
0 Decks, 628 Comments, 300 Reputation

So what you're saying is, you didn't read any of the other posts here? Or you just didn't comprehend them?

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:36 in reply to #560948 on How to Splinter Twin(???)


Sorry about the delete; something glitched (possibly me, although that remains unconfirmed at this time), & my comment got posted 2ce, so I deleted the extra.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:33 in reply to #560023 on Soul Humans


This looks solid in the MB, but where's your SB? One of the 10 commandments of Magic is, "Thou shalt SB". I can testify; I was there when MaRo handed them down. But yeah; looks solid.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:10 in reply to #560023 on Soul Humans


You've replaced the 1-slot w/ Thassa, which is interesting; I'd like to know how that works out. What are your thoughts on Aquitect's Will for the SB? No one uses it, because of in-addition-to-it's-other-types, but w/ all the love WotC has been showing enchantments, & the back-lash from that, I'm thinking it could be boarded in, a/n, to prevent being 2-for-1'd. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 15:45 as a comment on Modern Merfolk


I'll hold you to that in the future (at the moment, I'm not publishing here, for a variety of reasons). I'll likewise commit to doing the same for all 3 of you, & anyone else who's ready to commit to doing the same.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 14:55 in reply to #560909 on Brainstorming: Final Curtain


I should interject here that you don't get any feedback whatsoever on the site I use, & if you aren't building Modern, a lot of people won't even look at your deck, unless it's rotation-time in Standard. But from everything I've seen & read on this site, there looms the possibility of a network-w/i-a-network (or a community-w/i-a-community, if you prefer). The feedback one has the potential to receive is what makes this site valuable; it's current downfall is that that potential too often isn't realized. But if various people made a commitment to do that - to view each other's decks, & give positive input, as dictated - that problem could be resolved. I know there're other people thinking the same way, so what of it? You've both been active on this site FAR longer than me; either or both of you could bring this together. Assume a leadership role, & it could be to EVERYONE'S benefit...even those who don't know it yet.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 14:29 in reply to #560909 on Brainstorming: Final Curtain


Nostalgia, or instinct? Terminate is currently one of THE go-to cards of any deck playing BR, at any level of competition. Personally, I suspect it's the latter; this is Magic, & despite all the #-crunching, netdecking, & whatever, it calls it's own. There's not a person in this game who doesn't feel that, from the KT to the PT (which is where all the PT players started). It's like the way "Star Trek" influenced people, then children, to become astrophysicists & planetary scientists; you're exposed to it, & something inside you says, "Yes". And it's been my experience that that instinct can lead you to building the most synergistic decks EVER. The first time I made the connection between "flavor" & "deck-building", it was like I jumped to a whole new plane. And once you make that jump, you never look back.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 13:58 in reply to #550268 on Good luck.


Okay, let's be realistic...if you want your deck to be visible on this site, the more tags, the better. And by WotC's definition, this deck is Vintage.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 13:27 in reply to #541688 on Good luck.


Well, I just read through all the comments, & I have to admit, I would probably never publish a deck here. Just to see what would happen, I did so once, & that was enough...w/i minutes of the deck being posted, it had something like 2 dozen views, which would NEVER happen on the site I do publish on...there, it generally takes at least a few days to get that many. It really kind of felt like being swarmed over by a school of piranha...& completely non-selective piranha, at that. But as a # of people have mentioned...NO love. Never mind being liked, I would've just liked to have heard some comments. Also, it doesn't take long to see the lay of the land here. As others have said, the cost of a card, or a playset of cards, is irrelevant to me if I know a deck has to have them...& I'm certainly not of unlimited means (which I suppose makes me lucky that 'Goyf holds no fascination for me). I either get creative, or I budget, & sooner later, I have all my deck needs (most of my decks, on paper, run between $250-400, but I never actually ended-up paying that much). More than anything, I agree that there's way too many decks that don't get the love they deserve on this site. The pages I routinely visit are Modern, New, Fun, Crazy Idea, Unloved...& some more focused lists. The only reason I really visit the Hot Page is to see if there's any Hot Debates raging. I'll likely keep coming here, but I'm choosing to limit my presence to what I would term a supportive role. There are a lot of diamonds in the dust, if you take the time to find them; & as for the rest, well, in time, maybe they'll catch on. We were all noobs at some point...& the object of the game, in the final analysis, is FUN. (Gothy, I never knew you, & it's been long enough that you won't see this post...but I do intend to go search your other articles. Winning or not, you're a Master of the Game.)

Posted 03 September 2015 at 11:30 as a comment on Brainstorming: Final Curtain


This is an interesting idea, & the first really fresh take I've seen on Twin since the introduction of the UR archetype. My thinking is, could this work as an alt win-con in a bad match-up if boarded-in after game 1? I'm seeing all KINDS of pitfalls w/ that, but w/ Silence & flash, at the end of your opponent's turn...possible? (I'm pondering the complexities of this as I type, so if anyone reads this & thinks I'm full of shiZAM!, please don't start gathering stones...just point out the frailties.) The biggest problems I see off the top of my head are needing 3 cards for the combo, having to devote too much of the SB to it, loss of tempo, & control w/ mana open...which is to say, control. It's a tough nut to crack, but I'd be really excited to see you &/or this community find a way to make this one work. High marks for originality; hope you keep brewing w/ it.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 01:32 as a comment on How to Splinter Twin(???)


I would switch-out five of the FRF dual-color lands for the Shards of Alara tri-color lands; they're all taplands, you're less likely to get mana-screwed, & the five life you'd gain w/ the former aren't as relevant in Commander as in other formats.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 10:35 as a comment on Sliver Devastation


Evolving Wilds & Terramorphic Expanse are both widely used for mana-fixing in budget decks, the trade-off being mono-colored mana to thin-out your deck. If you're not getting mana-screwed, though, you're better off not playing too many taplands. Honestly, I don't think you need a lot of help here. The deck looks very solid as it is.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 05:18 as a comment on Budget Izzet Burn


ORI Jace is more relevant in Standard, where it provides a sorcery-speed substitute for Snapcaster. Some decks in Modern are running both, but this a very standard build (no pun intended), & if it already works, there's no need to fix it. (On the plus side, Jace is a lot easier to afford, providing better access.)

Posted 02 September 2015 at 04:51 as a comment on Modern Grixis Control


Unfortunately, I can't access a lot of your comments - input problem, I'm guessing - but I'm curious to know if you've tested/are considering Become Immense? Your deck looks like it could support it's delve function, depending on how fast you chew through it. Nice deck; I've got a couple infect decks already, but I'm inspired now to go brew another. :)

Posted 02 September 2015 at 04:02 as a comment on Pick Your Poison - Bant Infect


Grixis Delver, minus the B...which cuts the price to build it roughly in half. Good times.

Posted 01 September 2015 at 18:49 as a comment on Kid Tempo [Modern UR]


Not a lot left to suggest; you've pretty much hit all the bases. Maybe Aquitect's Will in the SB, in case your wife ends-up playing someone who plays enchantment hate. Also, Preordain is banned in Modern; don't know if that matters or not (I'm guessing not, since you obviously know your stuff). Looks good; hope your wife enjoys it!

Posted 01 September 2015 at 17:37 as a comment on Mellies Merfolk


Gotcha. I'm thinking about testing it in my mono-U wizard deck that uses Vedalken AEthermage to tutor; no ramp :( but lots of thinning & draw :D so it's probably feasible. Thanks for getting back.

Posted 01 September 2015 at 12:14 in reply to #560474 on Next Level Time Warp


I don't know if "Dredgevine" is an appropriate title for this, as it has no actual dredge. But regardless, it's a very creative alternative, & on a reasonable budget, as well...I like it.

Posted 31 August 2015 at 11:09 as a comment on [DotP 2015] Dredgevine


Lightning Crafter plays nice in my Boros goblin deck.

Posted 31 August 2015 at 01:12 as a comment on Rakdos Goblin Modern


Ah, a like-minded soul! I play a RG defender deck myself, & I always have a good time w/ it. Along w/ Guardian & Battlement, I also play Vent Sentinel & Wall of Tanglecord, & a full play-set of Formation. With so much ramp, Boundless Realms also plays nicely to power-up your Fireball, & can provide another potential win-con if you throw in some Baloth Woodcrashers. Unstable Footing, Autumn's Veil, Steel Wall, & Guttural Response are all good SB options, & if you want to dig deeper faster, Harmonize is in-color as well. In terms of budget, these are all VERY affordable; you can purchase full play-sets of the afore-mentioned defenders for $1 (American) total, while Harmonize is the most expensive, at around $2. The tree mentioned by sandrew - which I had forgot all about, & will probably now have to make room for - is Tree of Redemption. All-in-all, a very nice outside-of-the-box deck, w/ lots of options, that's really fun to play; hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine. Good gaming!

Posted 30 August 2015 at 23:35 as a comment on RG Wall Burn


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