
39 Decks, 79 Comments, 4 Reputation

Yeah it has a tendency to derp and add double the cards I wanted

Posted 20 May 2013 at 00:17 in reply to #354269 on GRUUL Win


Sure ill take a look. Thanks

Posted 19 May 2013 at 22:57 in reply to #354269 on GRUUL Win


That's what I get for posting via smartphone

Posted 19 May 2013 at 22:55 in reply to #354269 on GRUUL Win


I hate when it does that lol sorry for the confusion. I fixed it

Posted 19 May 2013 at 22:48 in reply to #354269 on GRUUL Win


Made a couple changes after testing. Will be taking it to Fnm tonight

Posted 17 May 2013 at 21:57 as a comment on Jund Aggro Standard


It's a good idea but I don't have any unfortunately.

Posted 17 May 2013 at 18:02 in reply to #353517 on Jund Aggro Standard


Thanks! I was worried about the mana base at first but with about 10+ plays against air with actual deck I ran into mana problems once. (Couldn't get a black source) and I will definitely take a look at yours as soon as possible.

Posted 16 May 2013 at 21:51 in reply to #353309 on Jund Aggro Standard


Ok will do. Thanks

Posted 15 May 2013 at 00:55 in reply to #352401 on Boros standard


It's ok. And ninja I didn't mean to be douche like I even said it would be a good addition he just doesn't have any

Posted 15 May 2013 at 00:44 in reply to #352401 on Boros standard


Not you the original comment. I apologize we must have posted about the same time. But you have a good idea I'll see what we can work out

Posted 15 May 2013 at 00:38 in reply to #352401 on Boros standard


Really? Did you not read the deck description? I understand they would be good in here but he has none and we have to go with what he has.

Posted 15 May 2013 at 00:31 in reply to #352401 on Boros standard


Thats a good idea and I would if I could but I've never been fortunate enough to get one.

Posted 14 May 2013 at 04:01 in reply to #352006 on R/B Aggro Standard


Ok I'll go ahead and put the other two riders in there. The raiders are nice with the deck but they're a little too slow

Posted 13 May 2013 at 08:19 in reply to #351664 on R/G Aggro Standard


I would if I had them. My friend got all of mine for his Boros deck though. But I see what you're saying

Posted 13 May 2013 at 08:16 in reply to #351520 on R/G Aggro Standard


Yes that was the original idea. It's is a huge amount of damage on turn 4 if the cards fall right. But it's not likely that the cards fall that much into my favor. However, since I only have 3 boars and the local card shop is sold out I might drop a lightning mauler and put in two beast masters to have in just in case

Posted 13 May 2013 at 06:07 in reply to #351512 on R/G Aggro Standard


Ok thanks a ton. I'll dig out what skullcracks I have. And thunderbolts. I'll have to work on getting the skylashers though. Ash zealot is no problem. I haven't seen any mill decks where I play so I'm not sure about the elixir

Posted 13 May 2013 at 06:00 in reply to #351520 on R/G Aggro Standard


First off Thanks for the advice I appreciate it. I have a couple hellriders to put in and also a couple rubble belt raiders I think I will go 2 and 2 for the beast masters I only have 3 flint hoof boar currently but I will work on getting another and put those in for the goblins. Personally I've never really used lightning mauler but people have recommended him in the past so I want to keep him for now and test it before I make a decision on him. I don't have the legion loyalist at the moment but may look at getting some. Once again thanks for the input and what are your suggestions on the sideboard?

Posted 12 May 2013 at 22:45 in reply to #351520 on R/G Aggro Standard


Very solid deck looks tough to play against. I suggest taking out lotleth troll and diregraf ghoul for splinterfright and boneyard wurm. They are great in the graveyard with varolz out if you have a bunch of creatures in your graveyard they scavenge for how many you have not for 0 as I originally thought they would. Plus they are big cheap creatures that can help late game as well. Splinterfrights second ability feeds your graveyard. If you would like you can check out my varolz idea and let me know what you think

Posted 04 May 2013 at 06:50 as a comment on Scavenging Standard


results from last nights FNM
R1: W 2-1 vs. G/B Aggro
R2: W 2-0 vs. Monowhite Aggro
R3: L 1-2 vs. USA flash (had a hard time getting mana in both losses)
at this point I had enough points to make it to top 4
playoff round 1: W 2-1 vs. U/B/W flash
FINAL ROUND: W 2-1 vs. Naya midrange

wasn't a large tournament but I got to see how it worked against different decks. I pretty much out aggroed the aggro decks and out ran the control decks. The deck is extremely fast and very violent if I can get the ball rolling. Which is pretty easy to do with all the low costing cards and 22 mana. The set against the USA flash was a tough one because I couldn't get any mana. I don't know that things would have been different if i could have, but the one game I got the mana I needed I did very well. I made a couple misplays by dumbly naming snapcaster mage first with slaughtergames instead of sphinx's revelation. I learned my lesson there. Overall the night was a major success in my opinion. still taking any comments, suggestions, or questions.

Posted 26 January 2013 at 19:43 as a comment on R/B Aggro-Standard


i will keep everyone informed. so far play testing against my friends it works really well.

Posted 21 January 2013 at 19:24 in reply to #317740 on R/B Aggro-Standard


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