
3 Decks, 6 Comments, 2 Reputation

devor flesh seems redundant with liliana and isnt as good as Ultimate Price. Try spell rupture as a counter. It and a flipped delver or a crature with a pike is awesome. 20 instants and sorceries seems a little low but doable for only 2 pikes. Needs something else for oomph, maybe another win condition, ill let you know if i think of something. Nice deck.

Posted 10 February 2013 at 23:19 as a comment on duskmantle delver


I have had some success with it, but if it starts to fail i will definately swith it out. Thanks

Posted 01 February 2013 at 01:51 in reply to #320415 on Delver Tempo/Control


I like found the same article, love delver. The only suggestion i have is that i think you need another set of creatures, one that can get throught to allow hands of binding to recast and pump dryad; maybe an invisible stalker or a geist of saint traft. Although you are only playing 2 hands of binding. Maybe 1 or 2 lands more than you may need. i like dissipate over syncopate, and the jury is still out on Mystic genesis. Overall very strong deck, i hope to see some form of this deck top 8 somewhere.

Posted 01 February 2013 at 01:16 as a comment on Schmelver of Secrets


Effective deck, although very oneminded. The thing im thinking about is what if you cant get invisible stalker out or don't draw him or he gets countered etc. I also see problems with fast hard hitting aggro decks and creature control deckswith sweepers like supreme verict. I like the idea though.
good luck with it.

Posted 31 January 2013 at 01:18 as a comment on Bant Auras


Look at Essence Harvest.... Thank me Later
It can win games on its own. Also maybe think about getting rid of Shimmering Grotto and maybe going with just plains and swamps.
Predators gambit doesn't work well in my opinion as exalted needs the use of many creatures to pump/ hang back on defense. sign in bloods are a good idea, Doubles as a burn when opponent is low on health and could always use more card draw.

Posted 30 January 2013 at 03:34 as a comment on Budget B/W Exalted, Upgrades ?
