
3 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

its cool, but one suggestion. i have a mill deck, and in mine i use Rise from the Grave so that rather than exiling their good cards, i take them for myself. you might look into a similar method???

Posted 20 May 2010 at 21:56 as a comment on Milling Mindfuck


thank you for getting it! i love it. however your math is slightly off, cause your forgetting to count the 6th one that was the target of the replication. that would make it 6x6x5 so 180 :D

Posted 25 March 2010 at 14:13 in reply to #57636 on Where'd your deck go?


in reply to "Ok I would add bojuka bog for the graveyard cleanup. At least in your sideboard. Replace Bojuka Brigand with Bela Ged Theif, empty their hand as well as their library. What about archive trap? With all the fetch lands, this hits often.

A non synergetic but nice card is Hedron crab. it'll give you a good first turn creature and a second turn mill for three. Looks promising."

i thought about Bojuka Bog, but decided that would conflict with Rise from the Grave's ability to steal creatures from the opponents graveyard in lou of my own. but yes, if i ceated a sideboard, it would likely have a place in it. and i thought about putting in bala ged theif, but i would not do so at the expense of Bojuka Brigand, because of Bojuka Brigand's casting cost. i wanted to make sure my deck would still be effective with a mana shortage, and so a good percentage of the cards in this deck only cost 2, and Bojuka Brigand is part of that agenda. hadn't really considered archive trap though it is indeed very effective at milling. i probably wont put it in, because part of what makes this deck so effective is that it is focussed directly on what it does, and it does so without the promting of outside influence. however, again a good option for the side deck. ive learned the hard way that just because a card is a "good" card, that doesnt mean it should have a place in your deck. my deck is simple and straight to the point. plus there's opportunity cost. i have no desire to go above 60, so for every new card i add in, i must remove a card that's already there, and i dont want to remove any cards that are already there. as for hedron crab, while again a good card, i wont put it in for the same reason above, and im not too wrried about having a first turn card because the chances are my first land would come in tapped, plus my deck gets going fast enough anyways.

i appreciate the input though, because chances are i have overlooked something, and there is always room for improvement.

Posted 20 March 2010 at 23:04 as a comment on Where'd your deck go?


in reply to "It doesn't seem like you're trying too hard to mill the opponents deck. Is the point of the deck to hope to draw Jace and then stall the game for the counters to build up?"

Jace isnt even important to this deck, hes just a convenience item. Halimar excavator is the main focus of this deck; you play out 1, opponent loses 1 off the top of their deck, you play another and they lose 4, then 9, then 16, then 25... get the picture? under the right circumstances, this deck can completely level (mill) a 60 card deck in 5 turns.

Posted 20 March 2010 at 22:39 as a comment on Where'd your deck go?
