
7 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Your friend seems pretty smart, you should buy him a couple boosters as a thank you. Instead of Infest. maybe you could run Unmakes or Plumeveils to help with early removal and defense.

Posted 13 August 2009 at 10:43 as a comment on Funeral for a Reason


Thanks so much for the response, I really appreciate it. The Deathbringer was a last minute add in due to the board clearing combo with the deathtouch granted by Death Baron. It's definately a late game card and may well be too expensive for it's own good, but it's a deadly combo if executed. Cemetary Reapers may well replace them, thanks for the tip.

In my mind, Jace works here because the Specters will nullify any draws Jace's +2 ability gives my opponent, as they draw and then potentially discard during combat. I am toying with the idea of removing the two duresses and adding in two more mind funerals, just to up the milling theme. I like to have options and multiple ways to win, though I want to be careful not to spread the deck too thin. Thanks again!

Posted 15 July 2009 at 12:13 as a comment on The Hands of Grixis


Thanks for the advice smc1215, I should have put in the description that I wanted to stick with the Alara block with this deck, so that's why you don't see anything from Tenth Edition and Lorwyn/Shadowmoor. Other than that, good tips, the Aven Squires will most likely be out and another Citadel seems obvious. Any recommendations from Blue's Alara block for more control?

Posted 11 July 2009 at 10:25 as a comment on Bant's Finest
