
98 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

The deck performed better than expected. Took it to a reasonably competitive FNM and placed. After the tournament I was able to upgrade it with two Sphinx's Revs and an Entreat. Mainboarded Terminus, which stabilized me a couple times, going to get another. After two more Sphinx's Revs, I'll look for Thundermaw, but the deck performed very well without them. At this point the deck is pretty much done, it's just time to add money to it to make it marginally better.

Posted 09 March 2013 at 17:17 as a comment on 4CC


Fair points made. The reason I don't have more RIP is because I haven't seen much of zombies. Naya aggro is the big thing around here, so I'm trying to prepare this to deal with fast aggro.
Unfortunately I can't afford Sphinx's, and nobody has one for trade around here, but I am looking for as many as I can get my hands on. Zealous was pulled, but can be an incredible game winner, since it doesn't just clear the board to beat for 3, it can steal any finisher and send it right back at opponents. Then I can Devour Flesh it, or Azor charm it when they have it back under their control. Though usually I don't play Conscripts unless I'm swinging to win.
Hypersonic is subpar compared to Thundermaw, but I have no way of getting my hands on a Thundermaw at the moment, so it's all I've got. Any budget replacement suggestions would be appreciated.

I'm trying to come up with better name for the deck than "4-Color Control", or "Everything But Green". It doesn't really have anything to do with truth, justice, or deicide.

Draw power: Yes. This bothers me, too. At the moment I'm experimenting with swapping Searing Spears for Izzet Charms for versatility, and the Dimir Charms are just there for testing, again, for versatility. Mainly, it lets me stack my draw a turn, or it deals with those pesky fast aggro creatures. If it doesn't pan out, those will become Forbidden Alchemies or Think Twices. The sideboard is nowhere close to what it should be, I've just been passing stuff back and forth between side and main, and shoving stuff in the side that I;m considering. The sideboard will look better soon.
Not sure if I want to run more staffs, at the moment 2 seems adequate, though I do like the card. I just feel that more staffs is too many.

Posted 03 March 2013 at 18:45 as a comment on 4CC
