
53 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

Mainly just replying to acknowledge your comments, I honestly have no idea where to begin on implementing them, I don't have regular access to Modern competition locally, and MTGO doesn't have the same appeal to me since I kinda like the paper physicality to everything (working in IT and all), so I'm just left with the small local scene. From what I'm gathering the main things I can take away from this are:
1. Ulrich is too slow for his cost, use those 2 slots for something lower on the curve.
2. Even if I threw in CoCo, Werewolves lacks the support of top tier decks so brewing it is pointless for standard.
Honestly I don't want to be rude, especially after the time you took to comment, I only started playing in SOI so I'm not going to act like I know anything about Modern, but the barrier to entry makes comparison hard personally, due to the large difference in power levels, focus in ramp options and my lack of experience in those formats and cards.

Sorry if any of that came out wrong, I'm rather new to brewing stuff up, which I must admit I do sort of Ironchef for flavour > power, this is only my second deck and I'm still learning so again I appreciate your time and thank you for any further clarification you provide.

Posted 27 July 2016 at 10:53 in reply to #585992 on Werewolf Aggro (FNM, Standard)


I've always experienced silverfur being too slow for an aggro werewolves deck, he's in the line-up for my midrange version of this deck (I'm just working on a few cards there before I'm happy to make it public). How do you find he plays out, and in what numbers? I'm curious because he can definitely flood the board I just haven't had success with him. I am rather novice at Magic so if there is I high chance I could be missing something obvious with him.

Posted 26 July 2016 at 09:41 in reply to #585901 on Werewolf Aggro (FNM, Standard)


Thanks for the feedback on my deck! ultimately it is things like this that turn casual lurkers like myself into involved members, which is what sites like this need.

Posted 26 July 2016 at 08:56 as a comment on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Updated the list finally, had a play around with Spirit of the Hunt while thinking about the grindier matches, let me know what you think!

Posted 26 July 2016 at 08:52 in reply to #585680 on Werewolf Aggro (FNM, Standard)


Thanks for the feedback! You're 100% right without CoCo this deck is an FNM deck, I don't mind that though as I don't have time to go to tournaments (Filthy Casual) But I'll relabel it when I get home to avoid confusion. I'll look at restructuring the Deck/Notes based on your feedback then too, I was thinking of running +2 Atarka's Command, +1 Howlpack, and +1 Incendiary Flow over the 4 Galvanic Bombardments, from my play testing they are a 4 or 0 of. If I did that I'd probably take the Incendiary and Howlpack from the side as 4 of those was always painful to hit, and put in maybe 2 Rending Volley.

Posted 24 July 2016 at 22:27 in reply to #585680 on Werewolf Aggro (FNM, Standard)
