White/Red Aggro-Combo

by ChemicalMuffin on 18 March 2015

Main Deck (57 cards)

Sideboard (2 cards)

Artifacts (1)

Enchantments (1)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

When Born of the Gods came out I saw a potential to overwhelm your opponents quickly without them realizing what hit them. I added some life gain and insurance with Sphere of Safety to not get defeated before I could bring out some of the cards with the rather high bestow costs.

How to Play

The plan is simple: Make creatures so big you will take your opponent out quickly. This is achieved by various enchantment creatures (which are also nice to have when playing against decks with lots of creature removal spells b/c you will not always loose all your creatures at once), and Ethereal Armor can pump up a creature pretty quickly to a high level with this deck.
With the Nyx-Fleece Ram you not only have a nice blocker that will protect you also gain 1 life each round. Sphere of Safety is also there for protection b/c you can stall your opponents very easily.
Biggest problem so far is the card draw, b/c you end up playing a lot of cards, haven't fixed that yet.

Deck Tags

  • Aggro
  • Combo
  • Red
  • White

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 342 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

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