
1 Deck, 6 Comments, 1 Reputation

i have cards that do destroy lands like bramblecrush, but if you have so many lands and the opponent only has x amount of land destroyers and quite a few choices to use it on, they may not be able to effectively get rid of all of one type of gate

Posted 04 January 2014 at 09:03 in reply to #423557 on Turbo fog theros


i plaid a deck like this, i lost both games because i didn't have any way to deal with mazes end, but i have been told by several people that a pithing needle is an efficient way to deal with a mazes end

Posted 04 January 2014 at 08:57 in reply to #423547 on Turbo fog theros


you had 4 mana... i have a lot of strong creatures castable at that point, but yes lack of mana played a role

Posted 03 January 2014 at 07:29 in reply to #423863 on orzhov bstow,lfelnk,and extrt


ive beaten this deck due to lack of strong creatures

Posted 03 January 2014 at 05:23 in reply to #423863 on orzhov bstow,lfelnk,and extrt


thanks for the input, i have been working on getting some more cards like Woodborn Behemoth and the like but haven't gotten them yet, when i do i will update. this deck is mainly meant to get the player into different playing styles so they can find what they like so they can expand and capitalize upon that

Posted 03 January 2014 at 03:24 in reply to #423908 on Blue/Green deck
