
8 Decks, 26 Comments, 1 Reputation

The problem is you can't actually evaluate cards in the vacuum. Gut shot, for example, is a much weaker removal than dismember, but in the current meta is way more relevant. Same goes for Ooze. It looks extremely tough on paper but in reality it's just too slow. Indestructibility is a very potent form of evasion, but in the current meta, with the abundance of vapor snags/o-rings/dismembers/curses of death's hold etc it just doesn't do enough. I'd take Dungrove Elder over this any time simply because Hexproof is so much more potent these days.
Now don't get me wrong, I do like Ooze, I thinks it's a really fun card to play and I absolutely love the flavor. I might even play it in some of my casual decks, but as far as standard goes, I just don't feel it has a place for it right now. Just my 2 cents

Posted 01 February 2012 at 09:48 in reply to #230869 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


Predator Ooze is a horrible card. Yeah, the indestructible part is cute and all, but in the current meta it's pretty much irrelevant. There are just too many ways to deal with it. Curse of Death's Hold makes Ooze a dead draw, and the abundance of -1/-1 and exile effects in the current meta makes it almost unplayable, not to mention vapor snags...
I've done some playtesting with mono green DA aggro against the current standard decks and the only deck Ooze was actually good against was RDW... I don't think I have ever dealt more than 3 damage with it...
Strangleroot Geist, on the other hand, is an amazing beater. Combination of haste and undying for only 2 mana is extremely good. It dodges removal very well and vapor snags don't really make you lose much tempo, which is really important against decks like Delver. A much better choice for monogreen IMO

Posted 31 January 2012 at 11:48 in reply to #230869 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


I'd swap all 4 Viridian Emissaries for Birs/Elves. The problem with them is that you give your opponet the choice whether to give you a land or not, which isn't really what a ramp deck wants. Birds are weak against removal and sweepers but at least you know what you're getting out of them.
Just my 2 cents =)

Posted 02 January 2012 at 10:57 as a comment on White Wolf Ramp


I' drop all 4 Skaab Ruinators. While it's a cool card, I found it it to be counterproductive in my self mill deck. Grimoire of the Dead isn't great for this kind of deck either, it'll make your graveyard empty thus killing all Splinterfrights and Wurms leaving you with Armored Skaabs and Deranged Assistants, which isn't really what you want... Cellar door is just a horrible card. For 5 mana you're milling one card and making a 2/2 token with only 33% chance. You could try taking Mindshrieker instead. Also, drop the amount of Gnaw to the Bone to 1.
Try taking Kessig Cagebreakers/Spider Spawning. While expensive, those cards are so powerful, that can win you the game alone. Laboratory Maniac is a must have in a self mill deck. You could also try adding a few copies of Forbidden Alchemy, it's a really nice tool to have.
Hope this helps =)

Posted 24 December 2011 at 08:29 as a comment on Cool and Original Deck Name


Prismatic Omen :3

Posted 18 December 2011 at 01:10 as a comment on Progenitor


Yeah, I have used it quite a lot and I have to say that it is extremely fun to play. Every game feels different from the previous one: sometimes you overwhelm your opponents with Kessig Cagebreakers, spawning usually from 8 to 12 wolves, sometimes you just one shot them with 30/30 Splinterfright boosted with Wreath of Geists, sometimes you win by milling yourself with Phantasm + Laboratory Maniac.
I have to admit though, that this deck is pretty slow and is really weak against any form of control, but the sheer fun it offers is well worth it =)

Posted 17 December 2011 at 23:47 in reply to #222422 on Bonestorm (Self Mill)


A B/R Control/Burn deck that cripples your opponents while also dealing some significant damage to them.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 23:01 as a comment on ADVERTISE 2!!!


I'd add some extra control. 4 Fiend Hunters, 3-4 Gideon's Lawkeepers to keep things like Hero of Bladehold or Primeval Titan tapped, 2 Revoke Existence and 2-3 dismembers.

Posted 15 December 2011 at 08:20 in reply to #221199 on Standard Humans


How about bonds of faith instead? They will give you some extra control against non human decks and they can be used for buffing your creatures if needed (works especially well with Mirran Crusader ;)).

Posted 12 December 2011 at 21:57 in reply to #221110 on Standard Humans


Walls hit hard, tru story (Boros Defender Deck)

Posted 12 December 2011 at 20:33 as a comment on ADVERTISE 2!!!


Thank you! In fact, at first I was planning to make it U/W using Luminarch Ascension to win as well, but then I saw Vent Sentinel and fell in love with it =)
As for Felidar Sovereign, I'm not so sure tbh. The thing is I don't really want to make life gain my 2nd win condition, as it kinda goes against the original concept. Adding a few LAs, on the other hand might be a good idea, I wonder how could I forget about those..
Thanks for your advice =)

Posted 12 December 2011 at 20:32 in reply to #221116 on Shield Wall


Hmm, how about Rite of Consumption, Fling or something like that? =)

Posted 12 December 2011 at 18:32 as a comment on Suck my Dick legit deck


Agreed, I tried Unruly mob in my human deck and was really that impressed. It is too slow and reqires a lot of your creatures to die to be effective. 4 Mentors is a bit of overkill as well, I'd cut them to 2-3.
You can try adding a couple of Angelic Overseers, those guys help a lot later in game. You can also try adding a few adaptive automatons, those never hurt ;)

Posted 12 December 2011 at 06:36 in reply to #220992 on Standard Humans


Hmmm, adding a couple Splinters Twin sounds good indeed, the only problem is that I have no idea how to fit them in... I might need to playtest this deck with the adjustments I made and see if I need/can swap anything for them.
Thanks =)

Posted 12 December 2011 at 00:27 in reply to #220887 on Myr Geometry


Looks fun indeed
I'd probably swap one dismember and one probe for 2 spellskites for some extra protection and to steal your oppnents enchantments =)

Posted 11 December 2011 at 23:39 as a comment on Standard blue


Mono blue control:

Myr infinite combos:

Posted 11 December 2011 at 23:33 as a comment on ADVERTISE 2!!!


Ah, you're right, forgot that I would need another mana myr for the 2nd combo.. >.>
As far as lands is concerned, I've never had any problems with casting colored spells as by the time I gather the combo I usually have the lands I need. On the other hand, adding 4 Mesa's won't hurt indeed.
Now that you mention it, dropping Superions and turbines for more mana myrs and banefire sounds like a really good idea, as I barely actually use em to think of it... Incubators however is probably the most powerful card in this deck that works very well with pretty much everything else.
Thanks for your advice, I made some adjustments =)

Posted 11 December 2011 at 23:28 in reply to #220863 on Myr Geometry


Yeah, in fact I had 4 of them before but then swapped them for 2 dismembers and 2 surgical extractions which proved to be more useful. Thanks for you adivce though =)

Posted 11 December 2011 at 22:00 in reply to #220832 on Delving


Ah, just realized it was standard, silly me =S
Well, you can swap Iron Myrs for Palladiums... All your red spells require only one R to activate and you will probably have at least one mountain by the time your combo is complete.

Posted 11 December 2011 at 21:54 in reply to #220835 on Myr Burn Deck!


Hmmm, why don't you make it mono red and take Banefire (which is probably the best X Damage spell) instead? And then you can swap those leadens for palladiums.
Also, splellskites won't save you from counterspells as a counterspell can't target a creature already in play, it will save you from doom blades and boomerangs though. If you want to have some protection from counterspells you might want to add something like Pyroblast/Red Elemental Blast/Guttural Response.
Hope that helps =)

Posted 11 December 2011 at 21:39 as a comment on Myr Burn Deck!


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