Artifact is too strong

by CadStomper on 14 April 2011

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Help me kill that deck! give me idea of how i can beat this deck!

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  • Not Legal in Standard
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  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Artifact is too strong

Exile is what you need. As the Darksteel Forge is probably your biggest issue, you need alternatives to remove cards from the game, or remove cards from your opponent's library so that he cannot get to them.

Extract and Jester's Cap are examples of how you can exile some of his threats from within his deck. Swords to Plowshares will give Exile creature removal against the Platinum Angel should that become an issue. Splinter, while not effective while cards are indestructible from the Forge/Lattice combo, can help you thin out some options early on (for example, Splinter a Lattice before the Forge gets out and he loses all of his Lattices).

Or, play Hurkyl's Recall yourself and hose him when he's not expecting it. That he would not see coming.

Otherwise, tell him that Tinker is BANNED in Legacy and Restricted in Vintage and make his deck "unplayable."

Posted 14 April 2011 at 15:44


As I see now that the Lattice creates your biggest headache, Splinter, Jester's Cap, Extract, etc. would work wonders on it early on.

Posted 14 April 2011 at 15:46


thx for the idea, not bad at all! i guess i have a better chance against that deck with theses cards!

Posted 15 April 2011 at 02:25


i played against a deck with almost all the same card as this one
then i used shatterstorm mix up with pillage ,stone rain,smash to smithereens,
thougth hemorrhage and nightmare incursion then my favourite card bligthning
break all his combos no lands no artifact no cards in hand no win

Posted 14 April 2011 at 18:01


I'll try to mix up the both ideas you guys bring me to be able to cast all the cards with fast mana and gonna have to make a choice about what color i'm gonna play...

Posted 15 April 2011 at 02:26


I'd definitely go U/R for counter, land destruction, and artifact hate. Pillage is a great card, as is one of my new favorites, Misguided Rage (it forces him to choose what goes), then you blow another that you want with a Shatter or something else.

Red has some acceleration now with Seething Song and that other 3 for 5 card (can't remember the name).

I agree with Cad, Shatterstorm would absolutely ruin his day if you can get it out before the Forge. But again, Extract will get the Forge to disappear. It costs 1 U so you can use it first turn, and then he's in for a world of pain.

I welcome any comments or criticism that you can offer with any of the decks I have posted on the site (just click my name to see my decks). Thanks in advance.

Posted 21 April 2011 at 01:58


Ok now that i know i would like to go U/R ... I can see some Extract, Seething Song.. Misguided Rage, Shatter, Shatterstorm, Pillage, probly some Spell Pierce, counterspell.. but how could i win now, i know how to stop him but, how will i go for victory.. i'll try to figure it out but a hand would be appreciate!

Posted 21 April 2011 at 14:47


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Posted 21 April 2011 at 16:06


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Posted 21 April 2011 at 16:10


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Posted 21 April 2011 at 16:23



Burn could work. Splash artifacts yourself like Great Furnace and Seat of the Synod (the R and U artifact lands) for Shrapnel Blast. Lightning Bolt and other 1 or 2 CC for 3 spells.

You could also consider tossing in Whispersilk Cloak to make some creatures unblockable. Slith Firewalker (R) could be used early game to get big, then even larger throughout the game with the Cloak.

So, to start,

Artifact: Great Furnace, Seat of the Synod, Whispersilk Cloak
Red: Lightning Bolt, Shrapnel Blast, Slith Firewalker, Shatter, Pillage, Misguided Rage, Smash to Smithereens, Seething Song (for accel), you could even splash some land destruction (Pillage does either, as does Demolish), Dwarven Blastminer could be good, too, since all he has is non-basic land
Blue: Counterspell, Mana Leak, Extract, and other counter or draw to keep your hand topped up.

The Burn base would give you 20 from Shrapnel, 12 from Lightning Bolt, 12 from Smithereens, plus whatever you add from Slith Firewalker and other alternate sources.

That should be a good start. Try not to play anything that costs more is bigger than a CC of 4. Speed is crucial so that you have answers right from the get go. And remember, Lightning Bolt Tezzeret the SECOND he hits the board.

Posted 21 April 2011 at 16:30


Ohh now i can see a way, burning could really help! thx for the hand, i'll try to set something up with all of this. I can now see a way to win. I'll post the deck later if i can handle this artifact one!

Thx again for the hand!

Posted 22 April 2011 at 01:00
