
10 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Hey! So yes generally mishra's bauble is better for cost, but it doesn't generate value from being sacrificed to thopter foundry. Also unless I get two baubles in my opening hand, I will still only cast Emry on turn two so the upside I don't think is enough for me to make the switch.

As far as the Urza's saga package goes, there's a LOT of hate for it right now (alpine moon, blood moon, force of vigor, wear//tear, disenchant, boom//bust, etc.) and I also have found that Whir of Invention gets stuck in my hand with that 3 blue cost being much harder to pay for. I've play tested with the saga's online and I've had better success rates without them. Yes saga is an amazing card in artifact based decks and I would generally agree with you on that, but that makes the combo much less consistent.

Posted 28 January 2022 at 03:56 in reply to #646024 on Whirza Simplified
