
4 Decks, 7 Comments, 1 Reputation

@ NinjaStyle612: "Akroma's Memorial" gives your creatures protection from B/R, but "Everlasting Torment" partly negates that protection with the "Damage cannot be prevented" clause ... so protection against B/R does nothing damage wise. However, yes, you still cannot block them or target those creatures with B/R spells & abilities ... but using global spells & abilities like "Pyrohemia" / "Pestilence" (or creatures like "Plague Spitter") works just fine and this deck is based on dealing dmg, targeted and global, which would be otherwise hosed by protection. Also there's another similar card that bypasses the dmg protection; "Ghostly Flame".

Rules: "5/1/2008 The "damage can't be prevented" statement overrides all forms of preventing damage, including protection abilities. Damage prevention spells and abilities can still be cast and played; they just don't do anything."

Posted 07 January 2013 at 12:30 in reply to #314761 on The Day of Suffering


Good point. You could swap "Stromgald Cabal" (which is conditional; if you have plenty of white removal/board wipes in your meta, like mine) to a "Darksteel Colossus" / "Blightsteel Colossus" or even to the Eldrazi titans. :)

Also cards you could swap:
* Everlasting Torment; meant to be an answer for the "Akroma's Memorial" and different protection effects.
* Apocalypse; Basically just a "panic button" for certain situations, like if some1 brings "Avacyn, Angel of Hope " to the table ... However, Apocalypse is a funny win-con when you have "Lightning Crafter" or similar ("Oubliette" / "Faceless Butcher" / "o-ring" targeting your own creature) on the battlefield. ^^

Posted 07 January 2013 at 11:31 in reply to #314761 on The Day of Suffering


... indeed. However if one has only 1 card of the certain type, it may be more reasonable to use other cards with multiple copies instead, since the possibility to draw that specific card will be significantly higher, naturally. Ofc if that's not possible, then no can do.

Posted 08 November 2011 at 08:42 in reply to #41957 on People building their first decks!


... also fun & devastating multiplayer card is "Death Cloud". ^^

Posted 07 November 2011 at 11:59 as a comment on Multiplayer Black Fun


If your strategy is to mill, you should probably try to add "Cabal Coffers" to your build, so you can use "Sadistic Sacrament" with the kicker more efficiently. :)

Posted 31 October 2011 at 12:31 as a comment on Extraction?


IMHO if your deck is build around Soren, you could use some "Diabolic Tutors" for example so you can get Soren into your hand when you need it.

Also for Swampwalking, you should check out these cards for future decks;

Sheoldred, Whispering One


Contaminated Ground

Posted 28 October 2011 at 11:00 as a comment on Sorin with Swampwalk
