
5 Decks, 9 Comments, 0 Reputation

Wow you were not kidding. I have to get the cards you mentioned. This deck looks like it will do some serious damage really fast. Or like you would have an army before your opponenet would know what to do against it. I thank you for taking the time to check out my deck and give me advice. I just had a few fungus cards and kinda ran with it. But Im going to order atleast (2 doubling seasons, 1 eldrazi Monument, and 4 pollenbright wings) for now. Thanks again!

Posted 08 March 2010 at 11:16 as a comment on Saprolings Abound


Honestly I just USe him to get more vampires out. 3 mana, tap, your creatures is dead and now mine and a vampire. Not a bad deal. Good early card too with diabolic tutor. The more vampires the better the malakir bloodwitch combo.

Posted 07 March 2010 at 13:56 as a comment on Vampiric Rage


I asked for the advice and you delivered. And for that I thank you. I have removed the misers and am looking for other cards currently (also changing out index etc). When its complete I will repost it. Thanks again for the advice!

Posted 01 March 2010 at 13:24 as a comment on Annoying Rats


Great deck. Rampaging Baloths are pretty much a big deal and the fact you have three in here is awesome. All around a cool deck.

Posted 01 March 2010 at 13:21 as a comment on angry beats


I like this deck quite a bit. I had no idea that Megrim even exhisted so for that alone I thank you. I am working on a discard/control rat deck of my own and that would be a great addition. Great job on this.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 16:03 as a comment on Modified Rakdos Control/Discard


hahaha yes I do. I just refuse to buy Sorin. I have Lilana but I just recent got her through a trade, and am not too sure if shes worth putting into this deck. Shes just on the side if I feel like confusing people with a red planewalker in a vampire deck, and for the demon once everone has reached 0 life but can't lose the game. When that happens I use the deal X damage to target creature ability and destroy him. Also I have yet to aquire a Vampire Nocturnis, but your right that he may be a good addition.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 15:29 as a comment on Vampiric Rage


As far as im concerned this is a great deck. But AEthercraft is right about hexmage. She is one of those cards that just needs to die fast. Paradox haze worked well in my reb/blue deck and is a awesome card. Good job on this deck again.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 15:19 as a comment on I win without attacking


Nice. But what about willbender? When I made my blue red deck I had that 12/12 blue denizden of the deep or whatever his name is and gave him flying with magefire wings. 12/12 flyer is a minor set back to returning all my creatures when he entered the battlefield.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 15:09 as a comment on Intellect Chaos


I love rat decks. I recently made one that was for discarding and even though its not a win by damage, its just as nice watching someone draw out. Kudos to you for this deck and for supporting the rats.

Posted 28 February 2010 at 15:04 as a comment on Rats
