
53 Decks, 245 Comments, 120 Reputation

I know they are choosing to slow standard down, and didn't want to break it in half with an overly powerful DGM release, but I am highly disappointed in the guild champions.

They could have given such interesting abilities or effects that would not break standard or Modern (legacy and vintage are already lolbroke), and I am sad that the flavor of the game has taken such an absurd smack to the face. Each and every one should have inspired casual decks to be built around them, but in particular, the G/W, U/G, R/U, and even R/W champions came out more as 'chumps' than heroes. The others are marginal.

I'm normally one to scream 'Powercreep' at the likes of most of what gets printed (most of GTC would have been rare in Odyssey), but I'm disappointed that they are destroying a new generation of Magic Player's ability and motivation to build fun, flavorful decks that don't suck donkeydonuts

Posted 24 April 2013 at 05:23 as a comment on Dragons Maze Strategy


No force of will, no Tolarian academy, only one kind of moxen, etc etc etc...

If you're going to make a 'high end lolz' deck, at least include some of the better cards.

Posted 23 April 2013 at 19:52 as a comment on Worth Every Penny


I think the Moxen are a bad idea. You're already going to be pushing your luck with card advantage.

Also, Fetches.

Posted 18 April 2013 at 02:09 as a comment on Goblins again


Are you seriously planning on hardcasting Gleemax?

If so, you're going to need a LOT more mana acceleration, otherwise they are just 4 dead cards in your deck.

1 million is quite a lot, you have no way to go exponential with your deck, and no way to go infinite. You'll never cast it, and even if you do, it isn't guaranteed to win the game.

Posted 18 April 2013 at 01:43 as a comment on Gleemax Attempt 1


Epic Experiment > repeal

Posted 12 April 2013 at 01:56 as a comment on Dragonauts


You aren't really taking advantage of Mr. Grozoth. In your deck, he can only tutor for more Grozoths. I built a similar deck with more leviathans and far less control.

From playing that deck, I'll point you towards Mystic Speculation. It's a great sink for extra mana, and really helps pump Ula's Temple.

Posted 07 April 2013 at 04:33 as a comment on Scry & Cry, Beach.


You need to run more fetchlands. Like, a lot of fetchlands. They effectively double your landfall each turn. Look at some standard decks from Zendikar-era to see how to really abuse landfall.

Posted 06 April 2013 at 17:08 as a comment on Falling lands


This deck needs work to be a competitive EDH Deck. Even if you're on a budget, you can greatly improve it.

What is it you're trying to do? Your general says one thing, but your deck says another. If you want to do graveyard manipulation, you need to really seriously do 'GRAVEYARD MANIPULATION' or you'll get hosed by any single competitive EDH deck. Everything from Living Death to the typical reanimation suite to Withered Wretch, all are really needed to take full advantage of your graveyard. If you want to use your graveyard, use it. Bringing things back in to your hand won't do you much good in this format. In general, everything you have that can bring a card back in to your hand, can be replaced by a card that puts it directly in to play.

If you want to take advantage of your general, you need cards with a higher mana cost, and more colorless mana required. Seriously consider some artifact creatures, and some more ways to damage your opponents each turn. See Pyrohemia, pestilence, or Sulpheric Vortex for things that do this efficiently. This will allow you to take full advantage of your general's ability. Change your creatures out for anything with a low colored mana cost, and a very high colorless mana cost. If you can reduce your mana cost, you can play more creatures.

You also really aren't taking full advantage of the card draw that is available to you. You have a ton of tutors in B and Gamble in R that will greatly improve your ability to get the cards you need.
EDH is a different format than standard. You need to gear your deck to perform in it. You have MANY cards available that you aren't using, so many that I have trouble listing them here.

What I'm trying to say is:
rethink your deck. You're missing a ton of black or red staples for the format, and you're missing some/all of the land staples and artifact staples. If you want this deck to be competitive, it really needs work. You've got many, many more cards available to you than you're using, and many of them are cheap, but you need to think about each and every card you select for your deck.

Posted 06 April 2013 at 07:03 as a comment on Death, Reanimated EDH


Teferi's Puzzle Box + Underworld Dreams

Posted 05 April 2013 at 02:59 as a comment on This is your brain on Red


I'd like to take my angel reanimation deck against this. Would be laff.

I'd for sure add in putrid imp, and you probably don't need to be running multiples of most of your animate targets. It might be better to go for diversity, so you can just toolbox in whatever you'd like. Malfegor, or Rakdos, Hellcarver, or Hellrider could all be good targets.

Posted 05 April 2013 at 01:35 as a comment on First Turn Griselbrand


Don't go B/R. That makes it that much harder to get Hymn out on Turn 1/2, and limits your ability to hit dark rituals easily for things like mind twist (btw, run mind twist x2 at least).

Blightning isn't worth giving up black for. Maybe it'd be ok with shocklands and filterlands, but in general, you'd be better off with other aspects of black control.

Nevinaryl's disk will help you with field control.

Also consider going with some legacy staples like Smallpox, Thoughtseize, or Sinkhole. Duress is always a good addition. You'll also probably be needing some draw like Dark Confidant (if you can afford it), Necropotence, Yawgmoth's Bargain, or Phyrexian Arena. With 4x of one of these, you can make up some card advantage and drop the Isochrons. It isn't really worth having 3x for the instants you have now when you can run a bit more black control and hold your opponent down harder than a GFtT on a magic wand.

Posted 05 April 2013 at 01:13 as a comment on Mono Black Discard(Help)


Deck Updated. Any new comments?

Posted 04 April 2013 at 21:09 as a comment on Monored Dragon EDH


Yup. But I'm swimming in activated abilities that I actually want to activate. Some of my dragons have them, I can burn through my Reito Lantern, suspend things, and I can tutor with my general all before my main phase.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 04:35 in reply to #336893 on Monored Dragon EDH


Needs Scrying Sheets. You're already running snow-swamps.

Posted 02 April 2013 at 20:05 as a comment on Beyond The Realms of Death


waste of space. He's better off as-is.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 06:34 in reply to #337332 on best burn deck


I like Koth. Will be added.

I'm not sure about the Hellkite. Usually, I have the trouble that I end up with dragons in my hand that are very mana-intensive to cast and they limit my flexibility to get other things on the field.
Though it could be improved if I run Dragonspeaker Shaman.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 02:57 in reply to #337287 on Monored Dragon EDH


Thanks for the suggestions. I like Dragonstorm, even if it only casts with storm=1, it would be beneficial, and not too expensive if I've got a mana rock out.

See note above on Kilnmouth.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 02:51 in reply to #336925 on Monored Dragon EDH


I really like the suggestion for Braid of Fire, because it frees up mana during the main phase after I've tutored the dragons out, and I have enough abilities that can instant-speed fire that it'll only rarely go to waste.

I wasn't running Kilnmouth because I thought (wrongly) that Amplify triggered on cast, not ETB. Def going to try it and see how it works. I don't usually have a lot of dragons in my hand, but the fact that his ability is mana-free could be really good, even if he does just amount to a bolt for 1RR and a sac trigger.

Not sold on the shaman, Usually my mana goes in to abilities and not hardcasting, but maybe it'll help if the general gets shuffled. Will consider.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 02:49 in reply to #336893 on Monored Dragon EDH


Just some tips-

Don't run Distant Memories. If you want to draw, run concentrate. If you want to tutor, run a tutor. Letting your opponent pick which you get for 4 cmc is usually not a good idea.

Also, things that are better than Repulse:
Cryptic Command, Boomerang, and Into the Roil
Each is more versatile, and except for Boomerang, has the option of replacing itself.

What about Mikokoro as your draw-land?

Posted 30 March 2013 at 05:07 as a comment on Illusions


To get down to 60, drop 2 grapeshot. You have enough draw that you should only really need 2 in the deck, and it isn't like you're relying on storm as your win con.

Posted 30 March 2013 at 04:57 as a comment on Value Ramp


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