
1 Deck, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Also, note one big weakness are hoser or crazy enchantments that green or white plays. I have 6 cards that can handle enchants: some flat out destroy, some clone, and some take, and one is a tuck.

My next weakness are artifacts. I throw in Vulshok battlemaster to get rid of things like greaves, as well as to disrupt equipment voltron. The idea with artifact removal is so I can just take stuff easier (cause it's no longer bolted down).

I also have to deal with wayward sorceries and instants. I chose not to have explicit answers (counters) for the fact that EDH discourages them via card disadvantage. What would have been counters are a total of 16 cards that copy and/or steal from others. I really want a bribery or acquire, however bribery is a 20$ card. My total deck cost is around $80. Acquire is a dollar rare.

One of my initial ideas was for this to be a weird form of grixis control via phasing and older effects. In that end, I use teferi's cards that control such. I didn't even realize that also could kill tokens outright, along with hosing all sorts of other decks. And noted above, mass land destruction is frowned upon, however shimmer is annoying. However I still maintain control with spatial binding, albeit at 1 life per permanent.

I also chose not to include cards that tutor, aside that I own 4 unlimited demonics. I personally find that tutoring in a 3 or 4 person edh game slows it down to a crawl. So I rely on draw and draw substitution mechanic. I do use perplex occasionally as a transmute. However I only have 3 cards, with 2 being for lands.

I would like a more consistent means of gaining life. Griselband looked great, but alas. A biggie with lifelink would be ideal. The best would be one that costs no more than a dollar or 2. I would also like Lord of Tresserhorn as a possible commander: 4 mana for a 10/4 regenerator is -scary-.

Cards I don't see as the best in this deck are as follows: Crosis and Garza Zol. I would love either a way to gain life on a beatstick or other scary that can live through a disk or o-stone.

Posted 24 July 2012 at 22:01 as a comment on Can of Whoop Ass


You know your deck better than I will, unless we played a few games. Having played black a lot, I'll suggest cards that might help with synergy. What should you take out for my suggested cards? I have no idea.

Mortivore: He _will_ get big. And */* is default of 0/0 in graveyard.. So if Shirei is in play.... :)

Crypt Rats: Pestilence on a 1/1 stick. Easy to bring back with Shirei. Can also be combo'd with sword of light and shadow for easy board wipes.

Tortured Existence: It allows me to swap a creature in hand for a creature in graveyard for B. I use it for a multitude of uses, including; sending a fattie to the 'yard, prevention of targeted exile, getting back my doomed necromancers.

Doomed necromancer: Like apprentice necromancer, but a 2/2 for 2B, and the bring back is permanent.

Deathrender: gives +2/+2 and if equipped critter dies, I pull one from my hand and put in play attached. I attach it to doomed necromancer :P It's a 2 for 1 special!

I'm getting a less of a twitch about these below, but I will still mention them , on the off chance you didn't know of their existence.

Lightning coils: When a non-token creature dies, put a counter on this artifact. At beginning of your upkeep, if 5 or more counters, take them off and put in = amount of 3/1 hasted red elementals that die at end of turn.I'm guessing you could do that every turn with they way you throw creatures around.

Jet medallion: Makes all your black spells 1 less to cast.

Kuon, Ogre Ascendent: It's a flip card, that when 3 or more critters went to graveyard, flip. His other side is: at beginning of that players upkeep, they sac a creature. To me, its like having 2 braids out. Very nasty.

Desolation: At the end of each turn, whoever tapped a land for mana sacs a land. If its a plains, they take 2 damage. This would stack well with crucible of worlds, as well as stop those harassing blue response mages.

Posted 24 July 2012 at 18:32 as a comment on THE BAD DIE YOUNG (SHIREI EDH!!)


Thank you much, natzito. My problem now is trying to find what to remove that will give me an equivalent bang for my buck.

I have 4 sol rings, but don't know what to take out for them. Instead, I use sculpting steel and mizzium transreliquat to duplicate them.

I use the fattie Bloodgift demon, who is a targetable Phyrexian arena.

Unfortunately, I cannot afford the good dual lands, Bribery, or damnation.

I would like to get Acquire, which is "Bribery" for artifacts. It was in Fifth Dawn.

Posted 24 July 2012 at 18:01 as a comment on Can of Whoop Ass
