
148 Decks, 417 Comments, 113 Reputation

Well specifically for Platinum Emperion, Id just hit him with a Burn, and the doubling of damage would kill him just like any other creature. If he has Shroud, then i guess i'd be pretty screwed. But only once. Every deck has its Weakness...I didnt put Worlds of thought into this one but i can fix it with a sideboard.

Stuff like Leyline of Sanctity would be Bad.....Asceticism wouldn't matter to much because Circle Of Flame gets around it, because it doesnt "target" a creature, Just like Pyroclasm and Darkness. Bonfire Of The Damned couldnt get through Hexproof on a Creature, But its ok, because it hits the player even if it doesnt do anything to the creature. Circle Of Flame and Hissing Miasma don't care about Hexproof at all.

I dont think i would have too much of a problem with Hexproof Overall, Or Anything else that grants it or protects the Player...But JUST to be safe, Ill go ahead and Sideboard Terminate and Creeping Mold. And to be even safer, Ill also Sideboard Leyline Of Sanctity

Posted 28 August 2012 at 07:47 in reply to #285582 on Scorched King - A Creatureless Deck


Parallel Lives + Earthcraft both would have to be in play though...So its not for Budget, but it would definitely work :)

Posted 28 August 2012 at 06:23 in reply to #285634 on Budget Squirrel Deck


I'm almost tempted to spend the 40 bucks to buy the Earthcraft to go into this one.....I mean its awesome without it, but With it? Dear God.

Oh, By the way...Parallel Lives is less than two bucks, and that is enough in itself to let you go Infinite with your squirrels.

Also, in a very weird and unexplainable Way...I want to use Conspiracy and Krenko, Mob Boss to make him Tap to add X squirrel/goblins into play. I know it makes no sense, but dammit i want to see a few thousand squirrelgoblins put into play!

Posted 28 August 2012 at 06:20 as a comment on Budget Squirrel Deck


Also you might think of putting in the big Eldrazi.....You could put one out and let it get killed, which would shuffle your graveyard back into your library, making it back to 200+ (hopefully)

Posted 28 August 2012 at 03:54 as a comment on Battle of Wits


Yeah, Need at least 60 more cards. You have to make Allowances for the fact that it may be a while before you either draw Battle Of Wits, or a card to Search for it.

Add All the Tutors in, Also I'd suggest (because you need the cards and it wont hurt any) tossing in every Mana Producing Myr that you can find, That will help with the Mana Curve quite a bit. Also you can add in all the Triple Lands from the Shards Of Alara set.
4x Jungle Shrine
4x Arcane Sanctum
4x Crumbling Necropolis
4x Savage Lands
4x Seaside Citadel
4x Gold Myr
4x Leaden Myr
4x Iron Myr
4x Copper Myr
4x Silver Myr
4x Demonic Tutor
4x Worldly Tutor
4x Cruel Tutor
4x Enlightened Tutor
4x Grim Tutor
4x Sylvan Tutor
That will get you not only up to the size you need, but also fix your mana base (almost) This is just a condensed list of things you COULD add, 64 Cards in Total, leaving your deck at 225

Posted 28 August 2012 at 03:52 as a comment on Battle of Wits


I just tried a new angle on might like it.

Posted 28 August 2012 at 03:44 as a comment on Sliver deck


Now that its Typed correctly and Modified slightly, I suddenly find it even more scary. Hells Yeah!

Posted 28 August 2012 at 03:42 as a comment on Fahrenheit 451


OoOOOOoooOOOooOoOOO....Do Like. Never been a big fan of Zombies, but still, I like quite a bit.

Posted 28 August 2012 at 03:41 as a comment on ZOMBI Rave


After playing about 20 games between my Creatureless Deck and Yours, You win about 70% of the time. I ALWAYS Vaporize all your hunted creatures, They are like the buzzing of flies to my Smoldering God. However....Stuffy Doll murders me with my own Enchantments usually before i can get anything out to kill him and not me. So as much as i like my Deck, It can't hold up against this one, Not with Stuffy Doll :)

Posted 28 August 2012 at 03:33 as a comment on hunted dolls


Magical Hack and Mind Bend on a Stick? Hmmmm....Nice Thought!

Posted 28 August 2012 at 03:20 as a comment on lock&smack


We should have a contest to see which is more Annoying....Yours or my "Mea Mentis"....aka the Honey Badger, cause it just doesn't care.

Posted 28 August 2012 at 03:16 as a comment on Lock-down (Artifact)


I took a bit more time to look, and id suggest -2 Harmonic Sliver, +3 Homing Sliver

Posted 28 August 2012 at 02:18 in reply to #285578 on Silver Nexus


Thrumming Stone MAY be a good idea, but thats just my thought. The only sound advice i have for you is to ditch a random pair of Slivers, and toss in Homing Sliver. I didnt think it was needed at first, but when i tried it, It turned out to be a gamesaver against quicker decks. It gives all slivers Slivercycling, leaving yet another way to find the right sliver for the occasion. I know Overlord does it, but this would just give you more chances to draw something to let you search for a sliver.. Just an idea, Since you already have the big 3. (Overlord, Queen, Legion)

Posted 28 August 2012 at 02:17 as a comment on Silver Nexus


Also there is Myojin Of Night's Reach
"Myojin of Night's Reach enters the battlefield with a divinity counter on it if you cast it from your hand.
Myojin of Night's Reach is indestructible as long as it has a divinity counter on it.
Remove a divinity counter from Myojin of Night's Reach: Each opponent discards his or her hand."

Posted 26 August 2012 at 13:21 as a comment on Megrim


-1 Gemhide Sliver
+1 Sliver Overlord.

That will be another way to search for a sliver that you need. Other than that, Its great. A friend of mine put Platinum Angel into his sliver deck, with Hivestone to turn her into a sliver. That + Crystalline sliver = Pretty much game over.

Posted 26 August 2012 at 13:11 as a comment on Slivers :)


Point Taken....I wonder how i missed that.

Posted 25 August 2012 at 18:02 as a comment on Scorched King - A Creatureless Deck


I think this VS my Creatureless deck would be one of those battles of the ages....Something even more fun for the people watching than for us. It would be SO weird....So many little twists would be needed for either of us to Win.

Posted 25 August 2012 at 13:07 as a comment on hunted dolls


I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've had to both Tone down the badassery (which i demand be a real word) of my decks, or just not use the really good ones. And in all honesty, Top Tier decks are only fun if every deck in the game is at the same level...So its good to have something that works great, but not perfect.

I totally believe you about having to play it to see the greatness....And i do have to admit that its one of the more Unique decks iv seen. Good enough to earn a Like from me. You seem like a Player that i would really like to face...None of your decks are Boring, you don't use the same old tired shit that most people do. Lose or Win, a game with you is sure to be fun. Personally i'd love to Either print Proxies, or Modify your Squirrel deck to be cheap enough to buy. It would almost be as funny to whip somebody with it as it would to whip them with a really good Unhinged/Unglued Deck....Maybe funnier because yours is totally Legal.

Posted 25 August 2012 at 11:33 in reply to #284748 on Dignity Lobotomy


ProTip #1: Composite Golem + Doubling Cube. Sac the Golem for one of each color, and pay 3 more colorless and use that to set off Door To Nothingness.

ProTip #2: Orochi Leafcaller. I had a friend who used Doorway To Nothingness in a Mono Green deck. Birds Of Paradise + Followed Footsteps works too, Twice as good with Parallel Lives/Doubling Season/Paradox Haze.

(I'm not a Pro by the way....But using the word ProTip makes me feel better) LOL

Posted 25 August 2012 at 11:22 as a comment on Bring the Nothingness


With a name like Endless Nightmare...the first thought through my head was this:
Nightmare + Doubling Season + Parallel Lives + Followed
That being said, I do like it quite a bit :)

Posted 25 August 2012 at 10:17 as a comment on Endless nightmare


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