
64 Decks, 113 Comments, 2 Reputation

good idea il try and squeeze it in thats a ton of cards to draw swords make infect creatures even more threatening then they are cause no one wants to get hit by them so if i put one on say rot wolf their almost forced to block it so rot wolf eats it and i draw a card ^^

Posted 28 February 2011 at 18:53 in reply to #135930 on G/W Infect


i havent tried it out i just went to 5k DC and played Caw-Blade but i borrowed jaces lol so now im looking for some new type of deck and i want to run mystic and the sword i got from the box i won in a side event ^^ but from the test draws it seems to be good also im running 1 skeleton cause i go grab it with mystic and 1 in the board for if they kill artifacts might bump it upto 2 main deck also il check out ur deck

Posted 28 February 2011 at 18:51 in reply to #135920 on G/W Infect


take out silence put in 2 more honor of the pure.... add Brave the Elements as well

Posted 14 February 2011 at 19:16 as a comment on Knights who say NI


bump up tez count to 4 id drop effigy and add 2 more chalice drop darksteel myr for 1 go for the throat 2 doom blade and slide in some mimic vats

Posted 14 February 2011 at 18:22 as a comment on Tezzerets Liches


i forgot about tumble magnet lol

Posted 14 February 2011 at 18:18 as a comment on U/B Tezzeret Proliferation


3 Go for the Throat
2 Doom Blade that package kills just about everything the issue with 4 throat is wurmcoil sits there going hey how you doin

Posted 10 February 2011 at 13:07 as a comment on B/U/W Infect Control


dont know why i put in necropede.. but inkmoth is just good chump block that flys it animates for 1 its damage sticks and it can hover over and punch of jace

Posted 10 February 2011 at 12:19 in reply to #125416 on Tempered Steel Beatdown


oh whoops u have signal pest in that case +4 bolt not pest

Posted 06 February 2011 at 22:20 as a comment on Mono Red Battle Cry


okay -1 Cerbral eruption -4 Slagstorm -2 Hero +4 Signal pest +2 flayer husk +3 Panic Spellbomb and then 20 lands

Posted 06 February 2011 at 22:19 as a comment on Mono Red Battle Cry


This looks type 2 so bonesaw is outa the question however squire is cool cause he Attaches equipment its equip at instant speed so if u put in squire put in argentum armour which should honestly already be in here haha =P u got outfitter and mystic

Posted 06 February 2011 at 22:16 as a comment on Speedy Kor Deck Pls rate


Leyline of the void

Posted 06 February 2011 at 18:32 as a comment on Bazaar Coil


i find semblance anvil is funny in this deck

Posted 04 February 2011 at 15:19 as a comment on Myr Battleforce


about 12 bucks each i hear you about the budget man iv just been lucky with pulls from packs and good trading

Posted 04 February 2011 at 14:22 in reply to #124875 on T2 Elf Deck


yah its all about what people play at ur store ^^ everybody at my store plays grave titan and Caw-Go BR vamps or ramp of some sort so i dont have to deal with frost tits cool thing about elves is u rack up a load of mana drop monument then kick warcaller say 4 5 times? then they all fly and are indestructible 6/6 or 7/7s i believe that spells GAME OVER =P

Posted 04 February 2011 at 13:54 as a comment on T2 Elf Deck


so my advice to this my elf deck is a Elf-Vine deck i use venge urs is genesis wave elves so definently get the arbor elves and another treespeaker they r like a buck 70 total for 1 treespeaker and 4 arbor elf or u can just get um from somebody at ur local shop monuments should go in cause it makes u immune to day and all that unfortunately Black Sun's Zenith just came into the game -.- so if ur playing black u arent safe even if indestructible what i would do is

-4 Forest +4 Arbor Elf
-1 Forest +1 Treespeaker
and for monuments id drop fog and move it to SB cause theres only a few decks that fog is good against alot of the format is control and ramp right now and u go faster then those decks by alot lol so id move 4 fog to side and add 3 monuments 1 nissa or 4 monuments because sure if u have 1 nissa in hand 1 on board people tend to want to kill nissa really really badly so she will get hexmaged away or beat in the face with a man land and with monument shes funny cause u sac chosen to monument then get it back with nissa rinse and repeat ^^ hope i was of some help

Posted 04 February 2011 at 13:24 in reply to #124835 on T2 Elf Deck


Yah vengevine just fits perfect cause u can pitch it to fauna shaman to go get another then swing with copperhorn untap shaman do it again then play 2 elves to reanimate them all

Posted 04 February 2011 at 13:18 in reply to #124849 on Vengeful Elves


sure they have haste but if u can drop a llanowar tap it to play another whats cool with elves is when they have haste u do everything so much faster my friend is a big legacy elf player and what his deck does is drops crossroads starts playing elves then hits glimpse to draw cards and keeps drawing and drawing till he hits Byorythm i think its called and then game Skullclamp is cool with the elf that makes 1/1 bug tokens

Posted 04 February 2011 at 13:16 in reply to #124838 on Random Elves


Glimpse of nature and Corcandant crossroads

Posted 04 February 2011 at 12:44 as a comment on Random Elves


id run about 16 forests and add 1 more treespeaker and 4 arbor elves also run 3 chosen and 3 nissa heres my elf deck if ud like to look it runs really well also make room for Eldrazi Monument 3-4 of them

Posted 04 February 2011 at 12:35 as a comment on T2 Elf Deck


the flaw to these decks is if somebody gos consuming vapors? gatekeeper of malakir or any other thing that causes u to sacrifice or if they just bounce him to ur hand with JTMS or into the roil unsummon etc a good way to build shape anew is u take like U/B or U/W control and u make some adjustments for the shape anew combo so that shape anew isnt ur ONLY win condition also for this deck u should be running see beyond draw 2 shuffle one back in cause if u draw colossus thats game

Hope i helped ^^

Posted 04 February 2011 at 12:32 as a comment on blightsteel


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