
111 Decks, 101 Comments, 16 Reputation

sorry my comment kept posting not posting posting again and what not. Sry about that

Posted 29 February 2016 at 13:06 in reply to #576425 on Hating the Menace


My only problem I see with this deck is....do you have a way to deal with Karn?

Posted 29 February 2016 at 13:03 as a comment on Hating the Menace


Voice of resurgence is 60$ now! I am just getting back into magic, seeing that is scary. Maybe I should stay out of magic. haha

Posted 29 February 2016 at 13:01 as a comment on Hating the Menace


Urborgs became a necessity it was super hard to get them out. 4 consecutive black mana can be hard to run across even in a dual color deck. And that's true good call! I completely forgot about relic of progenitus. it is seeing a lot of play. I may just play nihil spell bomb since it lets me draw a card. But relic holds board state and I can tap EOT all the time,

Posted 29 May 2015 at 16:19 in reply to #551318 on G/B Obliterate


Not a problem at all. Thanks so much for the input. I think this is the final build. Drawing sample hands, I've been very happy almost every time. Seems like a tough deck. The side board I am still wondering about. It seems to have answers. I'm not sure I agree with one leyline of the void. Maybe add the land that exiles target graveyard that is also a swamp. I even thought about mainboarding one of those and maybe running a couple urborgs? haha as you can see my mind is all over the place. I think I am close to a final build.

Posted 27 May 2015 at 15:04 in reply to #551055 on G/B Obliterate


Stinkweed imp doesn't seem bad, and, even though I don't have to use the mechanic, dredge 5 is a lot. Dredge scares me unless I am playing a pure graveyard deck haha

Posted 26 May 2015 at 14:10 in reply to #550950 on G/B Obliterate


Thanks so much for my comment! I have been back and forth with the golgari charms. Spot removal is very popular in the current meta and that has what made me keep it in. I am thinking of exchanging 2 of the coursers for 2 lands. I feel 22 is too low. I had ulvenwald tracker in. I think your right. I would exchange those for the prey upons since it is a constant state. him with phyrexian obliterator means sac all them permanents haha especially against tron. Make ulamog fight phyrexian haha. I have most of the cards for the deck and it seems to have answers to just about everything. My only scare with throwing more high CMC cards is that if I reveal them with dark confidant I lose life quite a bit. Even though I know I can just play thragtusks and gain the 5 back. This deck demands a lot of life and I am worried I don't have the life gain to keep up.

Posted 26 May 2015 at 14:00 in reply to #550950 on G/B Obliterate


Twin just combos off really well and spell pierce is a pain. I will definitely be adding hand disruption. Since I did a playtest and the deck ran extremely well with it. Especially turn 3 win. consistently.

Posted 26 May 2015 at 00:54 in reply to #547185 on Thisisgonnahurt


Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I hope everyone likes the idea for this. I have always loved the polymorph card. Any ideas please throw them my way. Thank you all.

Posted 06 April 2015 at 17:29 as a comment on Polykul


It does work with utopia but not with abundant growth

Posted 01 April 2015 at 21:35 in reply to #542828 on Lightning fast Emrakul


utopia sprawl works, abundant growth does not work. Utopia is T3 emrakul. Abundant growth is not.

Posted 01 April 2015 at 21:33 in reply to #542833 on Lightning fast Emrakul


Turn 1 forest, arbor
Turn 2 forest, utopia sprawl on open forest, tap, then use arbor elf, untap forest with utopia sprawl, play elvish piper, turn 3 elvish piper into emrakul then lightning greaves.

Posted 01 April 2015 at 21:31 in reply to #542828 on Lightning fast Emrakul


How about the new card from dragons of tarkhir, the one white one x instant put 11 warriors out onto the field. That new card is broken. I am expecting great things from that card. Maybe it has a place in this deck.

Posted 30 March 2015 at 19:51 in reply to #543476 on Wurms is this real?


Please help give me some advice to give this the help it needs. I think I've got a great concept on board but could always use some outside opinions. Thanks!

Posted 30 March 2015 at 01:48 as a comment on AllTheLands


I love consistency in decks so I am wondering what I should really do. Prime time is the staple for this deck, so should I drop emrakul, put in another harmonize. Should I drop emrakul and maybe an eternal witness and add in another harmonize and primal command or primeval bounty. Just some tweaking I think is necessary of course, find the right balance for consistency and variance is hard to do sometimes.

Posted 18 March 2015 at 19:28 as a comment on PrimeTime Love


I would say you need some mana ramp creatures. Fast and control decks would be a huge problem for this deck. I'd say add some birds of paradise, get some delay factors in this to help stall until you get your main fatty out and start to wreck shop. Like the concept in terms of I like giants. For any competitive play though, I'd say you need to take out some big creatures and look for ramp/protection for yourself.

Posted 16 March 2015 at 18:42 as a comment on Modern Giant


Difference between garruk and Nissa though is that Garruk untaps 2 "target" lands and Nissa untaps 4 forest. The 2 lands will be better here for the nykthos sake, due to his devotion that he needs to produce more mana.

Posted 16 March 2015 at 18:09 in reply to #532175 on The wave of doom!


I'd exchange the cloudfin with ornithopter (if that's how you spell it) Evolve won't trigger anyway if your substituting plus you can beat a cmc of 0 with ornithopter. i am building a ninja deck too. So I have been looking at the internet a lot. Thassa was a perfect match up with ninja decks surprisingly though. I think she'd be worth running more of. Shes consistent, cheap, and cycles through your deck nicely. Maybe run black? Hard not to run ink-eyes IMO. Plus some back removal and control would go well especially hero downfall.

Posted 25 April 2014 at 22:06 as a comment on Ninjas of the Deep


YO! Seems like you got too much control man. No real visible win cons maybe besides elspeth. Maybe remove some control and throw some big guys in there and give yourself more win-cons. Esper is amazing for that. Maybe wurmcoil since it's colorless and is great against most decks. Just a thought man.

Posted 25 April 2014 at 21:22 as a comment on JOU Esper Control


Thing is, I am up for some edits and inputs. What you guys think? I thought about maybe adding in lightning greaves as a protection measure. Since my deck doesn't "target the shroud won't affect the gameplay.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 15:28 as a comment on The Offering


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