
101 Decks, 72 Comments, 4 Reputation

Same here for the office ;)

Posted 29 July 2016 at 11:09 in reply to #585384 on Is MTGVault Dead?


This is true. While of I've known of magic since it started up, I was never able to really start building my own collection until college so while I recognize some vintage cards, the format is strange territory to me. I basically came into playing right after Shards of Alara, where as my older siblings played alpha and beta and all that good stuff. So most of the stuff I build is either legacy or edh. Edh has been the big thing lately so that's where most of my focus has been. But now my group is trying to go modern. Truthfully, I am just a casual player, I've never played in the competitive scene, but I own very few vintage cards so for a longtime all I knew was legacy as a format. As some of my previous decks built on here would show. But speaking more in regards to this post line, I think something that would help players connect more is perhaps, just a tiny profile, describing the type of player they are, and what type of decks they like to build. For me, as a casual player, fun is the biggest thing. So I try to create unique or flavorful decks, Hence the Gods of Theros, (http://www.mtgvault.com/willisson7/decks/the-gods-of-theros/) Or duel decks like Iroas and Mogis.
I don't know if id ever break out into the competitive scene, but if I did it be because sites like this and people like you gave me the know how. =)

Posted 24 July 2016 at 13:08 in reply to #585500 on Is MTGVault Dead?


sounds good. and please do. I love looking at similar deck ideas. Puschkin made a vintage style Demonic Pact called Faustus. You could also look that up for some ideas. Especially if you wanna go the hot potato route.

Posted 24 July 2016 at 12:49 in reply to #585651 on Kitty Pact


The cards I know of are Daring thief, Bazaar trader, and donate. The first two are modern legal, but if you are playing kitchen table then they all could work. Im currently in the process of proxying the deck, so I can test it in my play group. if it does as well as I think it can, I will probably drop the cash on it. Which is fairly low... I think? Several of my commander decks run upwards of $300.... makes me think I may have an addiction problem.

Posted 24 July 2016 at 12:42 in reply to #585651 on Kitty Pact


@ puschkin- So I went ahead and took a gander at that link and I must say it seems like a very well put together deck. My only issue was that it wasn't modern legal, other than that, great deck! I noticed that donating was your main strategy and if so, is that the main reason you decided on building it as vintage? Now that Harmless offering is out, (its the exact same thing as donate but in red, but I'm sure you know that) would you consider rebuilding around it for a more fresh take? I only ask because currently my local play group is wanting to go into the modern format, we've been stomping around edh for a while now. Which, the way you've built Faustus, I think it could translate nicely into an edh deck. Anyways, if your interested here is one of my takes on "Kitty Pact."

Posted 24 July 2016 at 12:25 in reply to #585500 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Hey Puschkin! Your one of the few names I actually recognize on this site. I've probably been using this site for a bout a year or so now, and I've had a few good interactions with people. The occasions where this happened was when I actually put myself out there and started commenting on other peoples decks and asking them for help or insights on my own decks. Like you were saying, I don't think we can just throw a deck together, say "Wow, I think this is awesome!" and make it public, then wait for the likes and reviews to come rolling in. I really enjoy this site even as it is. It is one of the better deck builders out there, imo. I've really no reason to complain about it at all, since I wasn't here for its glory days. All in all, the sight is pretty good for me. For me, I try not to post decks that have no tags or explanations on them. Typically those are just built for me. Then there are some deck ideas that I get really excited about. For example, you said you are still doing the "obscure card challenge" Would you consider Demonic
Pact to be obscure? Im currently trying to build a modern deck around the card, but I need mtg to update its card base to include harmless offering. Anyways if you are interested in taking a look, I can open it to public view or can can just send you the link. The fun in magic is creating new and exciting decks, decks that tell a story. Flavor, if you will. Those are the kind of decks I like.

Posted 23 July 2016 at 11:51 in reply to #585500 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Thanks. Im not too familiar with the newer cards at the moment. Canopy Vistas are added. I also swamped out elvish mystic for squadron hawk. That way I can get creatures in hand to cast.

Posted 12 March 2016 at 08:22 in reply to #577512 on Green White Memnite?


Ah the comment was just for kicks and giggles really but I do enjoy a good conversation. Text walls don't bother me.
I guess I should say I think playing standard is more expensive, not necessarily because 60 card decks or play sets but the fact that once the block rotates they are no longer standard. Trying to keep up with standard mtg has been expensive and ultimately the fact that they rotate out so quickly, (idk maybe that's just my opinion??) is what led me to opt out for commander. Does that make more sense? (also the local kitchen table switching to commander might've had something to do with that decision.) I do miss the sweet tricks one could do with a 60 card deck

Posted 23 February 2016 at 13:47 in reply to #575833 on Shared Fate


Read your "article/wall of text" on the more recent shared fate. Here's a comment for ingenuity. plus a like. This would be an interesting deck to try out. Chances of me playing a deck like this are slim now since im more into commander now... I think it's cause its cheaper? not having to buy a playset makes it easier on the wallet. love 60 card decks tho... I just don't hardly make em any more.

Posted 23 February 2016 at 10:41 as a comment on Shared Fate


Haha awesome! it looks like it would be tons of fun! Thanks for doing this Northy =)

Posted 14 August 2015 at 16:26 as a comment on High Roller: Among the Gods


Haha that's what my opponent actually told me as I lost to him. I will definitely be adding those inthanks

Posted 08 July 2015 at 14:17 in reply to #555572 on Abzan midrange


Also new here. In fact very new.... However I too am sad to hear that you will be leaving soon. I've enjoyed searching through your decks and seeing your ideas, but what Ive enjoyed more is seeing the dialogue between you and your friends discussing mechanics, and effectiveness of certain cards and just generally having a good time. I like to see that, that kind of relationship is possible to form here. Where I am from there are relatively few magic players... and no Friday Night Magic. The only people I really get to play with are family members and a few friends... but it seems that really only me and my brother are much into magic. Ha, together we actually managed to collect every card in the core 15 set. Ive enjoyed seeing people like you and moocow and northy interact... it makes me feel kinda what a fnm is all about. If I wanted to go to a FNM the nearest one is over a hundred miles away. Up until recently, I had never even been to an FNM. ( I actually made the 100+ mile trip to be able to attend one. I actually took the abzan midrange deck that ive posted on here, ( with slight variations, I actually ran four Ajani mentor of heroes and 2 Garruk apex Predators. I lost to my first opponent who was kind to me considering it was my first mtg. He ran a redwhite goblin rabblemaster.) but out of the 6 matches I played with different people,i went 3-3, and I learned a lot... such as 4 ajanis might be a bit much in deck. However, it was a ton of fun and it was exciting to meet new people and to see new ideas... and I almost get that same feeling here. So once again im said to hear that such an active and experienced mtg fan such as yourself is leaving. I hope that someday I might actually be able to attend more than just FNM occasionly but hopefully make it to a tournament. I also hope to be an aspiring collector... Me and my brother bother want to have playsets of each card as they come out. its a long shot dream, but hey im working up and saving up to it! Any ways, I hope that life is good to you wherever you go! Also if you have moment, I would love it if you would look at the decks that ive created and the ideas behind them and help me with tips and general card knowledge on how to improve the decks. Again thank you.

Posted 08 July 2015 at 02:55 as a comment on Brainstorming: Final Curtain


Hi northy! im new on here.. and relatively amatuer at mtg. Since your on here i was hoping that you ight create a deck that is centered around the theros gods. Ive made one purely for flavor but it is not competive. Im wndering if you might be able to make a competive god deck... It doesnt have to be all the gods like mine is.. cause im sure it would be extremely difficult. But if you want maybe an edh format???

Posted 06 July 2015 at 16:20 as a comment on Northy is Back. Definitely.


just did quite a few sample hands to see how the deck would run. I'm impressed. It was quite consistent on a turn 3 whisperwood. Which is really just devastating. And if you are able to get a turn 3 whisper wood, I guess your not really concerned about mana then, so it turns that extra mana into nice chump blockers or what not. nice deck.

Posted 26 June 2015 at 09:06 in reply to #554328 on Manifest Destiny


So what happens if you end up manifesting Non creature spells and permanents... ? you cant really get them back can you? unless they die and you use den protector, which depending on the situation. might not be what you want. when it comes to whisper wood elemental... I'm a little cautious. I wonder how my Temur Morph deck would fair against this. Feel free to check it out and comment.

Posted 26 June 2015 at 08:56 as a comment on Manifest Destiny


Thanks for commenting. Does theros have fetch lands? other than evolving wilds? ive already added the sylvan caryatids... other wise i wouldnt be able to get the mana at all hardly. Also do you think the idea of this deck would work better as edh?

Posted 23 June 2015 at 23:13 as a comment on The Gods of Theros


well me and my brother were just playing a paupers game... he was running a semi-dash deck... and he could hit hard pretty fast but he couldnt defend very well. He made the comment that he wish his creatures had flash... so we thought flash and dash... i think thatll be my next project.

Posted 23 June 2015 at 23:09 in reply to #553898 on An age of heroes


Nice MooCow... i like the crazy deck theme you've got going on. Could i perhaps get you to check out a few of my own... Especially the Gods of Theros. I have a couple of crazy ideas that i wanna toss around with a few more experienced mtg players than myself. Almost like a challenge, if you will.

Posted 21 June 2015 at 22:18 as a comment on An age of heroes


I like your style! could you check out my decks please? Especially the Gods of Theros deck. There is a conversation I want to get started with more experienced magic players such as yourself.

Posted 21 June 2015 at 22:07 as a comment on Decks with Stuff: Sac Goodness


I would hate to be on the other end of it

Posted 20 June 2015 at 21:20 in reply to #553827 on Competitive Decks: MG Insanity


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