
280 Decks, 520 Comments, 166 Reputation

I use the canopy more often than not as i run trees in multiplayer and its go to protect me grin my greetings Esper deck which is mostly spirits. The bosk banneret reduces the cost of treefolk by one for each one of them. It makes two drops one drops and the leafcrowned elder helps get free treefolk out. Its actually rather fast. I won a game on two land for the first eight turns once.

Posted 10 March 2013 at 23:10 in reply to #330138 on Bosk


Saint traft i think is blue white and rather weak dispite his effect. Haven't heard of the captain though. To be honest i based the deck around pure flying spirits and the battleground gives spirits a boost which had saved me more than a few times.

Posted 10 March 2013 at 03:16 in reply to #330014 on Riptide


it looks like an effective mill strategy for sure using the best mill cards but a aggressive deck like vampires or gruul or even boros would give you huge trouble. also a deck with counter spells would ruin the mind grinds. i say add some psychic strike to defend yourself and unfortunately the deck will cost an arm and a leg to build because of all the shock land which goes for more than ten dollars a pop. for a first deck of any type especially control i wouldn't recommend a three color deck usually. too many moving parts.

Posted 10 March 2013 at 02:14 as a comment on Control Mill standard


found this while looking around on the site. looks like a good idea but it seems to have a few too many moving parts so to speak. perhaps doubling up on some more important cards and losing some of the singles. i would also recommend running atleast a few shriekmaw. its a 3/2 fear that kills a creature when it enters which will help you fight back the swarm of a aggressive build such as boros or even vampires.

another good thing to do would be to remove the ashling and add another animar. perhaps the fling might be a bit better held by something else unless you plan on using it to throw the nova which would work rather well unless against a white deck or a green deck who can stop the damage. a black deck would also give that idea a bit of trouble by a 2 drop go for the throat which would remove your fling target and waste the strategy.

Posted 10 March 2013 at 02:09 as a comment on Nova Splitter


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