
995 Decks, 1,355 Comments, 89 Reputation

i would try to get it more consistent with more duplicates but i bet this was made with your collection in which case i would be doing the same thing so no worries there. I would get rid of wurms tooth, ive never liked those cards and have always felt that better cards could take its spot. im also confused with the granny's payback, considering its unhinged. If the cards were just made with ones in your collection, its a good start. My only advice would be just to try and focus it some more somehow and to get rid of the unhinged cards. lol

Posted 11 July 2010 at 23:50 as a comment on How Do You Play This Game Again?


also i would replace tome scour with glimpse the unthinkable

Posted 11 July 2010 at 23:44 in reply to #73156 on T2 Mill


if its legacy i would recomend the painters servant and grindstone combo. maybe put in some fetch lands to deck thin and get the crabs doing some more. maybe some unsummons mainboard or walls for some more protection as well. I would just put plain ol counterspells in place of some of the counter cards. Other than that, its a solid start. nemesis is a fun card

Posted 11 July 2010 at 23:40 as a comment on T2 Mill


maybe toss in some howling mines so you can get the combo faster. still a 10 though.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 22:10 in reply to #53611 on Selective Memory


well done sir!!!!!!!!!!! ive been looking at treasure hunt and selective memory for weeks now trying to think of somehting for standard!!! You did it!!!!!! Beat me to the punch. i really like it. im giving you a 10 becuase you succeeded in what i failed to do. its a really nice combo.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 22:08 as a comment on Selective Memory


if you do that, you should also put in some slivers that give haste so you can swing immediately. that would be so funny i think. let me know what you do. =)

Posted 25 February 2010 at 15:42 in reply to #53548 on Bant Slivers


you should make all of your slivers 3 or less and put in aluren and mana severence. that way you can play your whole deck in one turn. lol. if you dont do that, please tell me so i can make a deck with that idea. : ) great deck though.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 15:38 as a comment on Bant Slivers


if you want to take full advantage of emeria, i would suggest going mono white to make it easier to get the lands. maybe pilgrim's eye if you need more card search if you decide to go mono white. take a look at my allied emeria's monument deck if thats the way you decide to go. All in all, you have to playtest it first i guess before any real decisions can be made. if it works the way it is currently, go for it.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 21:48 as a comment on Emeria Rebirth (Comments requested)


chill out

Posted 24 February 2010 at 21:46 in reply to #53409 on Emeria Rebirth (Comments requested)


i would get rid of the berserkers for more of the shapeshifters

Posted 24 February 2010 at 14:27 as a comment on Ally Bounce


i would replace glorious anthem with honor of the pure and maximize the paths but other than that it looks really solid. well done.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 14:26 as a comment on Lobsterhood of the Kithkins


trim. you wanna stay as close to 60 as possible to increase consistency. maybe add some drowned catacombs and glacial fortress's and ditch the teramorphic expanses for a better mana base. when your at 60 cards you can prob trim your lands a bit too. maybe 23 or 22 should be good. most your spells hover around 2. counterspells may not be needed as well since thats not the primary focus. maybe sideabord those. also maybe maximize angelsongs.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 14:22 in reply to #53353 on Tutor Trap (beta)


id put in some dragonskull summits for a better mana base, run 4 rituals and 4 simian guides. a draw mechanic may be good idea as well. maybe howling mines so you can get to your cards you need faster. cool idea.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 14:13 as a comment on Deck Challenge- Unopposed


thats the most intelligent thing ive ever heard.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 13:58 in reply to #53321 on bloodchief mill


its a cool idea. i would run 4 of the benefactors and 4 of the archive traps though. you can also combo paths and the traps so why not maximize it? good deck.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 13:56 as a comment on Tutor Trap (beta)


it probably is but its just for fun anyway. not planning on competing with it. i might be using my allied emeria's monument deck for that if it works. thanks for all the comments though guys.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 22:27 in reply to #53283 on bloodchief mill


i feel like you need more allies for the excavator to be used at maximum potential. only running 11 doesnt seem like enough to me. i know the effect will multiply itself with the multiples copies but i would still maybe consider mainboarding the raptor. maybe also add one or 2 traumatizes. but if the playtesting seemed to work then i guess stick with it. looks fun to play though. good job.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 21:25 as a comment on Ally Mill


got the idea of a comment dhruvseth left on one of zamfirs decks. thought it would be fun. any help or comments would be great. thanks! : )

Posted 23 February 2010 at 19:27 as a comment on bloodchief mill


yeah i probably could have. i just made it for shits and giggles. and its true. most of the decks on my account are mediocre. mainly because i build for budget standard. i have some decent ones sprinked in there every now and then but most of the time i keep trying to build budget standard decks and most of the time they obviously do not come up to par with the decks that have playsets of baneslayers and what not. o well. thanks for the comment though.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 16:54 in reply to #53178 on hive mind multiple win conditions


the kraken is self explanatory- 6/6 unblockable
you can donate your immortal coil to your opponent the bojuko bog them for the win.
or you can play hive mind and play a pact card which your opponent has to copy. on his/her turn they lose if they cannot pay the upkeep. if they have the colors sideboard the other pacts or something. its not a very good deck- just thought it would be fun. its tremendously slow.

hope that helped

Posted 23 February 2010 at 16:51 in reply to #53160 on hive mind multiple win conditions


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