
28 Decks, 254 Comments, 2 Reputation

why do you post it if its bad

Posted 26 December 2009 at 09:33 as a comment on Counter spell deck (Worst deck i've ever made)


there is no combo in archon angel and hell's caretaker
it will trigger only once making you just destroy 2 prmanents
allos reanimate and animate dead are sio much better tthan doomed necromancer
and pyrrhic revival

you need much more discard mechanic thats why reanimator plays blue
merfolk loorter and carefull study
or for black delirium skeins

Posted 26 December 2009 at 08:55 as a comment on Crazy Reanimate


look you rtactic with djin is just too weak cause once your opponent knows your technique
he will eliminate djinn each time
and you strategy developes too late game to be efficient
so i would say this is a weaker variation on reanimator that can summon on turn 2 what you summon on turn 5

allso jace is not really good here
allso your mana base is too unstable

this deck is going to score poorly agains decks that have an answer on djinn and you can be sure that allmost every deck will have one
you should consider

Posted 26 December 2009 at 08:48 as a comment on Djinns


or yu could abbandon th eformat cause its rare that an non pro player or player with budget deck wins

Posted 26 December 2009 at 08:38 as a comment on Would this work for legacy tournment? Help needed!


you really want an answer?


1 your deck has no straight forward strategy, have you ever looked at the legacy metagame?
you would get crushed and won't even be able to play one spell

in legacy you have to play one of the archetypes or one of teh subtypes taht maybe mak ee a chance

goblin, and affinity are deffinitely the leaders of th eformat.

2 you have too many singles
coat of arms is shit, eldrazi monument sucks in legacy
memorial costs too much

you need either really fast aggro or powerfull control to win in legacy
this deck fulfills no conditions, and even the combo will not be played here cause they will stop it imidiately with force of will or othe counter spells

so here's what you need to do:
choose other deck(look at the top lists, save money for expesive cards (only budget i can think about that can work a little is merfolk fish)
choose a straight forward strategy, and have more copies of the important ones

Posted 26 December 2009 at 08:32 as a comment on Would this work for legacy tournment? Help needed!


you can delete cards by clicking on the x to th eright of them....

and listen this is kind of a pile of elementals but combining them all is just weak...
try maybe focussing on fusion elemental and loko at the flamekin tribe from morningtidethey can help you play really good 5 color elemental decks

and yes 4 of is th ebest only on some exceotions its better to play 3 or 2 or even 1 depending on th theme.

Posted 23 December 2009 at 05:03 as a comment on Might of the Elements(help please?)


next time choose a decent name

and your deck is too slow to be a real good control deck
3 colored is too slow

bituminous is kinda unneeded

Posted 21 December 2009 at 12:42 as a comment on Nazi


thanx for the ideas

and about sealer lol wtf dude?

build a budget deck is just playing that tiype of deck but with less expensive card s yes iwt will be less good but it will still kick ass

look at my budget reanimator budgetty version of the full budget one but even the budget version can win from the non budget

Posted 21 December 2009 at 12:39 as a comment on hypergenesis (help me make it budget)


dragon herald is unneeded dude ^^

cause i cast that overlord on turn 2: D

Posted 17 December 2009 at 12:27 as a comment on my budget reanimator


it makes no chance in th ecurrent meta

Posted 12 December 2009 at 12:56 as a comment on Soldier Power


the sliver pile of total randomness
too many useless slivers what do you want
control slivers? or aggro slivers make a choice max out the headliners
refine thedeck and have less lands that come into play tapped

Posted 09 December 2009 at 14:21 as a comment on Slivers Inc.


call it a fun deck

cause in legacy format it won't survive a turn

and your creatures could be better there are way better choices and you should run waaay more creatures since it is a creatured based

Posted 09 December 2009 at 14:18 as a comment on Holy Crusade


vamps will kill you before you can play iona

creatures are too random max out the important ones and lower the rest

Posted 09 December 2009 at 14:11 as a comment on Exile the darkness


oh jyes and archive trap + path to exile

Posted 09 December 2009 at 14:10 as a comment on Please check out this deck!


just remove megrim useless here

play more jace
maximize mind funeral
and tome scour
take out the cathartic adepts (hedron crab is waaaay better with some fetches and dual lands from ravnica) cheap way to make it work

remove the wall dude or play a better wall like wall of denial

Posted 09 December 2009 at 14:10 as a comment on Please check out this deck!


: o time siev yeh sorry made this deck in 5 minutes totally forgot

and how do i make the infinite
it isn't needed

Posted 08 December 2009 at 11:34 as a comment on Casual 2 : thopter lifegain deck


so here"'s how it works

you set up early lockdown with counterbalance and sensei's top and ethersworn
ssome early lifegain with leonin elder tha can be replaced with martyr of sands against more agressive decks

fabricate to tae out the combo

the combo: play thopter foundry and sac the sword making a token and gaining one life
since the token is 1/1 sword comes back and continue on making as much tokens and gaining as uch life as you have mana left

then attack woth a flock if thopters
or if you have glassdust make him a huuuuge unblockable creature.
you don't have to win fast
slowly is the way to go


Posted 08 December 2009 at 11:19 as a comment on Casual 2 : thopter lifegain deck


thanx for th ecomment and it was just bizar he made a deck with luminarch,spectral procession, plumeveil , eeria and pride
it's th esame idea and same gameplay but it's ok i talked to him
and yees improvement is the foundation of progress but you hav eto mention the original owner orf the idea.
nimbus maze never caused any problems to me
really i allways have the color i need and i have been rarely hit by th eterrible problem called color screw

so fo r me it is fine^^
and i will look around for arcane denial
thanx for the suggestions

Posted 07 December 2009 at 06:57 as a comment on My casual deck(W/U tokens)


haha thanx it's ok it's ok an di removed isperia and muddle th emixture was a card i was thinking about too

and i had enough of those inconsistant fog decks too oso i made this wone and was proud i finally made something of my own but apparently someone has th esame ideas ads me : p

Posted 06 December 2009 at 07:14 as a comment on My casual deck(W/U tokens)


too many sphinxes no decent spells

to play sphinxes you gotta play control control the board with good control cards and play sphinxes as wincons cause tlike this it will never work

Posted 05 December 2009 at 16:08 as a comment on Sphinx invasion!(please comment on this deck)


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