96 Decks, 288 Comments, 58 Reputation

Thanks for the suggestions. Felidar Umbra gives my creatures lifelink and has Totem, which is good because they have high mana costs. I didn't use Furnace of Wrath because it wouldn't be a fun win. I only hesitate using Pyrohemia because I used it in this deck http://mtgvault.com/1111222334/decks/manabarbs-sanctuary/ and I don't like using the same card twice.

Posted 02 March 2013 at 02:08 in reply to #327721 on Fuck Me? Fuck You!


You have a lot of spells with converted mana cost over 5. You need a way to draw cards and/or produce additional mana. Otherwise you could focus the deck on your cards with CMC 4 or less.

Posted 18 February 2013 at 05:03 as a comment on R/W Prevent/Redirect


Good deck! I think because Deadly Allure is in this deck, you can rely less on creatures with deathtouch. You could put in more black/green creatures like Skullbriar the Walking Grave, Slitherhead, and Golgari Guildmage and attach Ring of Xathrid, and Ring of Kalonia to them.

Posted 17 February 2013 at 16:20 as a comment on Death's Touch


Neat! You can only put out Thropters equal to the amount of mana you have though. Can you really have 6 Evolving Wilds? Is it not a non-basic land?

Posted 17 February 2013 at 16:02 as a comment on Suddenly, Thopters. Thopters everywhere.


I mostly agree with OldFool. I also suggest Batwing Brume and Mortify. You definitely need more mana.

Posted 17 February 2013 at 15:48 as a comment on Gain Drain (old)


This is a cool deck. Could use some tweaking, but I like the idea of it. Check out a similar deck I have, maybe it'll give you some ideas: http://mtgvault.com/1111222334/decks/manabarbs-sanctuary/

Posted 17 February 2013 at 15:25 as a comment on R/W Prevent/Redirect


I don't think of ever seen a Relentless Rats deck without a Thrumming Stone. Check out the rat deck I just made: http://mtgvault.com/1111222334/decks/another-rat-deck/

Posted 12 February 2013 at 20:53 as a comment on THE RAT PACK


It seems you're relying heavily on drawing Jace early in the game. You need a better way to draw cards. I think you should use Howling Mine and Temple Bell and get rid of all the swords except Sword of War and Peace.

Posted 11 February 2013 at 01:39 as a comment on Stalk-Blade(modern)


Thank you. I haven't played with it much, but it seems like it should hold up alright.

Posted 11 February 2013 at 01:13 in reply to #322768 on Another Rat Deck


I would add more Mark of Evictions before adding Turn to Mist. You can always use Aether Spellbomb or Mark of Eviction to return either flickering creatures to your hand.

Posted 03 February 2013 at 21:55 in reply to #318446 on Flickering Mischief


I didn't use Illusions of Grandeur because it is worth more than I usually spend on cards and because it wouldn't be very fun to win with.

Posted 03 February 2013 at 21:41 in reply to #319787 on Flickering Mischief


Goblins are so much fun. I have a similar deck http://mtgvault.com/1111222334/decks/sacrificial-shenanigans/

Posted 24 January 2013 at 18:44 as a comment on Suicidal Goblins


That is a good card for this deck. Thanks!

Posted 24 January 2013 at 18:36 in reply to #318528 on Undying Power


I think Geth's Grimoire, Jace's Archivist and maybe Painful Quandary would work in this deck. Please give me suggestions on my deck http://mtgvault.com/1111222334/decks/help-please/

Posted 15 January 2013 at 22:23 as a comment on Papercuts-suggestions?


Stuffy Doll and Phytohydra make me think of using Lure or Pariah, but this deck looks pretty awesome without those cards.

Posted 09 January 2013 at 04:02 as a comment on Stuffy Control


Very cool deck. Here is my attempt at a deck built around Paradox Haze http://mtgvault.com/1111222334/decks/suspended-paradox/

Posted 09 January 2013 at 03:54 as a comment on Again, Again!


The Traumatize/Keening Stone combo is cool. This deck definitely needs a better way to draw cards in order to make sure your Isochron Scepter gets out.

Posted 06 January 2013 at 18:07 as a comment on Silence. I mill you.


You have a lot of single cards in this deck, which makes it a bit unpredictable when playing. One of my most effective decks is a zombie mill deck as well: http://mtgvault.com/1111222334/decks/milled-by-zombies/

Posted 06 January 2013 at 17:36 as a comment on Zombies eat cards


Thought about it, but his mana cost is a bit too high.
Lightning Bolt is pretty puny compared to the other cards in this deck. I have yet to lose with this deck so I'll leave it as is until problems arise.

Posted 05 January 2013 at 21:03 in reply to #314225 on Forceful Drawing


Its so much more fun to steal them than it is to detain them http://mtgvault.com/1111222334/decks/flickering-mischief/

Posted 05 January 2013 at 16:29 as a comment on You're detained!


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