
2 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

I like tis deck, it's not bad and i 've seen lots of the combos on the official MTG website already. But it's not a bad deck. Nice combos with your goblins and good job on the lands! This deck is worth trying.

Posted 02 November 2007 at 09:50 as a comment on


I personally think it's OK but it might be quite slow. Overall this deck it's not too bad.

Posted 30 October 2007 at 12:59 as a comment on


I'm not sure if this is a good deck but it is really SLOW! in terms of mana. You will get mana screw very easily wit tis deck. I don't even see the point playing with tis deck. I'm sorry but i dont like this deck, if i have a deck like tat i would shit myself!

Posted 25 October 2007 at 13:00 as a comment on Play TIme


Hey Andy, its Dalvin

Nice deck but i think it's a bit slow. Hehe

Posted 17 September 2007 at 13:53 as a comment on
