
87 Decks, 695 Comments, 141 Reputation

I guess there's too much cards man, try to take it to 60.
Take out some creatures,there are some many zombie creatures better than that ones:
Phage the Untouchable,Vengeful Pharaoh,Nirkana Revenant,Sangromancer,Bloodlord of Vaasgoth...a looot of others !!
I guess I put some vampires there too but whatever haha..

Take a look at my zombie deck, maybe u can get something from there too,leave a comment helping me maybe ;D

Posted 01 November 2012 at 03:29 as a comment on Zombies!!!


I would take out 2 Soulless one and 1 geth, lord of the vault, their substitute could be:
1 Phage the Untouchable,one or two more Vengeful Pharaoh,Nirkana Revenant,Sangromancer,Bloodlord of Vaasgoth,Sengir Vampire,Bloodline Keeper or 2 Vampire Nocturnus.
Another good substitute for Soulless one its Unbreathing Horde !!
You can choose a lot of zombies man, I wouldnt stay with Geth neither Soulless One..
Take a look at my zombie deck, maybe u can get something from there too,leave a comment helping me maybe ;D

Posted 01 November 2012 at 03:21 as a comment on The Army of the Damned


Maaaaaaaaaaan, I loved this geth's verdict !!!
Bloodgift demon is really worth?
Since its only one card, you could replace it for Phage the Untouchable,Vengeful Pharaoh,Nirkana Revenant,Sangromancer,Bloodlord of Vaasgoth,Sengir Vampire,Bloodline Keeper,Vampire Nocturnus,maaaaaaaaaaaaan there's sooo much other better cards
Take a look at my zombie deck, maybe u can get something from there too,leave a comment helping me maybe ;D

Posted 31 October 2012 at 21:40 as a comment on Mono-black Control before RTR


At first, thanks for the help on my knight deck ;D
I guess you could use Contaminated Ground and Evil Presence, dont need to put in the deck,maybe on your sideboard..cause this two, or even one, along with Zombie Master will fuck your opponents life ;P
Idk, I found it usefull on my deck haha
I just made him, it's something like the Knight one... Creatures with powers that help all other creatures and them if you did a good job BAM, your opponent its done kkk
See it for yourself

Posted 31 October 2012 at 21:12 as a comment on Updated Zombies - Sideboard, lands, and deck explination.


Well, I guess you can do a better deck nowaday.
There are some zombies that can come back to your control without having 3 creatures cards above it in the cemetery, like gravecrawler or cemetery reaper(that puts 2/2 zombie under your control)
I recently made 2 decks

Posted 31 October 2012 at 20:19 as a comment on Buried Alive


It will take a while to get all those enchantments and creatures on...
But I like the style...and this Downsize is very nice, had never seen that card ;P
I would go for another deck, wouldnt play with it, my kind of decks are something like this:

They have a lot of options and makes every creature strong..
Take a look at them, it doesnt have much in common with your deck here,but maybe can give u some ideas for future decks ;DD

Posted 31 October 2012 at 19:50 as a comment on HIT ME, I DARE YOU!


But its a nice combo, maybe not a 2 round winning, but if you play carefully u can use this combo and take your opponent with his guard down..
Take a look at my swamp deck too,since you made one maybe u can help me there ;P
It makes a nice combo too, not a 2 round win, but still nice

Posted 31 October 2012 at 19:30 in reply to #300793 on Turn 2 WIN


So,you need to have it all in your hand... how will u do that???????

Posted 31 October 2012 at 19:26 as a comment on Turn 2 WIN


I was considering taking out the Moths and undestructibility, but with 2 privileged positions I will definitly take them out and put more 1-2 leonins,than I will have some "air protection" and my enchantments wont be destroyed..
The only thing thats bad it's the price of privileged position$, haha

Posted 31 October 2012 at 14:45 in reply to #300722 on Indistructible Knights


Well, since you have some blue cards on here, I would suggest Blighted Agent, I use it in my umblockable deck.
I always pump him up and make him a 3/x or 4/x, than I win in 3-4 rounds of attacks
Dont know if its going to fit in your deck since you already have some crazy ass infect creatures...
So my second suggest it is to have maybe some Artful Dodges or Infiltrate so you can attack if all u got and dont have to worry about creatures blocking u ;P

Posted 31 October 2012 at 03:52 as a comment on Multiplayer Infect with strat explination


Wow,thaats a hell of an advice !!!
Haha,thanks man, I'm gonna check it and "re-made it"
I also checked your zombie deck too, I was doing one as well and got some ideas ;P

Posted 31 October 2012 at 03:28 in reply to #300102 on Indistructible Knights


Why did u put tormented soul? Put Blighted agent instead..way better ;P
If you equip it, 10 infects on your opponent and u win the game ;P
My unblockable deck
And my Double strike uinbloackable deck

Posted 28 October 2012 at 23:14 as a comment on Unblockable v.2


Way better than -The Lameness's "The Most Repetitive Deck Ever" deck ;D

Posted 28 October 2012 at 21:27 in reply to #299868 on The Best Relentless Rats


Dont get it why u have Heartmender when u got Melira...
And how this Pariah works?
Can I enchant oponents creatures with it?

Well,take a look at my deck if possible,I'm needing some ideas

Posted 28 October 2012 at 19:42 as a comment on Plant master


Well, I let skyhunter to block flying creatures of my oponents,and he has vigilance,so I can attack and block..
Veteran cavaliers is almost the same, low price, vigilance.
But maybe I can do like this... took off 2 veteran cavaliers and put 2 sigiled paladin...Maybe its a good idea,since both of them are 2 mana cost
Knight of medow grain I'll leave for another time, this creature really where in my deck at the beggining,but since I have Lifelink as an enchantment I can let it off my deck.
Thanks for the ideas man, I will change the veterans for sigiled paladin ;D

Posted 28 October 2012 at 19:20 in reply to #299866 on Indistructible Knights


Way better...
Take a look at mine Knight deck,maybe u can make it better too haha
and this one too,if i'm not asking too much

Posted 28 October 2012 at 18:39 as a comment on The Best Relentless Rats


Nice one, but I prefer the blue ones, blighted agent is just awesome to have on an infect deck

I have him in my double strike unblockable deck haha
take a look
And this is my recent Undistructible Knights ;D

I'm just starting to make decks, if you have some counseling I would be gratefull

Posted 28 October 2012 at 18:26 as a comment on Mono Green Infect


I like it,but the mana balance it's ok?
Its difficult to tell when u have creatures that dont need mana to cast ;P
I want to make a deck of artifacts too, I'll take some ideas from u here haha
the last one I did was a knight theme
take a look if possible =D

Posted 28 October 2012 at 18:01 as a comment on Tempered steel with cards i have at hand


Nice man
Check my Knight deck if possible ;P

Posted 28 October 2012 at 03:51 as a comment on Scavenge in Standard


Nice maaaan, Liked the Diregraf captain+gravecrawler combination ;D
Check my Knight deck if possible ;P

Posted 28 October 2012 at 03:46 as a comment on Zombie Aggro-Control


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