinker is removed (since it's banned freaking everywhere). As long as Tinker is there, they have use.

Posted 05 April 2014 at 23:46 in reply to #453200 on diMyrr: Artof Mylling


I think the Tinkers could be very easily changed with something else to stall, perhaps counterspells to stop opponents from killing your combo?
Also, the two artifact lands you have (that are banned in Modern) are completely unnecessary for the deck, and would probably be more efficient as basic lands (artifacts are easy to destroy, and basic lands are harder to kill than nonbasic). This would make the deck legal in M, V, and L, but also improve the deck as it stands.

Posted 05 April 2014 at 23:20 in reply to #453200 on diMyrr: Artof Mylling


Relentless Rats' text ignores all deck restrictions, so you can have as many as you want, so long as your deck is total 40 cards (unless there becomes a restriction on the amount of uncommons, which I hope doesn't happen). Thrumming Stone can be used as your one rare, so you can use that. It will be far less reliable with only one copy of Thrumming, though.

Posted 03 April 2014 at 02:26 in reply to #452306 on Microdeck: Zoo


Since the main problem with Mulligans will be getting enough lands, what if you had:
-Draw 5, you can free mulligan once, the rest are normal.
-After your one free mulligan, if you have 0 or 1 land, you may reveal your hand to your opponent, and then search your library for a basic land (reveal it), put it in your hand, and put one card from your hand back into your library and reshuffle.

With this, you still start with 5, and you can't just go overboard with free mulligans. Your opponent gets to see what you have, but they don't get to see what you put back in your deck, so they still don't know everything. And after that searching, you'll have 1 or 2 lands and 3-4 cards in your hand to play with.

Posted 02 April 2014 at 23:59 in reply to #451924 on Microdeck: Zoo


Or maybe even Draw 7, put two back, reshuffle.

And then Mulligan rules will be: First Mulligan, Draw 6, put one back, reshuffle. Second Mulligan, Draw 5 as normal.
This way, you can successfully mulligan twice while still keeping your 5 card hand.

Posted 02 April 2014 at 17:26 in reply to #451924 on Microdeck: Zoo


This looks like a pretty fun deck. You have a few things that like things dying, a few things that like being sacrificed, and a few sacrifice engines. I would suggest replacing Thoughtpicker Witch with Viscera Seer. You scry instead of milling one of two (which will probably help you more in the long run), and you don't need to pay 1 to sacrifice the creature.

On your reanimate side, I think you're a little lacking in creatures to bring back. You have Reaper of the Wilds, but all the rest of your cards seem rather uninspiring to use a reanimate spell on. You could probably throw in two or three higher-costed creatures that you can cheat in to play after dredging them away. And if you don't happen to get one of your two reanimate spells, the big creature is in your graveyard anyway, so you don't have to worry about it!

Posted 02 April 2014 at 06:04 as a comment on Golfari micro deck


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