
1 Deck, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

Yeah this deck wasnt meant for competitive play, just a fun deck to play with.

Posted 26 October 2009 at 07:06 as a comment on Relentless Rats


Deck looks alright, but I would suggest cutting some of the cards out. Take a look at mine if you want to see how I built mine. Life link while being a nice ability actually wont do any good for this deck. You want your enemies to attack you so you can trigger your Tainted Sigils. I only play Type 2 format so my deck is only newer cards. Not really a fan of using older cards. My version has only lost twice to my brother but thats because he milled all my Sanguine Bonds in the first game and countered them in the second. Although it lost twice it won 12 games against him.

Posted 05 September 2009 at 10:09 as a comment on sanguine bond


The deck doesnt look to impressive on first sight. Unfortunatly I have faced you with this deck before and I have to say it wins most of its games. Against any slow decks this will most likely win. Fast aggro potential while negating most of your enemies spells. The only deck I have seen this deck lose to was a elf deck, he was sending too many creatures out at a time and was gaining enough life to win. This deck won 3rd place in a local Type 2 tournament, only losing to an elf deck. If you got the cards put it together and you will see why it made 3rd place.

Posted 04 September 2009 at 15:50 as a comment on control deck


Reason you would choose Diabolic Tutor over Demonic Tutor is that Diabolic Tutor is currently legal in the Type 2 format.

Posted 31 August 2009 at 17:52 as a comment on suicide (yet you still win) deck


I am fairly honest when I rate decks because if your not honest then the deck wont be as good as it can be. The deck has too much going on. When I looked at it I wasnt sure if it really was a Sanguine Bond deck or not. If your going to make a Sanguine Bond deck then you want to put in cards that will exploit the card to the max. Most of the creatures you have makes me think your going for an aggressive deck rather then a Sanguine Bond deck. A mono black deck wont exploit the card due to black lacking in the life gain department. You want B/W, or G/B so you will have the best odds of gaining terminal life. Check my deck out to see a W/B deck that is cheap and gets the job done in a single turn.

Posted 31 August 2009 at 17:49 as a comment on My Sanguine Bond deck


I am fairly honest when I rate decks because if your not honest then the deck wont be as good as it can be. The deck has too much going on. When I looked at it I wasnt sure if it really was a Sanguine Bond deck or not. If your going to make a Sanguine Bond deck then you want to put in cards that will exploit the card to the max. Most of the creatures you have makes me think your going for an aggressive deck rather then a Sanguine Bond deck. A mono black deck wont exploit the card due to black lacking in the life gain department. You want B/W, or G/B so you will have the best odds of gaining terminal life. Check my deck out to see a W/B deck that is cheap and gets the job done in a single turn.

Posted 31 August 2009 at 17:48 as a comment on My Sanguine Bond deck
