
37 Decks, 51 Comments, 4 Reputation

I like it, but try to make your deck whit 60 cards

Posted 03 August 2009 at 10:10 as a comment on Simple Burn


You don't have to use Heritage Druid and Llanowar Elves
You are fast and it is more a weeny deck (low on manacost and fast)
Overrun is nice, put itnto your deck a bit more
You can Elvish Eulogist or Civic Wayfinder if you try to replace somting
Feel free to comment on my decks

Posted 03 August 2009 at 04:13 as a comment on Budget Elves


I like the idee but I think you need more defence
if you try to mill him dead it would be good to have more cards in his hand
Use Howling Mine and more burn
Then you controle him easy if he can't put aniting and draws to mutch
Maybe use Spellbook
Feel free to rate and comment my decks

Posted 03 August 2009 at 04:02 as a comment on Deck Shocker


Nice combo, I think I saw it before but I'm were?
Was it at or or ...
try to find somting on your own and somting never done before plz

Posted 03 August 2009 at 03:00 as a comment on infinate 3/3 elf ctreature token combo


I find it weird to put a Phyrexian Colossus in an elven deck
I would use a Heedless One and find it whit Elvish Harbinger
Feel free to comment my "Elves & Wolves Ajustid" deck

Posted 02 August 2009 at 16:09 as a comment on Haldir's Revenge


Nice deck, I would suggest to use Frogtosser Banneret to make it a bit faster
But overall, I like your goblin deck deck
Feel free to comment on my decks
(I've got my own Goblin deck "Goblin Burn")

Posted 02 August 2009 at 15:59 as a comment on Goblin Necromancy - Comment?


My definition of an elven deck is "hard and fast"
The second I miss in your deck.
Use more lands.
Don't use the spels, maybe use it as sideboard
Feel free to comment my decks, for example Elves & Wolves Adjusted

Posted 30 July 2009 at 07:49 as a comment on F-ing Elves!!!


if you don't play type 2 anny more you could play the combination:
"Darien, King of Kjeldor" - "Soul Warden" =>
It's almost the perfect shield

Posted 29 July 2009 at 08:54 as a comment on strength and honor


Nice deck!
If I have to comment, I comment for the deck description:
"Is this a sliver deck, because they do just the same"
But it's positive there are still good knight decks.
Feel free to rate my decks, for example my Elves & Wolves Adjusted

Posted 29 July 2009 at 06:22 as a comment on strength and honor


I suggest to use no XR mana cost such as: Fireball.
Maybe use:
4x Hellspark Elemental
4x Lightning Elemental
feel free tu rate my decks, for example Elves & Wolves Adjusted

Posted 29 July 2009 at 06:13 as a comment on Elemental


I suggest to use no XR mana cost such as: Fireball.
Instead of using Vulshok Sorcerer I would use Ball Ligtning
Feel free to rate my decks, for example Goblin Burn

Posted 29 July 2009 at 06:07 as a comment on My deck (burn attack)


Cool deck!
Mayby you can put something like a Kithkin Zephyrnaut in your deck.
It may be a relatively hard creature to block (4 / 4 Flying Vigilance).
Feel free to rate my decks

Posted 29 July 2009 at 05:32 as a comment on Kithkin


You say: "Comes equipped with anything you need to put a quick end to your enemies. Fast land, fast creatures, fast win."
Fast, mayby, fast win, certainly not!
What is your strategy?
It seems to me that you are hoping for a good card.
Dare to put cards in your deck that are going to make a difrace (maximum 4)
Dare to put the same cards 4 times into your deck based on your stratigy
Feel free to rate my decks, for example my "Elves & Wolves Adjusted" deck

Posted 28 July 2009 at 09:42 as a comment on Order of the Elf


Why do you make your decks the same?

Posted 25 July 2009 at 16:52 as a comment on blood fo the innocent


Ow, my bad, I didn't know you have to tap Soal Foundry

Posted 25 July 2009 at 16:49 as a comment on addition by subtraction


Nice thinking but it doesn't give you infinity
Try somting like Merrow Witsniper - Phyrexian Altar - Soul Foundry,
and you can mill him till he is dead
It is also mono blue
Feel free to check and rate my decks like Cloudpost Combo or Aurochs Trample

Posted 25 July 2009 at 16:46 as a comment on addition by subtraction


Whit what, elves!

Posted 25 July 2009 at 05:32 as a comment on Highlander U/b control


But still, Druler is right this is my deck but much slower by no possibility to find lands and more Aurochs instead of my Wurm and Elf riders
But if you made it youself, there are to mutch Aurochs in
You can be a treat at turn 6 (if you're lukky)
Chek my deck if you want to make it faster (Aurochs Trample)

Posted 25 July 2009 at 05:22 as a comment on Aurochs


Master of Ceremony Nest

Posted 24 July 2009 at 16:47 as a comment on Member Database


Isn't a Highlander deck 200 cards?

Posted 24 July 2009 at 16:41 as a comment on Highlander U/b control


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