
3 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

A few notes on the deck.

Play controlling early game versus green decks. ALWAYS burn their early mana creatures, so they don't explode on you with fatties on turn 3. Which is what the Doom Blades are for.

Against control, just go all out with early pressure using the efficient creatures, and finish up with burn.

The main sources of card advantage is the ascension and sign in blood. Staggershock can usually get ascension up and running pretty quick. It's like a 2 piece combo.

While it may be tempting to use Sign in Blood to get that last counter to turn on ascension, it is usually not a good idea. +2 cards is usually a better choice. Unless the opponent is at 8 or less life.

Posted 14 November 2010 at 11:18 as a comment on R/B Ascension Burn
