
9 Decks, 3 Comments, 1 Reputation

Sweet. I like the R/G combination. Though I would exchange the Wooded Foothills for Birds of Paradise. This way it would be much faster, since 20 lands is more than enough considering you don't play cards with high manacost, and the Birds add a lot of speed to any deck. Besides you don't play treshhold or any other ability that needs cards in the graveyard so I'd consider the Foothills a bit out of place. Apart from that it's an awesome deck.

Posted 08 March 2012 at 23:26 as a comment on G/R Wild Mongrel


Yeah, you could say that.
I mean it's no use against fast beat-down or straight damage decks, so don't even try to play it against Goblins or a RDW. But it still is suprisingly succesfull most of the time.

Posted 08 March 2012 at 12:18 as a comment on Weird!


I was close to say that you are right, but still i prefer the Wurm. I would put the Hydra in the sideboard and use it only against decks that won't destroy my creatures. Consider your opponent plays a Wrath Of God or something similar, the round before you can play the Hydra. I would have to pay it's full cost again, but the Wurm is cheap and stays cheap. I personally consider the Hydra to risky for this deck. It has less creatures than other Stompys and brings in lands faster due to the Land Grant. The enchantment you have to sacrifice for the Wurm is also something i consider usefull to rearrange the Rancor or insignificant since it has 4 Seal of Strength and the Witness.
But if you like it better with the Hydra, play it that way. ;) I don't claim this deck to be divine and unbeatable. I played a few times and it definitely kicks ass the way it is.

Posted 14 July 2011 at 14:13 as a comment on Stompy reloaded
