
16 Decks, 189 Comments, 14 Reputation

Day of Judgment... Why? I'd think that having some way of getting around an OPPOSING DoJ would take priority over running it yourself, like Sun Titan or Mimic Vat for example... Just IMO, of course.

Posted 03 April 2011 at 22:24 as a comment on Myr


I'd say Culling the Weak and Thrumming Stone could help out. Ripplerats is a fun archetype to follow; google it.

Posted 28 February 2011 at 15:46 as a comment on Rat Infestation


5cmc for low damage seems a bit steep for me... I feel like I'd add Spiteful Visions before Psychosis Crawler, and even that's low on the likely list of additions.

Posted 28 February 2011 at 14:38 in reply to #135626 on Molten Psyche deck. Halp?


I'd make the suggestion of running cards like Terror or Doom Blade over Disfigure and Grasp, since they mandate "Non-Black" creature. Particularly due to the Donate plan; if you must give them SOMETHING, it's probably better to not give them an out to your attacks.

Just IMO, obviously.

Posted 27 February 2011 at 19:42 as a comment on Colfenor's plans


Vines of the Vastwood might be a good replacement for Giant Growth; shroud would be awesome for your beefy beaters.

Posted 27 February 2011 at 01:21 as a comment on I Spit Hot Fire! (comments please)


Uhh... Very... Bland... Maybe google Ripplerats, and see if you can get some ideas?

Posted 27 February 2011 at 01:16 as a comment on rats of coruption


I think the question you saw was based on one I posted on the WoTC forums a year or two ago. xD

Posted 26 January 2011 at 19:48 in reply to #120851 on Over a Billion Tokens (LEGIT!)


Looks like my deck... A LOT like my deck. O.o

Posted 26 January 2011 at 15:03 as a comment on Over a Billion Tokens (LEGIT!)


If you had a way to return the artifacts back to your hand or deck so you can use the Smiths more often, I think it might work a little stronger... As it is, I'm kind of "meh" on it.

Posted 26 January 2011 at 14:55 as a comment on smity deck


I'd agree with Greg; nix the Unholy Strength and Tainted Strike (everything already has infect anyway, sooo...) In their place, cap the Livewire Lashes and increase the number of Prey's Vengeance and Virulent Swipe; it's two spells to trigger Livewire Lash for the price of one!

Seems like a fun deck, hope you have good luck with it!

Posted 26 January 2011 at 14:54 as a comment on Fast Infect (Comments Appreciated)


Nonono, Sundering Titan's ability triggers when it enters AND when it leaves the battlefield. Transmute is funnier with it, since you'd trigger both. :P

Posted 26 January 2011 at 00:07 in reply to #120592 on Infinite Turns by turn 3!!!!


If I played with 4x Tinker, my playgroup would kill me... Of course, I'd probably play with Sundering Titan and Transmute Artifact, too...

Posted 25 January 2011 at 22:09 as a comment on Infinite Turns by turn 3!!!!


I laughed.

But seriously... For playing outside of EDH, probably double (or triple, or quadruple) -up on some of the stronger cards. Or play EDH, where you can't have any multiples of anything other than a basic land.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 20:49 in reply to #120546 on awesome green


There's a good reason Windfall is banned in Legacy and restricted in Vintage. -1 (anything), +1 Windfall. If you're not going to follow the b/r list, might as well do it in style.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 20:44 as a comment on Drawed to Death


Brainstorm, Lat-Nam's Legacy, and See Beyond could be used to shuffle would-be-useless enchantments stuck in your hand back into your library before you cast Enduring Ideal. Just an idea, though.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 20:36 as a comment on Shrine Deck


For Sideboard, I'd recommend Cabal Therapy at the least; it doubles as discard, and sac for the Persecutor. Contamination maybe, Engineered Plague maybe, Duress/Thoughtseize/Inquisition of Kozilek are all good. Any other suggestions I could make are almost entirely dependent on your playgroup. :)

Posted 25 January 2011 at 14:29 as a comment on The Dark Persecution of Death


I feel like the deck's cool, but too reliant on the Liquimetal Coating; it might be a good idea to include some way to protect it, or to take it back from the graveyard. Nature's Spiral jumps to mind immediately, but that's about it.

Just IMO, of course.

Posted 24 January 2011 at 21:37 as a comment on Liquishatter


Hate to pick knits, but the only creature in your deck that would help the Ooze is Bloodthrone Vampire... It's the only creature with an activated ability (reads as "cost : effect" ). Might consider cutting back on the Skeletons and throwing in Bloodghasts in their place, and swapping out some swamps with fetch lands to help him/it out.

Oh, and something else that can help the Ooze. As it is, the only thing that really helps it is your opponents creatures in graveyards. Nantuko Shade, Molten-Tail Masticore, Steel Hellkite, and Vector Asp all jump to mind as possibilities, but only the Shade and Masticore seem like they would fit your deck (IMO).

Posted 24 January 2011 at 21:02 as a comment on Necrofice


"Army of Leylines" is the archetype's name, I believe. Common inclusions are Mobilization, Sacred Mesa, Moat, and the (older) Enlightened Tutor.

I'd suggest ditching the Singularity if you run with Mobilization or Sacred Mesa. Maybe ditch it anyway...

I've seen a legacy legal version of the deck run, and it's pretty entertaining. He had Serum Powder to better the chances of a stable opening hand, but I'm not quite convinced on it.

Posted 22 January 2011 at 19:11 as a comment on human alchemy


The Battalion is 1.X legal, not Standard. There isn't really any Standard legal variant of it, unfortunately.

Might consider a singleton of Nissa... Personally, I'd consider Canopy Cover and Vines of Vastwood as possible additions.

Just my opinion though, of course.

Posted 22 January 2011 at 19:08 in reply to #118869 on Vengeful Elves


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