2 Decks, 13 Comments, 0 Reputation

Nicee deck, not quite why you have ensnaring bridge in there seeing as you're affecting their handsize not your own, but besides that it seems pretty solid. I'm working on a discard deck myself, if you could give me your opinion i'd appreciate it:

Posted 07 March 2010 at 17:45 as a comment on Control


Oh wow, sweet deck idea. Having more than one avenue to victory is always a plus, i might suggest having simic growth chamber in instead of yavimaya coast though. Besides that i like it. If you could have a look at my deck i would appreciate it:

Posted 07 March 2010 at 17:30 as a comment on Give Me Yo Lands ~ Druids


Haha hell yea you're gonna hate my deck soon :P

Posted 29 December 2009 at 21:28 as a comment on Gain Life


*EDIT* I took Zapherion's idea and put in Quietus Spike in place of Gorgon Flail.

Posted 24 December 2009 at 14:20 as a comment on Unkillables/Unblockables


Thanks hipponox, and well yea you're right but some of the lands add more than one mana to your mana pool, i did notice that problem tho i just didn't kno whether to add more land (which i don't want to do) or remove other cards, but i have trouble with the second one as well because it took me long enough just to cut it down to 72 cards.

Posted 24 December 2009 at 13:57 as a comment on Unkillables/Unblockables


I agree with Graham, without some mana acceleration or something you're hurting mana-wise, maybe you could take out a couple of spells and add something to help your mana out. If you would come and take a look at my deck i'd appreciate it:

Posted 24 December 2009 at 13:34 as a comment on unblockable cards in a blue deck.


I would suggest maybe taking out one of the Silent-Chant Zubera's and putting in another Shirei because it's pretty essential to your deck but besides that, good job, your deck looks like a force to be reckoned with. If you could, come take a look at my deck:

Posted 24 December 2009 at 13:06 as a comment on Echoes From the Past


Hmm that's not a bad idea about Quietus Spike its just whether or not i'd have the money to afford the actual card, Gorgon Flail costs less. And well, i wud put Pariah in but it's a little off theme. Thanks for commenting though.

Posted 23 December 2009 at 23:51 as a comment on Unkillables/Unblockables


Wow dude that's an intense combo, way to piss somebody off and render them helpless at the same time +1 If u could comment on my deck i'd appreciate it:

Posted 23 December 2009 at 13:06 as a comment on Turbo Land Destruction


Good mix of shadows and spells there, but you're lacking in blockers. Maybe you could take some walls and replace some shadows? Just an idea. Check out my deck, its kinda like your deck but with unblockable creatures in place of shadows and some blockers:

Posted 22 December 2009 at 13:29 as a comment on Spooky Shadows


Damn, nicee idea. But i do agree with Chilly, it might not be much fun to play with it due to the basicness of it. Comment my deck:

Posted 22 December 2009 at 13:12 as a comment on Try me.


Thanks Zeus, but about your suggestion with Palace Guard, getting it into play with indestructibility is easier said than done, and i'd honestly much rather have a few unkillable blockers who can't block any number of creatures (yet) but won't die than a creature who can block any number of creatures and can die until i get the indestructibility on it. And i had greatly considered taking Tidal Kraken out, but i wanted a second opinion, and i think i'm going to take it out now, thanks again.

Posted 22 December 2009 at 12:43 as a comment on Unkillables/Unblockables


Natural emergence?

Posted 13 April 2008 at 19:26 as a comment on When lands attack
