
119 Decks, 122 Comments, 7 Reputation

i personally think slivers can do without him. but that's just me. i feel like a 7 drop compared to 3 2 drops that can do the same thing and add numbers is good. but then again we're working with new things so i could be wrong. this is just what i'v gathered from playing with the old slivers and knowing how they play.

Posted 11 September 2013 at 04:41 in reply to #395420 on Attack of the slivers


keep thorncaster cuz he's good but groundshaker is too high of a cost for a standard sliver deck. sliver's are meant to be fast and i would probably get rid of megantic also. thorncaster acts as creature removal in a sense or he can deal direct damage. i would also add sentinel and galerider. i only say galerider because otherwise you have no defense against flying. striking sliver is good but since bonescyth does the same thing better, striking becomes kind of limited to just another sliver that doesn't do anything. not trying to sound like a dick, just wanna help. :)

Posted 08 September 2013 at 23:19 in reply to #395420 on Attack of the slivers


sure thing. :) i'm a fan of slivers. i'm pretty sad they're not making more in theros. but here's a link to my standard slivers if you're interested in seeing what i did. ours are pretty similar for the most part.

Posted 08 September 2013 at 23:08 in reply to #395637 on Sliver's


it's a good standard deck, don't get me wrong. but some of the slivers in here aren't really meant for 1v1. slivers are best when used to bash into people quickly. syphon sliver is good for sure but not if you're using slivers in 1v1. he's an extra color that you have to worry about only being able to use if manaweft is in play. galerider is also an extra color but he's also the only protection against flying so he's a must. as for striking sliver he's good except that bonescyth gives double strike which is essencially the same thing. also being that slivers like quick victories it's more effective to try and keep your maximum cmc lower. megantic sliver is a high cost. maybe try cutting back on the number of slivers and add some creature removal and maybe 2 more lands. if you swap battle sliver for thorncaster you can eliminate potential blockers with your sheer number of slivers or hit your opponent directly. i would add another predatory sliver as well since their ability stacks. i'm not trying to be an asshole in saying all of this by any means. i'v just been playing with and against slivers for awhile and want to help out if you plan on going to tourneys. :)

Posted 08 September 2013 at 22:20 as a comment on Sliver's


i had no part in it. XD but i like it. :p

Posted 06 June 2013 at 04:33 in reply to #361785 on squirrels


yah. itll go great in here with all the buffs.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 07:16 in reply to #360425 on mono black zombies


it did. i appreciate it. i read endless ranks like 4 times before i realized it was an enchantment and did it every turn. XD i thought it was a sorcery at first.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 06:55 in reply to #360425 on mono black zombies


yah. i dont really care cuz i only play with a group of my buddies and they come up with all sorts of crazy stuff.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 06:50 in reply to #360425 on mono black zombies


bloodthrone vampire only gets it til end of turn. carrion feeder gets counters so its a permanent boost. and it was more of a oh i just noticed that sorta thing. :p

Posted 02 June 2013 at 06:46 in reply to #360425 on mono black zombies


grave crawler is a good idea. it lets me kinda loop with carrion feeder. sac and recast to keep pumping him. i think army is too expensive for wut im going for with this deck. endless ranks would be a fun one to do too. i appreciate the input. :)

Posted 02 June 2013 at 06:39 in reply to #360425 on mono black zombies


yah. i think thats gonna take sidewinder's place. good suggestion. i usually get one idea in my mind and stick with it. thats y i like this site. ppl can double check my work.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 06:36 in reply to #360427 on naya slivers


thnx. this is moreso a concept and i was lookin for feedback. im fairly new to the game, just started playing in march, and have been building alot of concept decks just to get some feedback before i commit to any deck in particular.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 06:29 in reply to #360425 on mono black zombies


yah. ill see about throwing that in. i like just throwing out slivers and them having all sorts of buffs and then goin crazy. thats how iv been running them at least.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 06:26 in reply to #360427 on naya slivers


yah. slivers r fun little mfs.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 06:16 in reply to #360395 on naya slivers


iv play tested this alot. it really doesnt need them. what it does need is some of the m14 slivers. :p

Posted 02 June 2013 at 05:30 in reply to #360395 on naya slivers


thats true. its all situational i guess. whichever works. cant wait for the m14 slivers. i just bought the bones of my buddies old sliver deck and im makin plans for them.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 04:04 in reply to #360348 on happy hunters


just a thought but for a 1 drop that can do early game things how about sidewinder sliver? if ur opponent decides hey im gonna drop a first turn chump blocker and u pull sidewinder, he'll run through the chump and save u a sliver.

Posted 02 June 2013 at 03:17 in reply to #360348 on happy hunters


i was test running this and then decided to change alot of it. gimme a minute to update it and check out the new build. i think its better.

Posted 29 May 2013 at 05:45 in reply to #358162 on izzet goblins to dragons


i was considering it but the cultivates and rampant growths r more than enough. by the time i would get the lantern out it doesnt really matter cuz i have enough land diversity to hard cast anything if i dont have out my amulet. but i did want to use it at one point. :)

Posted 29 May 2013 at 03:11 in reply to #358050 on 5 color dragons


yah. i find it easier to use mtg deckbuilder to build the decks but this site gives feedback and an accurate price check. so ill make my decks on deckbuilder and copy them on this site for a price check and feedback. right now im running a slapshod jund dragon deck that just kind of changes depending on wut cards i have and a rakdos deck. both of them my buddys hate playing and im usually targeted cuz they're decent multiplayer decks.

Posted 29 May 2013 at 00:34 in reply to #357987 on 5 color dragons


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