
7 Decks, 84 Comments, 1 Reputation

I like the dauntless escort. It's an undervalued card, especially against any removal, which is in, like, every deck. Suggest keeping it in.

Posted 14 March 2010 at 15:04 as a comment on Naya tokens


I don't know about Ib Halfheart, he seems a bit more of a drawback than a help.
Get rid of raging goblin. raging goblin is a terrible card. The optimal deck has cards which are useful at any point in the game. raging goblin is not. Recommend adding lightning bolt in it's place.

Posted 14 March 2010 at 14:55 as a comment on Goblins Go Boom


Wrong. Jund does not mean devour, devour is not a useful ability. Not in any deck aspiring to be tournament quality.

Yes, I agree, you should consider adding a playset of Putrid Leeches. Great Sable Stag is a sideboard card.
Siege-Gang Commander is another solid creature to consider maindeck or sideboard.

Bituminous Blast is a good sideboard card.

Other than that this looks very good.

Posted 14 March 2010 at 14:52 as a comment on Green Jund


In my experience, eight fetchlands are an invaluable land base, no matter it's a single color deck. Drawing less swamps later game is a must. And yes, terramorphic expanse is too slow.

I thought there were tendrils of corruption in here. Huh. I'll put in three or so maindeck and a sideboard to complete the set promptly.

Feast of blood is a good card. I'm not going to deny that. But the point of instant speed vs. sorcery, and in the remote chance that it'll be un-castable due to a vampire shortage is not a risk I want to take. Smother really screws up an early game defens, that's mostly why it's here..

Posted 11 March 2010 at 18:55 as a comment on Your Typical Blood-Sucking Vampire Deck


This is a control deck hiding behind a facade of creatures ... with no spot removal (or removal of any kind) and no countering ... perhaps control isn't the right type of deck description you should offer. I'd suggest quick mana / mill archetypes. Certainly not control.

If you're trying to hedron crab people to death, harrow is a must. In a U/G deck, so is misty rainforest. And a few copies of rampaging baloths wouldn't hurt.

Posted 02 March 2010 at 22:54 as a comment on Control deck


Pyromancer Ascension?

Posted 28 January 2010 at 21:26 as a comment on Two-Timing


You know, a strategy around oblivion-ringing barren glory is actually pretty awesome. And it would be a lot of fun to pull off. You mind if I make a deck based on it?

+1 for the idea.

Posted 27 January 2010 at 18:09 as a comment on Trial Creatureless Deck v1


While it's not always precedent to have three or four copies of everything in a deck, having one or two copies will create a very inconsistent kind of game, and one you're less likely to win on a regular basis.

Posted 27 January 2010 at 18:07 as a comment on Blue #1


Edit 2:
I just realized exactly how amazing Timesifter is in combination with almost everything in the bloody deck. It produces an excellent combination with an Ula's Temple post-activated— Another good use of Brainstorm and Telling time. And lots of extra turns are good too.

Timesifter added maindeck +3, sideboard +1.

Posted 25 January 2010 at 22:22 as a comment on Release The Kraken!


Sideboard added. Suggestions looked into and used, thank you everyone.

Posted 25 January 2010 at 21:49 as a comment on Release The Kraken!


I'm going to edit this a little, maybe it'll work some better.
I was thinking of adding Kraken Hatchling as an early defender ... It's a kraken.
Jace Beleren is a maybe ... I know he's beaten to death from inclusion in every blue deck, but he's very good in terms of card advantage.

I don't know about Raven Familiar ... it doesn't allow you to ecxhange order amongst the top cards of your library.

Sage Owl could work as a manipulator.

Thank you, everybody, for the comments and +1's.

Posted 25 January 2010 at 20:59 as a comment on Release The Kraken!


That card would fit well if I were playing the enormous creatures, but sadly Quest for Ula's Temple only allows me to put them into play from my hand.

Posted 25 January 2010 at 20:45 as a comment on Release The Kraken!


This deck looks like it would stop Jund dead in it's tracks. Which is, of course, it's namesake. Awesoeme!

I'd suggest running four copies of Emeria, the Sky Ruin though.

Posted 25 January 2010 at 20:43 as a comment on all white anti-jund or w/e.


Well, Doubling Seasons are good, yes, and i id suggest adding some ... but on the other hand, you're going to have to pay five mana for something that has gradual gratification.

So playtest Doubling Season before committing to it. Use a proxy, or something.

Posted 24 January 2010 at 14:10 as a comment on Unstopable Tokens.


I would suggest keeping verdant catacombs. Realize that every deck intending to be tournament-quality is running fetchlands that are only half of the decks color. This is because when you fetch for a land, you're thinning them out of your deck so there is less of a chance to draw a land, and more of a chance to draw something useful.

If you've got them, run some copies of Arid Mesa too.

Posted 24 January 2010 at 14:07 as a comment on Jund Control


Instead of Personal Tutor, you could add Mystic Tutor.

I've got a countering-based deck called "countersharks", looking at it could give you some ideas.
( )

But I think you're going to want to make the number of basic Counterspells up to four, and consider adding Cryptic Command, Dismiss, and Dissipate.

Posted 24 January 2010 at 12:35 as a comment on In response...


Right, here's some ideas.
I'm assuming this is for casual play, and you don't care about standard/extended/vintage card restriction
Get rid of Teetering Peaks, and get yourself a playset of Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle.
Maybe get rid of lava spike for a playset of Flame Javelin. You definitely want a playset of Flame Javelin.
Maybe add some copies of Flametongue Kavu.

Posted 24 January 2010 at 12:21 as a comment on Blitzkreig


This looks incredibly fun to play. (+1) I'd suggest some copies of doubling season, though. Exponential expansion = happy face.
I would also boost your number of lands up to 24. Maybe instead of forests, you could add Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, it would help.

Oh,and you misspelled "unstoppable."

Posted 24 January 2010 at 12:15 as a comment on Unstopable Tokens.


Yep. You've got to have a playset of Blightning. That card is a given four-of in any respectable Jund deck. Especially because Bloodbraid Elf exists.

Posted 24 January 2010 at 12:11 as a comment on Jund Control


So, you've got creatures. Expensive, hard to play creatures. It looks like any deck with removal and / or countering will screw you over.

I'd suggest getting some removal yourself. Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares. Oblivion Ring.

Maybe adding some copies of Brave the Elements.

Posted 24 January 2010 at 12:09 as a comment on Revamped Replenish


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