
145 Decks, 409 Comments, 12 Reputation

I would remove Fungal Behemoth for Forgotten Ancient, I would also consider putting in some Runed Stalactite to make more of your non-elves elves to improve your magistrate.

Posted 08 April 2010 at 03:42 as a comment on Draconic Elves (sorta...)


I would rather have early defenders that I can throw away than some mana acceleration.

Posted 08 April 2010 at 03:25 in reply to #58777 on Yes, my Liege


Stuffy doll is quite hilarious with pestilence, vigor can be as well if you find yourself splashing green. Also, protection from black doesn't work for your creatures since pestilence is a global effect (like how wrath of god still kills progenitus).

Posted 07 April 2010 at 17:10 as a comment on Pestilence


Braid of Fire + Protean Hydra /would/ be an amazing combo except for the fact that Roughneck has no way of playing Protean Hydra during his upkeep nor a way of keeping the mana until his pre-combat mainphase. Unfortunately the mana is added to his mana pool during the upkeep and drains from the mana pool at the end of said upkeep. (Before he can play any non-flash / non-instant spells) As it stands you can only spend your braid of fire mana on cumulative upkeeps or ensuring that you don't die from pact of the titan. If you had a vedalken orrery then the braid would be more useful to you. That or upwelling / gemstone array or similar.

Posted 07 April 2010 at 16:46 in reply to #60393 on Braid of Handiness


You need some form of thinning out your deck or tutoring for stuffy doll since it is your win condition, the zendikar fetch lands (though expensive) would work, terramorphic expanse or the panoramas that would let you retrieve a plains are other viable choices as they would thin out your land, I'm not sure if there is much you can do to tutor for stuffy doll using white... a good alternative would be scrying, new benallia would be useful, you could check the top card, if you don't like it throw it to the bottom, judge unworthy could be another good choice, nice and cheap, potentially powerful and if you already have a doll you can target one of your en-kors with it when they attack and throw the damage at the doll. hopefully I have been helpful.

Posted 07 April 2010 at 14:52 as a comment on Playing with dolls!


Æther Membrane is being added to help rectify this.

Posted 06 April 2010 at 08:35 in reply to #60279 on CotD: Wall of Earth


All my creatures have that ability for less though, ah, I can use it even if creatures are already tapped, excellent find Roughneck.

Posted 05 April 2010 at 06:12 as a comment on CotD: Duals of the Minotaurs.


You say Creature + Pariah's Shield + Vigor = Ultimate defense, if you replace creature with stuffy doll and ditch the vigor from that combo I'd say the defence got better. No-one would attack you cos they would be the ones to die. (I love putting pariahs shield on stuffy dolls)

Posted 05 April 2010 at 06:08 as a comment on This will never work (but it'd be cool if it did)


that is a pretty epic play and i suppose with the sheer volume of elders in play you were hardly ever actually needing your mana for playing creatures so you could dedicate it to the top...

Posted 05 April 2010 at 06:05 in reply to #59746 on Old Growth Ass Whoopin' (round 10 or 12)


Fair enough, cream of the crop is a good card, although I personally hate anything that forces me to put stuff on the bottom of my own library, it's so annoying, you look at the top however many, you really like two or more but you can only have one, it's like a black player hit you with a discard while you have a hand full of good'uns...

Posted 02 April 2010 at 03:33 in reply to #59746 on Old Growth Ass Whoopin' (round 10 or 12)


I actually never see this deck going beyond the side portion of an emporerer game, if has good defence and can hold of a generic creature rush deck quite well, if it gets doran it holds them off better and if it gets rolling stones it can go on the offensive, but the important part was that it can be sieged and be ok with it.

Posted 02 April 2010 at 03:20 in reply to #59748 on Doran, the Sieged Tower


Mirri's guile I think is the card that would let you check the top three for free each upkeep, you might find it to be a good substitute for the Top, it requires a specific mana to play but it is free from then on. (it also does not have the draw card effect, but you seem to be using the top just for scrying). Sucks that your play circle quits on you, that said I have a tendancy to fold if I know I can't win (but only if they are toying with me, I refuse to sit through an hour of someone attacking me with a 1/1 when they could kill me in a turn or two).

Only thing I think you could consider is a slagwurm armour or two, they work great for protecting your dudes and are effectivly a +6/+6 bonus if you have doran in play.

I actually planned a doran deck with no other treefolk the other day, Doran the Seiged Tower, take a gander (I think the gamble involved might be in line with your thinking.)

Posted 01 April 2010 at 18:56 as a comment on Old Growth Ass Whoopin' (round 10 or 12)


So you are saying that a card that costs 7 mana, three of it specific, that is only a 5/5 with trample AND has a the draw back of defender until it can block something is not a bad card? What, in your opinion, is a bad card if a horrifically over-priced card is not?

Posted 01 April 2010 at 15:19 in reply to #59701 on CotD: Bad card.


chronomantic escape is pretty devestating for denying opponents things, if you set it up right you can't be attacked for the rest of the game (excluding an opponent having a counterspell)

Posted 01 April 2010 at 12:00 as a comment on White Total Control!!!


Any idea on the exact wording or name so that I can find it?

Posted 31 March 2010 at 13:58 in reply to #59520 on CotD: The Cheese Stands Alone


you could stand to lose a land or two and maybe find some cheaper uncounterable creatures or even just some smaller creatures so you have some defence in the early game. That's all I can suggest really, I like it though, good job, sticking it to mister-counterspell-player, have a 6.5, would be more but for the steep mana curve.

Posted 30 March 2010 at 19:42 as a comment on Anti-Counter Deck


Personally I would ditch Mind sludge by the time you can afford it you will have 5 swamps, at that point in time your opponent could be top decking from prior discards you have forced upon them, making the card useless.
I would also ditch the Mire's toil since again your opponent can pick which card(s) they show you limiting your influence and by the time you have any sizeable number of swamps to increase your influence your opponents hand size should be minimal once again.

In their place I would use Cunning Lethemancer and Scepter of Fugue, both of which have repeated use and are sheaper than Mindsludge meaning that they might be of some use to you.

Posted 30 March 2010 at 19:27 as a comment on Sexy Card Depletion


Thornbite staff or viridian longbow would be a better equipment than the collar since you have deathtouch style effects on all basilisks anyhow, alternatively you could use nemesis mask and other lure type cards to force your opponents to block and then regenerate your probably killed basilisk. Also, I agree with ControlGame that you need some small creature, prefferably small creature with mana ramp abilities.

Posted 30 March 2010 at 15:47 as a comment on basilisk


I think you would be better off keeping this in green blue and black and ditching the white, sure the white helps you get the aluren out more reliably but it complicates mana issues, similarly blue has plenty of draw and scry effects to help you find that aluren and put into your hand, same with the harpy, and lets not forget demonic tutor for getting that anycard you want. I'd also ditch the grapeshot cavern in favour of another storm spell, i believe there is a black one with a life drain effect on it (syphon soul, i may be wrong but i am to tired to look it up).

Summary: ditch the white and grapeshot cannon and apply more storm.

Posted 29 March 2010 at 20:19 as a comment on Aluren Storm


Thanks, I figured I'd try doran without the treefolk, walls seemed like an obvious choice for high toughness for low mana.

Posted 29 March 2010 at 17:50 in reply to #59190 on Doran, the Sieged Tower


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