
32 Decks, 244 Comments, 2 Reputation

try the 1 blue sorcery that changes a land to an island. it would help with that Lord of Atlantis. Also a Door of Destinies or Coat of Arms would help.

Please help my deck "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:42 as a comment on merfolk assualt


you could try Coat of Arms? or Mirror Entity? any of those group buffers would help. Thank goodness someone found a use for those 0 attack freaks :P.

Please help my deck "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:40 as a comment on death by zero ones


looks nice... maybe try Beseech the Queen to help find the cards you need. BTW, why is Rustrazor in there? he's red but you're mono-black! Oh well... nice wither deck

Help my deck "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:38 as a comment on Essence Grief


maybe you could try the Kobold land? or maybe Coat of arms and Door of Destinies? (who knows, they work in almost all those tribal decks :P) interesting idea though!

Please help my "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:36 as a comment on Curious Kobold Storm


lolz. this deck is really good. Scuzzback Scrapper maybe? anyways this deck looks good as is. 9.5/10

Please help my deck "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:34 as a comment on Rogue Burn


wow... thats one crazy red deck o' yours! Maybe a lash out instead of tarfire or incinerate. Tarfire because it helps Tarmogoyf. otherwise, this thing looks like a demon! 9.5/10!

Please help my deck "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:32 as a comment on Oh no the Burn Beats


maybe some more Doran. All your guys have high toughness afterall. and some more of those Dauntless Doubarks. and more of anything thats workin' for ya :D. nice treefolks

Please check out my deck "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:28 as a comment on ENTS


Try cheaper (mana cost) creatures. The deck probably will do better. quite an interesting build.

Please look at my deck and tell me whatcha think! "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:06 as a comment on Cold and Dark


hm... try going main green with Prismatic Omen, Joiner Adept and the like. VERY Interesting idea! Good luck on it!

Please tell me what you think of mine "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:03 as a comment on A Holy Day for Golems


Yep, woody778 has some great ideas for a mill deck. Only one more thing. TRAUMATIZE. It is worth every mana. 3UU target player loses half their library! Try it if nothing else. :D Great Mill deck you got there! 8.5/10

Please rate mine "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:01 as a comment on bone merrow


hm... im not quite sold on the Godhead of Awe.... otherwise you're deck is in good condition. Might go looking for more def. buff white slivers or red burn, just depends on who you think you'll be playing. Looks like a strong start, keep working on it. 8/10

Please rate mine "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 20:00 as a comment on Godheaded Slivers


maybe try Molimo? he has trample. ANON is right Blanchwood armor would help. Rampant Growth (or cards with similar effects) would help accelerate if its going too slow. Otherwise, good start to a deck! 8/10

Please rate mine "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 19:57 as a comment on My Green Deck


Might try some more Kiku or Royal Assasin. Otherwise, CRAZY deck! 9/10!

Please rate mine "GW Agro"

Posted 20 June 2008 at 19:55 as a comment on Its Dark In The Depths 3


um... ever thought of GRW? Red because it gives access to better (and cheaper) sac outlets a.k.a, Greater Gargadon, MURDEROUS REDCAP (pst, murderous redcap and juniper can comob off by themselves[Ranger out. summon redcap. redcap hits itself. persist counter removed by ranger ranger gets stronger. rinse,lather,and repeat.]), and probably others that dont come to mind atm! lolz just some ideas from a pro deck of recent :D. but hey! if black is working well for you then np! Nice deck 8 1/2 / 10

Posted 17 June 2008 at 20:57 as a comment on G_W_B Infinite Deck


hm... seems like a good deck... slightly unreliable though because it has only one or two copies of most everything! Other thing, how on earth do you get a 3RD turn win?!?!?! (maybe im just dumb and dont see it). So if you could explain it, that would be nice. For the time being (because of unreliability of draws) I'll give it a 7/10. (if 3rd turn win every game it gets 9 1/2 / 10 from me :D)

Posted 17 June 2008 at 20:41 as a comment on Night of the Living Deck


hm.... what happens when someone terrors your KP after you just gave 'em a ton of life? also, Wall of Shards is good to keep you alive in early game and in late game it boosts KP to insane strength. Otherwise, this deck looks like a blast to play! 8 1/2 / 10

Posted 08 June 2008 at 17:26 as a comment on GAK Grow a Kavu


Forced Fruition would be insane in this deck. Nice start 8/10

Please rate mine "Land Destructo Overkill"
smartypants out

Posted 11 April 2008 at 02:53 as a comment on


Playing Phage is a dangerous game, my friend.... (I might take it out) By the way, you have very few lands, try upping the count of lands to 23 because you have cards that cost almost 10 mana!
Also, this deck looks a little slow. Otherwise, this a good start. Try playing the deck; the cards that dont work, take them out; the cards that work, get more of!

Please rate mine "Land Destructo Overkill"
smartypants out

Posted 11 April 2008 at 02:07 as a comment on Phage and Cohorts


Really, any tribal deck is better with Coat of Arms or Door of Destinies, and you need mana (prob. know that but just making sure). Otherwise, this deck is solid. If you want to go out of standard a good card is Privileged Position (it REALLY helps pro. your weenies). Still this deck, as is, I'd rate it a 8 1/2 / 10

Please rate mine "Land Destructo Overkill
smartypants out

Posted 11 April 2008 at 02:02 as a comment on NEW Kithkins


This has to be one of the best sliver decks I've seen since I've joined MTG Vault! Just a coat of arms(or Door of Destinies) and with Muscle to replace Might (they'll be dead afore he gets to do something), this deck is incredibly built.

Please rate mine "Land Destructo Overkill"
smartypants out

Posted 11 April 2008 at 01:59 as a comment on Sliver


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