
13 Decks, 16 Comments, 2 Reputation

the reason that I use spectral flight is because it allows my creatures to get in for damage because it gives them flying

Posted 18 August 2012 at 07:12 in reply to #282767 on Bant Smash!


I would consider the birds but they are 0/1 where the pilgrims can hit for 1 damage if I can't do too much. But I will consider the birds. As for the craterhoof, it cost too much for this aggro deck. The overrun, I want to keep it in standard after m12 leaves. But thanks for the feedback!!

Posted 11 August 2012 at 22:00 in reply to #281102 on Bant Smash!


Bant, I love bant! haha, anyways the deck seems off to a good start! I might reconsider using favorable winds. It does have great synergy with your wingcrafters but I feel that it could be replaces with better things. You should try to go around hexproof and unblockable stuff. You should really consider Invisible stalker! It is cheap cost with hexproof and unblockable. You should also consider predatory rampage! They dont go for much now a days. and they are great for pumping any creature up! Also if you are going for ramp consider farseek! They put lands into play tapped which is amazing! Also if you choose to keep your wingcrafters use strangleroot geist, it has haste and undying great synergy with wingcrafter!

Could you take a look at my bant deck? Any feedback would be great!!

Posted 11 August 2012 at 19:30 as a comment on Bant Aggro


I might consider switching the enchants, the thing is the cost. This deck is all about hitting hard with speed, I feel the high cost might hinder the speed But I will for sure try it out! Thanks for the feedback!

Posted 11 August 2012 at 19:23 in reply to #280984 on Bant Smash!


Oh yeah i forgot to change that, I switched them to the strangle root geists for more speed. I figured that I would not need the beast trackers to pull the hexproof guys because it would not be totally necessary to bring them out right away. I feel that the geist will keep them at bay much better since it is undying and haste. But thats in my opinion. In the original design I also had angelic overseers which is why i had the beast trackers.

Posted 11 August 2012 at 19:19 in reply to #280965 on Bant Smash!


oh I think I might switch the searing spears into tragic slips, it seems it would work much better! and it costs less as well. As for the volcanic geyser I might switch to that because it is an instant the only reason I liked devil's play is because it has flash back. As for reverberate, I am trying to stay away from m12 since it will be cycling out soon.

Hey thanks for the feedback, do you think you can give me feedback on another deck? It is a bant deck that i made for standard, I plan on using it in tournaments. If you got the time i could use some feedback.

Posted 11 August 2012 at 08:50 in reply to #280581 on Hatred of a thousand Suns


I think you should consider fiend hunter! If you blink fiend hunter with cloud shift you can remove a creature permanently and then go on and exile another creature! You should also ad restoration angel if you can get your hands on some. Also maybe thragtusk, again if you can get a hold of some. You can also add some acidic slimes to kill lands and enchants. It also has deathtouch. For now that is all I can think of. If you have time can you give me suggestions on my Bant Smash! deck? I want to play it in tournaments so I would like some feedback if thats cool!

Posted 11 August 2012 at 02:44 as a comment on Budget G/W Flicker


Hey , I know you may have been getting a lot of comments and such but if you could take a look at my bant smash deck that would be awesome!

Posted 11 August 2012 at 02:34 as a comment on The Message Board


I think you should add one more thatcher, it has great synergy with the blood artist. I would also consider traitorous blood rather than mark of mutiny, but if you choose mark of mutiny i would add flings if you have room. It is a create way to dish out damage and kill a creature of theirs,

Posted 11 August 2012 at 02:32 as a comment on Red/Black Budget


I like the deck so far, but the title states that it is post m13? A lot of the scars stuff will cycle out. I think that you should switch cancel's into dissipates. They are the same thing but they exile. As for galvanic blast if you are trying to not use cards that will cycle out, consider pillar of flame although it is a sorcery, or searing spear. the thought scour's I feel you should keep, because it is a one mana draw card and it mills. It would work great against miracle decks. you want quick draw esecially at the end of their turn so you can be ready on your turn. You want to rummage through your deck while maintaining field control. I feel that you might want to use tribute to hunger instead of barter in blood. You areadly have things like whipflare and tragic slip to hit all the weenie creatures and then tribute to hunger can take out the big creature that is left and give you life. The last thing I can think of is maybe adding vampire night hawks this might push it over the top a bit, however it does create great field control as well as life gain and easy points of damage and a chump blocker. It is not really needed but I would consider it as a possibility.

I like the deck so far! Pretty good, If I have anything else to add I'll make sure to let you know. Could you also take a look at one of my decks if you got time? It's my bant smash deck,! This is one deck i want to go to tournaments with so if you could! Thanks!!!

Posted 11 August 2012 at 02:29 as a comment on Budget Grixis Control (Post-M13 Pre-RtoR Standard)


That is an amazing Combo! I never thought of that! Hmm maybe I could add that but what do you suggest I take you for it and how many? I was thinking of doing 2 Gisela and 2 Hatebounds?

Posted 08 August 2012 at 08:45 in reply to #277625 on Rise of Griselbrand


If you make the deck a 65 card you have room for 2 more cards.

Posted 06 November 2010 at 00:25 as a comment on Golem Mirror


Put one genesis wave for main deck.

Posted 05 November 2010 at 21:09 as a comment on Dragon/Ramp


THis is a good deck, although I feel that you ned to boost the amount of pumps. You only have 2 golem artisans, how are you going to stop flying? I would say side board either dissipation field for stall, or gravity well to stop fliers.

Posted 05 November 2010 at 21:08 as a comment on Golem Mirror


This is not a bad deck I feel that there could be bette cards than admonition angel, you do need more counters 8 is not a bad number, but don't use negate because they are specific. Also think about adding a baby jace, you kinda need to speed up your draw.

For your side board you do not need the sword of body and mind or flash freeze if you have counters already.

Great deck so far, :D

Posted 02 November 2010 at 01:43 as a comment on UW Control - Please comment


Well, I was planning to use Gideon as another big hitter and threat, but maybe I could add a Jace Beleren although for now I don't know about another mind sculptor because I don't even have one yet! (or even a Gideon) all that I really am missing are the planeswalkers.

Posted 20 October 2010 at 23:26 in reply to #93908 on T2 U/W CONTROL
