
26 Decks, 38 Comments, 8 Reputation

Yeah I realized that after reading the comment my math count was off on the lands to keep the deck at 60. Oops. Meant 17 lands and 2 more creatures or burn spells. Again though it comes to down to preference and I'll admit I'm biased against fetches and feel the lavamancer wouldn't be hurt too bad in this altered case. Eh take these comments for what they are the opinion of a casual player who only does the occasionally FNM or prerelease for competitive events.

Posted 10 November 2014 at 16:03 in reply to #516397 on A Faster Creature Burn!!!!!!!!


I love the flavor of the deck. I've toying with a mardu warrior theme but couldn't find a shell I liked. I would definitely like to take this as a starting point to build on!

Posted 10 November 2014 at 07:35 as a comment on [Budget] Limited Warriors


I had included master of the feast as a means of a heavy hitting blocker to stop rabblemaster, stand up a non-monstrous polukranos, and possibly serve as a subcon to win the game on his own feeling his drawback of giving the opponent an extra card was a necessary evil. Mind rot could work with the main theme very well. I had meant to take out the whip for an empty the pits leaving s lower devotion count and grey merchant as what I felt to be not what the deck needed. This reasoning came from the attitude of my meta likely nuking Lili on sight and the master's being not far behind. Part of me thought about herald of torment but found myself in situations where I would accidentally suicide with him.

Posted 10 November 2014 at 07:32 in reply to #516465 on Your Grave My Gain


I haven't looked at this deck in a long time. Thanks for the suggestions!

Posted 10 November 2014 at 07:24 in reply to #470854 on I'll Race You


Oh yeah mulligans on this deck are brutal, but I find that to be part of the fun. I wouldn't expect to win any tournaments with it, but the sheer wait what moments make it worthwhile to me.

Posted 10 November 2014 at 07:23 in reply to #491149 on There's a Storm Coming


Thanks for the clarification on boggles, I haven't faced that deck yet. I know each area's meta is different as the area I play in tends to run a lot of tron and angel pod which is why I select infect; quick enough to stop those decks and shenanigans. Sounds like you have a plan for dealing with those who play the poison game at least barring the unfortunate turn two kills.

Posted 10 November 2014 at 07:22 in reply to #516425 on Sisters, humans, life, etc.


If fueling lavamancer is the main objective wouldn't more low cost burn spells or swing and sack creatures work just as well? It doesn't look like the deck needs to be routinely thinned out the extra attacker or burn spell would really strain an opponents already suffering resources.

I would recommend 19 mountains and more one trick ponies but different strokes for different styles.

Posted 10 November 2014 at 06:03 in reply to #516397 on A Faster Creature Burn!!!!!!!!


Excellent deck I like seeing approaches that attack the meta instead of just joining the net-deck fest.

The one thing I'm curious about, what's the gameplan against infect where they don't care if you gain 100 life in one turn? While it's true the poison player is dead frequently if they haven't finished you off by turn 4, this archetype is efficient at ensuring quick games especially the simic versions that run blighted agent and artful dodge to prevent a chump and trade.

Aside: what's the boggles deck? I've never heard of it at least by that name

Posted 10 November 2014 at 03:26 as a comment on Sisters, humans, life, etc.


Maybe I'm missing something, but why are you running the blood stained mires in a mono-red burn deck? I understand fetches are a great way to shuffle your library (especially useful in legacy brainstorm/sylvan library strategies), but it doesn't seem to make sense here as none of the cards seem to synergize with the grab and shuffle. From what I can tell you would just be pinging yourself for a mountain which is not the best call for a potentially suicidal deck. I guess you could be trying to thin the deck, but it seems to make more sense to cut the lands down to 18 with the low curve if you're afraid of flooding out. By doing this, you essentially add 5 more cards which could be used for another vexing devil, lightning ball, and hellspark elemental (if they're modern legal I'll be honest I get the line between modern and legacy blurred a lot). Obviously, if you are going to take an above recommendation to turn the deck rakdos, the blood stained mires gain use and this whole point is irrelevant. Also note, I am a major league scrub when it comes to this game so I tend to miss a lot of intricate points.

Excellent deck though. I've given it a few proxy runs with friends and have had a blast.

Posted 10 November 2014 at 00:07 as a comment on A Faster Creature Burn!!!!!!!!


Can't believe I somehow missed empty the pits while constructing this deck! I would like to bring one or two into the main but don't know where to make the cuts. Any help would be appreciated.

Posted 30 October 2014 at 05:29 as a comment on Your Grave My Gain


After playing around with the list, I have decided to cut a charbelcher and am considering dropping one incendiary command and one of the each storm cards for manamorphose. Some more playtesting will answer that.

Posted 05 August 2014 at 17:34 in reply to #491149 on There's a Storm Coming


I had included Dread Statuary and am looking for my votaic key. I had not considered rouge's passage. Thanks for the suggestion!

Posted 09 June 2014 at 02:23 in reply to #470856 on Budget Titan Time!


Really good concept and sound core to work with. Have you considered spiteful return? It's a solid 2 drop that gives a free shock to the opponent for swinging. Lifebane zombie could potentially work here as well if you play a lot of green or white based decks-yes he dies easily to removal but the ability to exile a problem green or white creature while getting a free peek at the opponents hand with 3 power intimidate if they don't have an answer. Mogis's marauder can be a game closer if your devotion to black is high enough to trigger multiple grantings of intimidate.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 17:35 as a comment on Needs some help??


+1 from me. I have been trying to develop a titan-forge based deck with reasonable for awhile. Well done. Though out of curiosity, what's your take on splashing white for blade splicer?

Posted 08 June 2014 at 06:10 as a comment on Budget Titan Time!


Sideboard suggestions anyone?

Posted 08 June 2014 at 06:02 as a comment on I'll Race You


I really like where the angle this deck is going for. Have you considered including proactive cards like magma jet that can speed the game up by damaging your opponent or remove an annoying blocker at instant speed (assuming toughness 2 or less) while at the same time being able to sculpt your draws with the scry function? I'm not sure if you want to just keep to the cards you already own or not, but temple of malice in place of a mountain could also help by allowing you to scry while serving as the appropriate duel land as well.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 03:13 as a comment on tauren onslaught


Like most of my modern and legacy decks will suffer from, I neither own or have the funds for fetchlands so the mana base will be considered far from ideal for some. Other than this any suggestions are appreciated.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 02:00 as a comment on Orzhov Blade


The current design is based around cards I either currently own or can afford to purchase. I know this format loves fetchlands, but I can't afford the uptempo options.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 01:37 as a comment on Simic Poison


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